35 / 39
Jun 2015

yup, my little ponies, silversmithing jewellery, a song, aaaaaaaaaaand an older pro comic artist has used the same name for his sci fi comic :/

Well, if I just search "Morsel" it just brings up food or animals eating food. But if I search "Morsel comic" it obviously brings me to my comic/profile which is expected. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌


@Jrej Maybe you should make your three main guys dance topless too XD LOL!! Hey Lev is hot too ;D

@KaiLynx hey what about CNS??

@Zannen00 I know, right!
That will be a spin off.
Lev is actually pretty thin. I don't think he would be a hit!

Haha That's a good thing.
It means you did a great job.
I won't be surprised to see highway banners anytime soon!!!

I got a dead fish and self help books.... here's my series Tapastic.com/series/HYPOTHETICAL-HAPPINESS

Lol working my way up to bus stop ads, billboards, Japanese bullet train skin wraps, airplane tail graphics. Oops will be everywhere. ;D

It definitely helps gain a viewership to be everywhere.

Oops on an airplane!?! I wanna see that!
I'm calling Air Zimbabwe! (Can't afford the big ones, right?)

Your comic is being related to Tokyo Ghoul... that's a good thing ^.^

Only because I reblogged it on tumblr ;( LOL it's my favorite manga

I got a lot of things about Demon King Daimao, as well as some fantasy/urban fantasy novels :/ . Guess that's what I get for choosing such a common name.

well just my regular title "Life of a homeschooler" didn't really pull up more than crappy memes and blogs,
"Insert Epic Title Here" (which is a name I intend on changing when I get restart production on it) on the other hand was the first result smile

I guess that's the plus of having an unusual comic strip title. When I Google mine, I get nothing but my strips. Further down the page I get a picture of me!!! Eeeek!

Since my comic sorta has a unique-ish title, Psychteria, googling it mostly brings up my comic pages and various arts and things I made.
But apparently there's a flower with the same name (with Elata on the end though) that looks like a pair of cartoony lips. o_o

I don't remember seeing that this flower existed when I googled it long time ago, lol.

The top web-result for Grassblades is a landscaping company, and the images-tab looks like this:

So peaceful! XD

My comic - the Tapastic-mirror of it, at least - turns up on the first page, as the sixth result, which is pretty nice!

The only one writing about my comic is me smiley

Well, there's not a lot of different things called Kalle Hizz, so I'm not that surprised.

But everything doesn't always show up on the Googlemachine, so when I come across something nice that someone's written, I take a screenshot of it and save on my desktop and close to my heart <3