4023 / 11209
Nov 2021

Hey you, yes you, new update is up, check it out, lol

I just uploaded a new episode to my weekly Sunday series. Come and see for yourself! :smiley:

Holy cow I just finished my first chapter and all of it is now up to 5,500 words, todays ep almost broke 2k words.... BUT YEAH MY FAVORITE CHILD MAKE HER GRAND ENTRANCE!

chapter two first part update day! Im excited to start writing in the romance now!

Updated my comics with Episode 17

I updated last Saturday. SO i have 2 new pages! :slight_smile:

clear and sunny (novel): drama, slice of life, lgbtq+

Synopsis: Roxas, a shy-looking yet crass individual, has now come out to his parents. His unrequited love for his childhood friend grows deeper, so is his isolation from everything he has ever known. Prom night is around the corner and he meets a stranger along the way.

Jacob's family is falling apart. In his own home, he feels invisible, a part of its walls. His smile grows heavy as the lies continue to drag him down and everyone he cares about. In an unexpected place, a weird person offers him a helping hand.

Two boys whose lives are tainted by uncertainty rush forward in the rainy sky, hoping for a clear and sunny day that is yet to come.

Two boys, strangers, who met in a small convenience store.


hurray, episode 6 is finally out! come check it out, and hopefully help me get to my goal of 250 subscribers!

New chapters coming on November 24th to Tapas!

Menmar will get new chapters on November 24th! If you haven't known the series, check it out!

Title: Menmar
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Action
From Farsi/ Persian, meaning "to build, to make or to create", Menmar tells the story of Nadhine, a maiden living in an empire in the brink of a political revolution, whose life is saved by Raheem, a being whose existence seemed to belong only to human myths and children's tales. Together they join forces and decide to help each other in dealing with a human Revolution and a mystical journey to uncover seven magical daggers which might be able to save the entire race of Djinns from extinction.

Hello!!:kissing_closed_eyes: A new chapter of our illustrated novel is up now!!

Here's mine hope u read it

Update just dropped !

Hi guys!Its now been six months since I started my webcomic and I'm really proud.I have a webcomic named SPj.Its an action comedy comic set in this pandemic era in an african coutry.A gang seeks to exploit the crisis to expand its territories and numbers.Can anyone stop them before it's too late?

Page 03 of Chapter 05.05 is up as things are moving along. Markin is a bit concerned about Lyza.