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Apr 2021

I wanna study examples of others so that I could make my upcoming action scenes to be the best they can be.
So I'm seeking webcomic references and inspiration, mainly for gunfights and hand-to-hand combat, to examine how other artists approach panelling, poses and the likes for action sequences. Could you guys help by posting links to some scenes that you think are great? =3

I'm mainly interested in the action scene's dynamics and comprehensiveness qualities. All examples that come to my mind (which are few) are either hard to follow who's where and what is going on, or are feeling stiff and not dynamic, or both.

To keep things unbiased, let's refrain from posting our own work (Unless you're fairly certain it can offer things to learn), and promote somebody else's, shall we?)

  • created

    Apr '21
  • last reply

    Apr '21
  • 6


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That's very interesting, I'll keep an eye on this thread as well
Good idea

Out of all of the webcomics that I've read, this one, this one has the best action/fight scenes, in my opinion. There is graphic violence involved, so if that bothers you be careful.

It has a rather sketchy art style, so if you're used to seeing more clean line work, it might be a little difficult to make out. Still though, I think that the dynamism is top notch.

Particularly, the following episodes have great examples of how to panel and draw action.


Some unique framing and dynamic motion in this series. Lots of fight scenes...they build in brutality as the episodes go.

check out the god of highschool from webtoons
I'd recommend mine as well but it'll be a self insert and cocky :joy:

The Witch and the Beast has among the best fight scenes I've seen in any comic. And, it's vertical, which is a more challenging format for action, so they've double-nailed-it.

I love the fight scenes here with and without superpowers and the balance they put on them, the pacing and paneling makes you feel like you are in that fight without the annoying loooooooooooooooong fight scenes (when you are fighting irl everything happens fast so I like that in this one)