22 / 42
Apr 2021

Hello!!! The name is Matias and I am a transguy, and my transition has been a COMPLETE rollercoaster but I am grateful to be surrounded by so much love and support from my boyfriend, friends, and family. I'm currently on a journey to learn to love myself, its hard, but I'm getting there :)!!!! Been on hormones for two years and hopefully in the future I get to further my transition.

I have my very first webcomic that is about a post—apocalyptic world taken over by demons and among them lurks a lone survivor known as the Demon Slayer— and she has a thirst for BLOOD.

Most of my cast are LGBTQ+!!!! I JUST introduced a genderqueer character and a transguy in my story as well, I'm currently working on the newest episode ^^!!


:smiley: Thanks so much! I will definetly check out your work, it sounds rly interesting !

I'm a transgender FTM author, so here's my novel, For the Love of Satan!

The main character is also transgender FTM, but I did my best to not have it have a major plot point with transphobia. Hope you guys enjoy!

I'll definitely check it out! I can't wait to sit down and read all of these stories!

Oh heck yeah, great thread.

I'm intersex, and my main character's gender is a mystery. Some think they're a boy, some think they're a girl... most call him "Graham", since that seems to be his name.

Hey y’all, I’m Kai
Though I go by Lemon Demon/Azriel Cian online
Here’s my first sci-fi novel

will be cool if you all could check it out :)) Happy TDoV!

Hi, I'm a nonbinary creator and this is my comic! Almost all of the characters in it are LGBT, though its not brought up much as the story isn't centered around it.

@Lemon_Demon and @nekocoa I'll try to get both of you later today as well! Bit of a hectic time, but all of the suggestions I haven't read yet sound like a ton of fun, so I'll be making time at my earliest convenience for them.

Okay, turns out I only had time to do one of these tonight, so here we go:

@girinma - I really appreciate your attention to detail and the dry sense of the character in your prologue, the hook of your story definitely worked, because despite only having time for the one chapter I'm happily subscribing to read when I have more time! You do great work and I'm looking forward to seeing more!

I'll be getting to everyone else in here in the order that they responded, so be on the lookout.

EDIT: I did a few more this morning.

@ZakuraTheFungi - your Red Dragon has a lot of interesting premises. A cult of assassins, and what seems to be many layers of organizations all point towards a convoluted mystery that will be interesting to dig into. Good job setting up your hook.

@ghostboy9708 - your comics artstyle is wonderfully anarchistic, and reminds me a lot of shows and comics of the 80s and 90s from when dystopic fiction and horror/demonic aesthetics were on the rise. I can feel the anger in your demon Slayer's story, and I'm getting some great DOOM vibes

I'll be checking out more soon!

hi! a little late, but I'm a nonbinary artist and this is my first comic. one of the main characters is also nonbinary and both of them are queer. it's sorta a surreal slice-of-life with anti-capitalist themes but it mostly focuses on the relationship between these two and their growth. been working on this for a whole year now, it updates every two weeks (or every week if I'm doing gag comics). hope you like it!

always looking for more punk comics and @ghostboy9708 yours kicks ass. instant subscribe

No worries! I'll add you to my queue.

@torncloak I checked out your first work. You do a great job of showing Graham's age in both mannerisms and how he's recieved by his peers. That he doesn't understand what's wrong with his actions is a great detail that really clicks, especially when shown from other perspectives. I also really enjoy your artstyle. Overall, nicely done.

Thank you! I have been a bit unsure if my hook was good enough since I tend to have a lot of views drop-off after the first chapter. Is that normal? Anyway, I really appreciate the feedback ^_^