223 / 587
Mar 2020

Another Bug Report:

Already read episodes continue to be marked as not read.

I have an android and some sites force me to do that, I wonder if they are site related or the smartphone just tries to be smart and make you use the app. For example when I force chrome to show me the desktop version of patreon on my samsung, some parts of the site will try to force you to either open with the app or a different browser (which will go mobile mode).

I don't know if this works with tapas specifically, but when it pulls the "wanna open this in the app?" Or just automatically takes you to the app, I copy the link and open in a different window. For whatever reason, chrome behaves differently then.

I haven't attempted reading on chrome on the phone though. I use the desktop version on my phone to check my earnings and access episode editing when I'm on the go.

That's good to know. I'd not be surprised if there is an interaction website/browser as I found one that does not redirect (the Samsung default one)
But it got worse with last update. Before, I could use 'open in new tab'. Now, this only open the comic icon.
I think the issue could be resolved by having redirection as an option. I can get how some people like it, so having it as an option would make sense.

@michaelson are there plans to give new authors more stage time I guess you could call it like I suggested above?

That's weird.
I have that issue since a few months (never before). I already tried to reinstall the app.
The only thing that works (obviously) is to remove the app.

Where ca i find the revert button for new design???? I hate it. Why i need to search for a chapers list button all over the screen and then click it every time i need to see the list?

Personal gripe to add since uhh.. seemingly no one else likes the inclusion of music in comics or novels.. but we have the option to play the song and the option to mute it. I like the fact that it is tied to just one button which is a simple musical note, however there's no way for a reader to find the song itself like there was back then: through a link appearing above the episodes. I personally found a lot of enjoyable music back then (notably from Leftovers) thanks to this feature so..

I think it'd be neat if the songs used from Soundcloud would be included at the very bottom of the description for an episode, or like at the very least in the menu next to the share button. I dunno if that's like.. by intentional design or if that's just an oversight, but I do kinda see it as a downgrade from how the feature was before tbh

The new site makes it much harder to navigate - more clicks and the support button is no longer visible on the opening page. Why did you make it more difficult for readers to support comics? (I'm a reader, not an artist.)

When I go to a comic, there is nearly as much space for links to other comics as the comic I am there to read.

If the goal was to improve aesthetics, you have failed.

Agreed. The scrolling function on webtoons takes away from the "feel" of a page of a comic as part of an integrated whole. The

The chapter update icon no longer shows how many new chapters there are. There is now just a yellow dot. Also I can't sort all comics of a certain genre by date now. That was the way I used to find new content.

YO WHERE THE HECK DID MY EASY "PUBLISH" BUTTON GO? Seriously, guys, who is this update for???

please... PLEASE bring banners back. I see no reason as to why they had to be removed

Hi! This is my first time on the forum, so, hello everyone :smiley: (please be patient with my bad english XD)
I just really don't like this update: for the new layout "mobile style", for the missing features and also because the website is slow, really slow.

Just a couple of things about the "all comics" section.

When you browse the comics by genre/all there is no more way to sort them by alphabet/date/subscribers/likes. The comics are sorted from the "last published" to the old one, missing other ways to sort them like in the old website, please restore them.

The continuos scroll is the worst option for this section. There are more than 60.000 series on Tapas and scroll down -maybe until you die- just to find a new comic it's crazy.
The old "pages browsing view" is a better way to display all the comics: if my connection is not so fast, I don't need to load all the comic thumbails; if I lost the conncetion, with the infinite scroll down I must start from the beginning, but with the "pages browsing view" I can start from the page where I was.

If you scroll until the end of the page (yes I did it in the BL section), as other user report, there is a bug where the comics thumbnails overlappings and you can't see all the other comics.

Here a couple of screenshots

Thanks for what you do for the community! <3

Here. Let’s have some positive vibes.
Let's enjoy the good thing that happens right now on the Tapas redesign.

:+1: From mobile perspective at the mobile web the popup menu is running smoother and not flashing in your face. Still glitchy at the top :upside_down: But it is way better and feels more like using the app.

:+1: in the dashboard when you take a preview of your next episode, there are no heavy loading time.

:+1: your library list can be sorted in comics/novels

:+1: In the question about Webtoon had brought Tapas:


i can't read everything but i just did a double check and the Subscribe option is still right next to the Report one.

@michaelson PLEASE keep those two buttons as far away from each other as you possibly can. Right now you're just asking for accidents to happen :sweat_01: ( or giving salty readers some bad ideas, lolll) Especially on app/mobile. So easy to click the wrong things!

They're definitely working on it but with all the other issues to fix too it might take some time. There workers aren't machines. They need breaks too and are most likely already overtime on fixing the biggest issues and bugs. Michael has said that they will move the subscribe button