5 / 30
Feb 2015

Hey guys! Looking for a couple of artists to help out in fulfulling valentines day kiss-o-grams.

Min and I are swamped with requests from our event and were wondering if some other people wanted to tag in and help us fulfill people's Valentines day dreams.


Reply with your email if you have time for a couple of quick doodles and we'll work something out!

  • created

    Feb '15
  • last reply

    Apr '15
  • 29


  • 3.1k


  • 11


  • 32


I'm a bit confused as to what this is and what I would need to do?
I might have a tiny bit of time this weekend depending on what needs to be done. But I can't really guarantee anything. But I guess I'll leave my E-mail to see what I could do. I would like to help out. =3
AlkseeyaKC at the google mail.

Sure, I'll help out. Feel free to call upon me smiley


ooooooooooooh I could try and help out!!! its my first time so be gentle.


Aww that'd be so fun! I can do some, yeah! \o/

Ahh thanks guys!! Driving at the moment but will send out more emails when I get laptop+internet time!! ;---; lifesavers

As I've told Micheal before, just let me know. I'm here to help. >uO

I don't think I got an E-mail. But thats OK I don't think I have time. =3

ack, sorry! I've been sending out so many e-mails I must've missed you by accident. Thanks for letting me know tho! Have a great v-day!

Missing na email here too, I don't want to seem a bother! You're great for doing this!

Just sent you some finished Kiss-o-grams. Let me know if you need anymore help or if you're good.

Sent you a private message cause I don't have access to my email outside my phone at the moment.

I don't know if I'd be an any good (or if this offer is still going(?)) but I'd be willing to help smile


Just curious, will all the Valentines get published online? I'd love to see how they all turned out OuO