124 / 142
Aug 2021

This entire thread is a just a mine of hidden gems. Hopefully mine is one as well. It's an action adventure sci-fi story about a man who realises that his destiny and fate lies at the edge of the galaxy.


Good story :slight_smile:
Keep up the good work :slight_smile:
Subbed, hope you check and enjoy mine:)

I vibe with your story, yo.
Here's mine.

Just subbed! Beautiful cover, and the potential to draw people into history :slight_smile:

Haha say no more fam. Just wanted to say, in the first few sentences of the first chapter, I think you meant to write "breasts' instead of "beasts" :slight_smile:

The first novel is a battle shonen story with awesome fights. The second is an action, dark fantasy, mystery story where the MC has to prevent the end of the world.

Are you a fan of Naruto :wink: Also, senzu noodle soup... I can't put my finger on it, I could have sworn I've seen something like that somewhere :thinking:

I'm a big naruto fan:grinning:. Senzu noodle soup is a DBZ reference to senzu beans.