4046 / 11222
Nov 2021

I don't know if it's that obvious but half of the panels in this page used Goku as reference for poses/body language

Centris Chapter 27 "Don't Worry, Be Happy" is already out.

New update! Some cute interactions in here

After a schedule slip of almost 2 months, here's episode 20! This is a trip to the past showing how the new timeline formed. A showdown is about to begin, but there's another Renegade on the scene?

Episode 20: Here We Go Again! Showdown at Sunrise With a New Contender!

Updated on Thursday this week! i'd love to reach that 25 subscribers goal and have some nice readers!

Fresh updates today! Check them out if you have a thing for fantasy, magic, and superheroes! :wink:

i just updated yesterday so why not???

Just made a double chapter update on my novella! It’s almost at the finish line! And this time included a very fun visual bonus :wink: Heres a part of it, do check it out! It’s a fun scifi spce opera a la Mass Effect meets Star Wars! ^^

Well well, i'm impressed here are a lot of talen i hope be worthy to posting here my new sci-fi comic called "LUPITA" and feel free to give an opinion i hope learn from you guys thank you.

The main girlboss of a traumatized protag has finally met her equaly traumatized soon-to-be partner! after 8 ep I can finaly write the romance!

I just released a new chapter of Bounty Turn.

I just uploaded a new episode this morning. Please come and see it when you get the chance. :smiley:

Check out new chapters.

Just published episode 3 of my novel~!

clear and sunny (novel):

Roxas, a shy-looking yet crass individual, has now come out to his parents. His unrequited love for his childhood friend grows deeper, so is his isolation from everything he has ever known. Prom night is around the corner and he meets a stranger along the way.

Jacob's family is falling apart. In his own home, he feels invisible, a part of its walls. His smile grows heavy as the lies continue to drag him down and everyone he cares about. In an unexpected place, a weird person offers him a helping hand.

Two boys whose lives are tainted by uncertainty rush forward in the rainy sky, hoping for a clear and sunny day that is yet to come.

Two boys, strangers, who met in a small convenience store.
