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Hi guys... I wanted to ask if there's a way to download my strips from Tapastic, other than doing a screen grab? I've formatted them to be vertical for the site but didn't keep copies... Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My strip is very much along the lines you're looking for. I'm also looking for the same sort of newspaper strips myself.
I'd say "You can still respect your father without doing EVERYTHING he suggests. If you wanna go to college and study art, do that."
You and I sound like we're having the same challenges thrust against us. I too have the book you mentioned, hoping it might shed some light on comedic writing. It's not a bad book but it's all encompassing, meaning the first chapter about finding the target of the joke is more for the standup or the…
These Facebook pages that you speak of.... Is it better to set up a Facebook account using the name of your comic/strip and set up a page for that, use a personal account and create a separate page for ones comic or some other combination? I never figured that one out.
I like the all coloured pencil versions. If I may be so bold, however, I would say maybe have the backgrounds with that 'quickly' coloured look and the characters a little neater.
Well, I hope I get the kinda numbers you guys are speaking of one day. It must be brain jamming! Is that a phrase? Did I just make that up??
I was so proud last week when I broke 40 subs. 40 people have actually taken to my humble little cartoon strip and it made my day. That got me thinking what you guys considered WOO-HOO moments? I guess my 40 subscribers is rather mediocre to some people? Should I ever reach 100 subs I honestly think…
It's at times like this I start to feel out of sorts here on Tapastic. My target audience is the kinda person that enjoys or used to enjoy reading the daily strips in the newspaper. Family friendly, anyone of any age that shares my sense of humour.... that sort of thing.
old-skool, humorous, escapism
My cartoon strip started out as a sort of therapy. I wasn't in a happy place mentally when I first started it and it was an exercise in thinking 'happy thoughts'. Things have changed since and the happy thoughts come a lot more freely but some of the sarcastic digs in the humour are probably my subc…
Yep, I can totally relate to this. I would probably starve rather than ask for food at an eatery. After reading the posts above this one, I realised that you all get as far as going into the places before the panic sets in. I don't even get THAT far! I wouldn't get to a con on my own, let alone have…
Done. Good luck with your studies
Well, Stick's number one fear (as the character is based on myself) is people in a social context. I've not always been like that, but since going deaf, it's something I really struggle with. So there ya go. Art imitates life!
Though it's never been mentioned yet, Hyper's favourite food is Turkish Delight.
Hyperpotamus and Stick In The Mud still languishes at the mid 30s for subs. Those guys have stayed around for a very long time but it'd be cool to get a few more subs. 100 seems like an impossible dream. I should say, it's my strip and very much a labour of love.
I'm kinda unsure what a pen name actually is. Is it like a nick-name that one signs their work, autographs, etc.? I usually sign my strips with Peej as it's a nick-name I picked up. But, having said that, my real name is used for the copyright notice on my site. How far can one go with a pen na…
Yeah, sorry. It wasn't my intention to copy/paste the whole article, just a link to the page.. I'm not completely sure what happened there.
Have you guys read; [United_States_Capitol_-_west_front]I’ve been seeing scare tactics going around various comic artists over the past couple of days concerning an “update” to US Copyright law as a new act, and the reintroduction of legislation known as the Orphan Works Act. According to the misin…
I have to ask why you despise sketching in Clip Studio Paint.
Go on, let's see what you make of mine. http://tapastic.com/episode/161522
I'm deaf. Well, 86% deaf. As a result, I shy away from people and general chit-chat. It's not something I'd wish on my worse enemy and it's made my life quite unpleasant at times. So, I sit at my drawing table and leave it all behind. Unless, of course, I'm making a slyly concealed observational dig…
I was looking for something similar regarding comedy\gag strip writing. Anyone got any pointers on that? Sorry if this looks like I'm highjacking the thread, I didn't think the question worthy of starting a new thread to ask a similar question to the OP.
I guess that's the plus of having an unusual comic strip title. When I Google mine, I get nothing but my strips. Further down the page I get a picture of me!!! Eeeek!
I know exactly how you feel @brunoharm3 I've asked similar questions in the forums to your own, having shared your thoughts with my own strip The fish outa water vibe especially rings true with me. I've even been so bold as to suggest a newspaper-style strip genre in the search but I realised that …
Thanks a lot for your views, guys. Special thanks to bedmoss for such an in depth analysis. You've given me some things to think about. Cheers
Thanks for your opinions there. Yeah, they count. I'm looking for as many opinions as I can get so..... Anyone else?
I'm gonna blow my own trumpet a bit and say 4. I can get things how I want them to look but I'm no Stan Lee.
Hi, guys. My little cartoon strip Hyperpotamus and Stick In The Mud isn't doing too well just yet and I wanted to ask for some feedback/crit as to why you think that might be. I've been posting with Tapastic for about a year, on and off, and have 34 subs. The subs are great but I can't help but wond…
Yep, I'm from the good ol' U of K too. I'm a little further North, between Durham and Newcastle. Bit of a no man's land place really. I've also noticed the time differences becoming a problem. From big things, like missing out on live feeds, to smaller things like getting mixed up with the PST time…