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Feb 14

So this one started as me testing out a new brush and then I ended up making it a little card and wrote a chapter to go with it. :sweat_02:

I've grown a little cynical about valentines day.

I haven't drawn them yet (no spoilers but we are seeing colors)!

I'm so happy you included ace colors. It makes me, an ace, so happy.

I wrote a valentines day special for my fanfic and it was bad and I won't show it to you, hopefully it's gone forever. Another Valentines day I straight up traced Korrasami art and thought because the style was so simplistic and different, that made it not tracing, and added it to my comic. And this Valentines day I probably won't have drawn anything for it. Hopefully next year I'll have something cool to show.

Not from my series :smiley: I drew this for a friend, and characters are from her story Side Effect: https://tapas.io/series/Side-Effect
as you probably can tell, it's not really a healthy relationship :smiley:

I probably should've drawn something for my own series, completely forgot about that :thinking: But to be fair, in my own story the romance is almost non-existent :smiley:

Just happy you're here. It doesn't have to be anything amazing if that's what you're worried about. I did a coloring page in ms paint :laughing: