24 / 24
Mar 2020

I've been questioning the existence of god throughout this whole experience.
Thanks, guys :+1:.

The person who deadass drew Zeniba from Spirited Away may not win the poll but has definitely won my heart

That was a hard one to pick. Good work to all.

Have we reached a point where we can start a smear campaign against our opponents ?!?

Pretty sure Russians are influencing the voting.:grin:

I would rather sit on the floor in the market of Toluca and sell tortillas, than have anything to do with those 'artistic' bitches of Tapas!

That's right! I stole from Frida and called you lot a bunch of European surrealists!:grin:

Phew, I almost forgot about this thread.
The thing is, today is the last day of voting! Don't forget to support your favorite non-cute chibi, if you haven't done it yet. :sunglasses:

@oshirockingham have won the poll...
...but they don't have Ink unlocked! :thinking::thinking::thinking:
So we'll discuss in PM possible options for alternative award.

My personal award 25.000 Ink goes to @Zinx ...
I know it's wrong, because their chibi is somewhat cute in truth :blush: But I like it so much, that I can't leave it without a prize.

And I also decided to award @buttersphere with extra prize 12.500 Ink for their nightmare creature. :smirk_cat: It's so horrible that it deserves to be recognized as well. :joy_cat:

woaah thank you! :open_mouth:
and also congratulations to the winners! and to all participants, you're all awesome! :smiley:

AAAH WOW THANK YOU @tired_programmer!! The nightmares it has given me are so worth it! :heart_03::heart:

This was really cool of you to organize and I had a lot of fun seeing everyone's entries! Thank you again!! :cry_02::heart:

I apologize for not being around to congratulate the winners...

But I really didn't want to, so I didn't try that hard.:grin:

Salty :eyebrows: