27 / 29
Dec 2019

I look forward reading your work if you ever wanted to post it, since I think that having a mother (plus the dog) as a protagonist in a apocalyptic story is very unique. Stories regarding this genre are mostly male protagonist, the only novel I know with a female protagonist is Doomsday wonderland.

Also regarding your writing affecting you emotionally I can some what relate because the protagonist I made in the story that I'm witting right now, is somewhat portrayed to me and the protagonist's life is kind of sad.

It's advantageous since I could write it in detail but I tend to remember things that I don't want to.

Stay healthy though

Can I please get a zombie apocalypse story where 3/4th's of the enemy aren't just other factions of humans? Like sure, it's more 'realistic' but I just want to see one where humans have truly banded together to fight off the scourge.

I would like to read the zombie apocalypse from the POV of Schrödinger's cat.

If you please.

Something interesting would be setting the story on a different time period than the standard modern era.....

how does......Samurai zombie apocalypse sounds to you?

mine is a comci but i am the writer, the diffrent with mine is he awakens in the middle of the zombie apcloypise with amnesia but all the survivers that he finds blames him for the cause of all this so he trying to find out why.

Korea's done that twice now in live-action lol there's the TV series Kingdom and the film, Rampant, both on Netflix. I haven't seen Rampant yet, but Kingdom's a really good watch imo I want a season 2 soooo bad tbh

Thanks for reminding me of it! I've seen the movie but I didn't know it was based on a novella. I remember the film having this sort of depressive tone that I really vibed with. Might be worth checking out the source material~

Yeah thanks! I dunno, maybe I'd redo it with someone else as a short comic kinda thing sometime in the future, but for the most part.. I really wanna try to work it into the world of this comic idea I'm currently working on. I just think it'd fit in pretty well and take the emotional toll off of it quite a bit by working it in there so yea

The author's name is Richard Matheson, should you want find a copy of that novella.

The film version you saw is the third movie based on "I Am Legend". The other two are "The Last Man on Earth" and "The Omega Man". The novella is considered the first "zombie" story and that inspired the movie, "Night of the Living Dead." The novella has even more of a depressive tone than the Will Smith movie.

I'd like to read more everyday survival moments. Not just running away in the woods or shooting down attackers. What about the days in between where you have to gather food, or repair torn clothing? Does anyone still do art at all?

Also, I'd like to see cats just hanging around and not being even a little bothered.

It didn't touch the apocalypse yet... It should be around chapter 30-ies. But in Tapas, its around 20-ies :persevere:

Planning to try to get to the apocalypse before new year. But there is a part where:


MC looks through the older sister's (who experienced the apocalypse, died and then rebirth back to the past) memories

Also, thanks @silverraven0 for recommending!

I added zombified wildlife. I also took an unusual turn for horror, and wrote the story from the point of view of a ten year old girl.

I just started posting a short story collection and the first one is about zombies. :smiley:
There's some action scenes but the story is also focused on the psychological aspect. Also adds a little mystery twist at the end!

Will be posting another zombie story later in the series that has a more science fiction feel to it in terms of the technology that humans have come up with to counter the zombie threat. :wink:

I just posted the first part of my horror series. I was getting bored of writing fantasy and wanted a change in scenery.

I hope you like it.

4 months later

Another zombie story in my short story collection! This time featuring cool technology to help the surviving humans. XD