Yeah, in case any of you were considering doing a half gainer off a car hoist and then a face plant onto a concrete floor, I do not recommend it. My shoe lace caught on a part of the hoist and stopped the lower half of me. The upper half kept right on going. Did the natural thing (put my hands out to stop myself) and broke my elbow on impact. I actually heard the snap.
I actually was lucky. My thigh came down across the hoist and my hip hit the ground quite hard as well. Lots of pain and bruising but no breaks there, fortunately.
What sucks is that it is my right arm, and I'm right handed. You don't realize how much you rely on your arms until you lose the use of one. I'm off work for at least 8 weeks and may need surgery. What really sucks, though, is that I can't draw. Can't even hold my stylus. Hopefully once most of the pain and swelling goes away I will be able to (otherwise it's gonna be a very boring eight weeks!). I can't even write. I'm not gonna tell you how long it took me to write this or how much I relied on spell check and autocorrect, but it wasn't pretty.
So, yeah. Yay me.