

San Diego

I am a bridge Troll, somewhere in East County San Diego. I work at a bakery, and draw in my free time!

Jan 14, '15
Last Post
Mar 1, '16
Mar 1, '16
Trust Level

Tapstic has a far more accessible and friendlier community. People come here to read webcomics and even my own dinky no-name comics have audiences because of the way that Tapastic draw people down click-holes. They like one type of comic and look for more? They're bound to come across you. On tumblr…

Once you have the product in hand to sell, make an episode about it with links to your shop and, once a month at the end of an episode you post, have an ad for your store. I would suggest with merch that you make 1-4 copies of the item you want to sell and for pricing you start at what it cost to ma…

So, this is going to sound strange but there's 3 things I do when my art is in this slump. Epic music. I'm talking Viking speed metal, gothic gospel, epic fight scene music, things that get you PUMPED (even if it's the backstreet boys! It's MUSIC and music is AWESOME) Chew something. I usually go…

ABSOLUTELY-- that said I'm also very much a supporter of Anti-supermanism. When there's a giant fight, and your character skates out with a few scratches-- that's a huge problem to me, as well as going through something emotionally troubling and being a-okay. There are a few things that grow your ch…

Characters in motion, characters going through physical pain (Ugh I can't help but beat up my sweet little OCs) And... Currently... World of Warcraft Goblins Hahaha And fur jackets. And old cars. And death and decay ;__;

I feel that way if I skip out on detailed backgrounds. And I mean having NO backgrounds for an entire page, it makes me feel so skeevy ugh! But my main issue comes with time restraints. My depression really fights back at the comic making process and I don't update as normally as I should. Hopefully…

I have several projects to start and how I get on the track is making development blogs! posting a development a week and working up to pages. Other than that, I use National Novel Writing Month to checklist a story and then go from there!

I have a friend who teaches art and his tutorials are really rad when it comes to drawing rooms and environments: <-- Room layouts makes EASYYYY Cityscapes more cityscapes/n…

I am nervous, but add CollectiveCreaux and if you ever see me on, then I'm down to join a group call or chat!

Gotcha! I wasn't sure but there! Official confirmation, thank you! smile

I have two days off of work. One day to do the comic to post on the other day. But that first day is completely dedicated, I stream to stay on point and listen to Roosterteeth podcasts mostly and I schedule at least two meals during work time :>

You can totally post it! When you asked the question, you mentioned "Support it" On this website, you can "support" a comic by giving the creator money directly, but you have to have 600+ readers and it can't be a copyright material. You can totally post it however! You're not making money from …

I feel like it's actually more of a stylistic thing, two different teams doing their own thing. One team is like "People have nipples" and the other team forgetting human anatomy. I don't think it really gets thought about until AFTER the fact, like they are reviewing the finished product like "... …

FANDOMS. I really hate the term "fandom" and "fan" because it literally means "Fanatic" I just want sane, fun, reasonable people to talk with, not people vying for my attention or getting angry for not doing things they way they want it. I've been tumblr famous before, I HATED IT. I could never tell…

I would say no, as the characters you are making money off of are not your own, and Tapastic should probably be a place for original ideas-- not to mention that there's entire legal hurdles they would have to go through because not only would you get into trouble for making money off of anothers' wo…

It's that weird chin he's got hahaha! I try to instill a lot of personality into characters who you might not see everything to. He's certainly one of my favourites to draw as well! I don't mind you stealing him for funsies, I love seeing how people work with him smile

Never hurts to ask, as Michael said! But here's what you can and cannot do with a "Yes" reply! You can: Feature their character in a non-major roll for a very short time (cameo as it's known) You cannot: Make revenue off of your work. Unless the artist and you sign a contract (say if you go to…

I'm not going to add anything, as this isn't a good format, but I will say that I'm aware a lot of people on this website hold art to some sort of "purity" standard and that's totally not ok. If you don't advertise in some form (thank you images, adspots, posting about it for OTHERS to see), you don…

I wouldn't read Demon+Girl. The subject matter is weird, the world seems too loose despite being in its early pages. The style is too inconsistent. HAHA! I'm so self critical, that said, I like to think I have a humor, and emotion I can convey that helps a reader stay interested. I do so enjoy helpi…

FIRST OF ALL I would like to point out this this is specifically targeting "thank you" posts, NOT "READ MY COMIC OK BYE" posts, the latter being the actual annoying type. I'll address it as quickly as I can. I like to think of it as someone acknowledging that I've liked a creation of theirs in the…

My roommate has a giant issue with how King Triton has GIANT nipples but Aladdin has... None?! EXAMPLES! [image] [image] I think this thread should have a "draw nipples on" image dump hahaha

Missing na email here too, I don't want to seem a bother! You're great for doing this!

So here's an example of a post that will be my character post: Jericho Sable [image] Very much a goofy, caring father type. Demon: [image] Silly, energetic, almost always happy and excited. Anyone from this chart: (Click to enlarge or view larger here:

Can't find original posts on the DEOOC thread? Here's where you would find them. Post the OCs you would like drawn in the original thread! If you want to add or change characters, feel free to edit the post but please try to consolidate your posts into a single post containing your references. Visua…

I was thinking, it's getting REALLY hard to find the difference between what people draw for others and their own OCs... Perhaps a thread for OC posting only, and then people can use that as a list? Just a thought! I feel like I'm researching to draw someone something, don't want to cross any wires @…

WHOOPS I screamed, what a cute group shot-- THE NEXT LEVEL OF OC DRAWING!! ! I'm so down!

Hey! The Webcomicchat group on twitter will be discussing this THIS Saturday at 8PM EST/6pm PST as well as rundowns about how artists are coping with this. So please, search #webcomicchat to see what many many artists have to say, from all over the world, about the installation of VAT MOSS and EUVAT…