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Sep 2020

I just applied to the video rewards ad on Webtoons. We'll see how it goes~!

If you want to read ahead, you can watch some video ads to view the locked episodes on Webtoons.

Tapas has early access to select titles. I wonder if they can implement something like this in the future?

Creator Dashboard:

I did some digging to find out how much revenue it can pull. Per 1000 ad impressions, it can range from $10 to $50. It sounds promising for creators to have extra revenue.

  • created

    Sep '20
  • last reply

    Apr '21
  • 9


  • 1.5k


  • 6


  • 15


  • 2


it would be cool if they had it, I just wish webtoon didn't demand 600000000000000000 us PVs to enroll in this kind of thing

Honestly, I have no problem watching video ads if it means supporting creators. But I don't know if that would be the right move for Tapas in particular. Most of the ink I get to give to creators, I do it by watching ads. Watching ads to get ink and give it to creators, and again watching ads while reading might be a bit too much. Then again, most readers don't give ink to creators, so it makes sense from a creator point of view. I think I'd just put up with video ads in the end, because creators do deserve more for their work. :sweat_02:

At least a THOUSAND subs? My comic on Webtoon has 34. Backing out of the thread now... :confounded:

Depends on how the video ads are. If it's "watch 5 seconds and skip" one or two ads like Youtube does fine. But if it's a loop trap of like 8 ads that are all like 2 min long, screw that and hello adblock.
Also depends on if Tapas buys into the "targetted" ads system or if they go along the lines of sites like GAIA where they buy a "set" of ads and rely on the community to notify them of the age inappropriate ads (they try to monitor it largely on their own but some slip through).
I get the feeling that at first, Tapas will do the GAIA route of set ads since it's likely cheaper than targetting.

It's unskippable ad on mobile only. Not sure if adblock can be used on phones.

ideally they want us to have 1 looong episode per week, but this really just encourages chopping your episodes into a million tiny parts, upload 7 times a week, just to hope to qualify and make the most out of this LOL!

I'd like to try it someday, but yea wish the PV requirement wasn't this high : /
( and if Tapas ever does it, i hope they consider a more fair requirements than WT : P )

Or they could add skippable video ads from 5 to five episodes just like youtube

7 months later

The eCPM isn't that high :confused: . For tier 1 countries, the eCPM ranges between 6 to 13 dollars for the android and 10 to 17$ for the IOS market. For tier 2 and 3 countries it can go as low as 1$.