

Feb 28, '17
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May 19, '17
May 19, '17
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Fastest way to lose subs : Decided that something didn't fit your feelings as creator, didn't even wait a day to tell your subscriber that you are leaving a website and just removed all the contents. Not even saying any good bye. So basically, being a douche bag. You might makes a 'free content' a…

It's because villain always dress better. Seriously, it's like they can wear a fluffy pink feather and still look-act-and be bad ass. Or wearing clown makeup with big red bright lipstick and still looks so scary instead of silly. Or they can just wear ordinary clothing/the same as the protagonist w…

... I have no idea there is things like artsy comic and cartoony comic. I guess you learn new things everyday. What is the difference between them anyway? Sorry, I really don't know and honestly I don't care. It's not the art, it's the story that matters.

I don't care if a comic is black and white. All I care is the story. And the character. Also, too many colors is actually hurting my eyes, I can't even look at GIF that flashing without getting headache, so black and white actually goes well for me. Good luck with your comic smile

Wow, wish I can draw more than stick man. Your idea looks awesome 0.0 I hope you can find artist to collaborating, I will surely subscribing to your comic smile

I won't bother reply, I will just leave this link here with my reply and my screen shoot as proof.

[image] So, I spend almost 2 months. Almost. 2 month. Just watching ad and waiting patiently, logging every couple of hours and so just so I can get 10.000 coins to tip you, which is yesterday I finally managed to get enough to complete the 10.000 coins landmark. And you just decided to not give…

Oh for crying out loud. You know, from READER POV, you all who getting selfish and didn't care about your reader here on Tapas and don't want to hear what the staff said can just leave. Good riddance. And I can assure you, I am not the only one who think that way. There are many app only reader…

Nope. There is a reason why mobile app is rising. Simplicity. Web browser sometimes lagging and if the interface is horrible [aka a ton of ad and other unimportant stuff that makes even loading one page is slow] it means more annoying problems. Also, compared to having to sit in front of PC, it's…

Hi, Welcome to the forum, I have read the first chapter of your book but I haven't got a chance to read the rest. I have too many books that I bookmark lol. Your writing is good btw, just want to reply here to say that smile

Will Gaster ever be free?

I like horror. Anything that can scare me. But if they just have blood and gore then I will just skip them and then forget about them. Then action. Anything that have a fast paced story but I don't mind if they have a ton of text as long as it's relevant [the MC telling the other char what happenin…

My character is a stick-man, they are practically naked lol.

Well, I have account on DA for 11 months now. Never use forums, didn't see the need too and I can't talk about art anyway, I know myself the best. I only have 1 watcher. I have some notes from people asking me to draw them something and when I click their profile, turn out they do the same things to…

... Hmm, I can't give you any art tips like composition perspective color etc so I will just give you my opinion as horror fans : make a story with normal daily activity then twist it. For example this short movie have a setting story of a woman found a hair on her kitchen sink then she decided t…

I remember I have find the OP comic before and this is my opinion After reading some chapter of OP comic I think what people means by 'too diverse' is that there is too many character there? I mean well, jumping to other character POV does sounds good and give more bg about that other character, …

... ... ... ... Yes, go for it '_' Considering how internet works nowadays I will say cat already rule the world anyway, so yeah, cat rules lol [PS : I love dog too]

What makes me likes a comic if I can relate to them I guess, which is why I like slice of life better than action, slightly. But I also like a comic if I like the character there, which is why it's really annoy me if a good comic with awesome art [and everything else] have not-so-good story line. I …

... Well, I will just say my opinion that some people can use Photoshop for painting extraordinary art. Example : Sakimi-chan. She use Photoshop to draw and if you didn't know her, go check her DA : And well, I think that the tools is just a tools. You can even …

Why not? If you feels they fit the theme then do it. It's your own manga anyway not a comic right? But you have to make sure that you get the sfx right. Also, I think Japanese SFX might give more impact than English one. Oh and you might have to including some translation if necessary but yeah I say…

Supernatural fans here too! I love all things about urban legends etc! This thread have a lot interesting comic, I will be sure to check all of them later love_letter

Ok I got a warning that this topic is over 519 days old but this thread have many interesting point that I want to able to get back and re-read it later. Since I can't support Patreon [no cc here, sorry] nor bought the physical book [the shipping cost more than the book price believe it or not] n…

... I will just give a friendly reminder here that if you publish your link on Facebook you better already have some sort of watermark on your comic. It's good to be famous, but I have see too many good one-shot/page comic on Facebook with no watermark [or even a credit link] that got shared on 'fun…

Throw all the lines like : ' I will die without you by my side' which is true because she is their food, 'I love your smell' again true because she smells delicious to them, or throw some scene where the guy looks pale and acting like they are sick and that makes the girl think the guy is frail whil…

Well if your character is necromancer, then obviously there will be death and corpse so you can't avoid that subject. Personally I have lost quite number of people in my life so I can told you that yeah, death can be a touchy subject for me but that's why if you are going to touch that subject, be g…

No offense taken. I can see your POV. But we are talking about Books section, people need to be approved/invited before they can publish there so I am sure the staff won't let 'hey I am not Poe but I want to publish Poe story here so I can collect the revenue' slipped by. And the price is actuall…

Well, I don't know who get the money, but it's the same as the one on Google Play Books right? Who get the money? I dunno. And I realized that his works is already on internet for free. I means I already read the comments on this particular books where people say 'hey this book is free so don't boug…

You means you never see Edgar Allan Poe published [digitally] everywhere before? The story is classic, I highly recommended it to everyone. But well, there is already a lot that publish his books on Google play Book, like : The …

Can I have both? '_' But on serious tone, if I really like the comic, even if they upload once every 3 month I will wait patiently for it. As long as I really like their comic. So yeah, I can be really patient.

Yeah I realized that most top content on Tapas mostly have a strong female lead or a story told from female perspective and don't get me wrong, I like them. It's interesting and I am glad that most of them didn't have just romance but other stuff. And about the ambition to make a movie from content …