13 / 19
Jul 2018

Post works you enjoy that don't have as much views as they deserve.

Check them out! They are my hand picked favorites

  • created

    Jul '18
  • last reply

    Aug '18
  • 18


  • 2.0k


  • 17


  • 17


  • 50


Oh goodness, I have an infinite list of underrated comics, but I'll shorten it to make it easier on everyone lol

and mine but i wont post it here, lets hope someone returns the favor!!!!

Here's one of the most visually exuberant comics you'll find on Tapas:

And here's a an interesting and poetic one:

Here's some stuff that has criminally few subscribers in my opinion

A fun, cute read:

I've got in my library some comics that need more love~

Here are some that are underrated but i love. Some have already been mentioned here, so i will share the ones that haven`t been shared here yet.

This one. This fricking one

I feel like these ones are a lil under rated in my opinion.

least I rarely see comments or likes for updates really.

oh man!! I almost forgot about Miracle Simulator. It's an AMAZING webcomic about a guy named Felix controlling a person in a simulation. It's wonderfully drawn and paced, and the writing is really well done. It's almost criminal that this comic only has 23 subs. Check it out!!!

I just read through all of it and holy snap I'm in love with it! Thanks for sharing!

12 days later

Here's a few that I think deserve some love: