16 / 16
Dec 2024

I've been asking for input across the interwebs, and have gotten the fabulous result of a three-way tie. 3 you ask, why yes, despite there only being two option, the amount of "both" votes equaled the other votes :laughing:

So, I turn to you, the forum dwellers. Do you like his hair better Up or Down?
(And just for the memes, I'm adding Both as an option too)

  • Up
  • Down
  • Both


Votes are public.

  • created

    Dec '24
  • last reply

    Dec '24
  • 15


  • 389


  • 1


  • 30


For me they both look good, but give character a different personality :smiley: the first one reminds me of a solider, and the second of a rogue :smiley:

With the hair up, I have the sense that he has matured, grown, and more brave, a development on his character. More like an adult. If he's still a kid, it would be preferable for his hair to be down.

I am personally not a fan of whatever the spiked up hairstyle is called. The second one is preferable if only it was cut shorter and styled finer.
He still read to me like some/presenting as a naive/nerdy/sweetheart dude whatever his hairstyle is, face can't lie.

But it's all ultimately up to you, what kind of person do you want him to come across to audience, and which one suits his personality and setting best.

Thanks! And yeah, that's definitely somewhat the intent between the two. Imo Up looks more mature or professional even. While with the Down style he keeps some of his boyish charm.

Thanks! Yeah exactyl! That's where the difficulty also lies, because he's smack dad in the middle of that space where you transition from a kid to a young adult. So his hair style could lean either way haha.

I think it's called a quiff in English (kuif in Dutch).
But there's definitely truth to what you say. No matter his hairstyle, he's still the kind little dork when the story began. No matter how much cooler he looks as he ages :laughing:

I prefer the hair up, with it down he kinda just looks like Danny Phantom. Which isn't a bad thing, but it makes me not see him as his own character. That's just me personally since I'm a big DP fan :sweat_02:

I also like both styles. They fit him well and I see it the same way as @faisalhussein394.

Do you plan on letting him transition from one style to the other?

My take: Down looks like somebody who reaaaaaaaaallly wants to ask Kiara out on a date. Up looks like somebody who actually did.

Haha, I'll admit that Danny Phantom was very influential in my artistic development. So I'm not too surprised by the comparison :laughing:

Thanks! Yeah I think the looser nature of the Down style is what gives him this adventurous look :thinking:

Yeah! In his current younger design he wears his hair down. In the 5th Chapter of he story there's gonna be a sizable timeskip and I'm workshopping an aged up version of him. I'm also playing with the idea of using both hairstyles and enhance the storytelling through the visuals with it.

Haha, honestly that wouldn't even be too far from the truth :laughing:
((He'd actually have done more than just ask her out at this point in the story though :eyes:))

Oh never mind, it's tie-ing again :joy:

Down because it suits Zack's personality. He's not the one to go with a confident up-cut. He's our down-to-earth tech boi.

That's very true! That's actually also why I find the up haristyle intriguing though, it has big narrative potential because it's so divorced from how we know him!

Seems like down has slightly taken the lead.

Edit: Aaand it's moving towards a tie again :joy:

Aight closing the poll. Looks like it's another virtual tie (leaning more towards the down style.)
Thanks everyone who voted and gave their 2 cents on the matter, it was really helpful! :grin: