1 / 15
May 2018

Aaand the winners for ALL categories are BL comics!!

Anyways, can anybody find a link to Webtoons contest page?

I can't find it anymore. and links I do find of it no longer work. It's kind of suspicious.

On a serious note, should you even BOTHER entering if it's not BL?

  • created

    May '18
  • last reply

    May '18
  • 14


  • 2.6k


  • 9


  • 40


  • 3


Which contest are you talking about? Not the $80,000 Contest, right? That's all I've been hearing about.
That one doesn't start until June.

Again, the first round hasn't even started yet.

They can't have picked 8 people to go on to the next round (or any winners in general) because they did the notice on May 24th. It's May 29th now. If you're saying they've already picked winners, people had only 5 days to work on all of the rounds. Webtoons would've only had 5 days to pick winners.

That doesn't make sense.

Like, are you saying that because there is BL comics in each category that those will be the guaranteed winners? Are you making a speculation?

Yes. It was a joke.

Hence why I asked if it's even worth it to join because I speculate that BL comics are going to win anyways.

I´m pretty sure they are trying to get attention with the title, so someone will click and help them out. haha. And as for the speculation, BL comics aren´t as popular on Webtoons as on Tappas, and even if they were, there is only on category focused on Romance anyways.
so ??? of course you should enter even if it´s not BL.

Could've just...talked about that the in first place XD
In any case, why should the popularity of BL even stop you? Just enter and give it a shot.

Things get popular when they're high in demand. So if we want something else in demand, we gotta do our best. Not trying because of something else lessens that chance.

Yeah, I agree. It´s not like there is many topics going by unnoticed in the Tappas Forum, and "I think the (Election) Contest is rigged" would have propably drawn more attention lol

@frostdrive You did.....a click bait title....


now seriously, taking into account what Merle said about BL not being as popular as it is in Tapas and the fact that there are different categories. It may be viable if you have the skills to pull it off.

Personally i think you have a cool and cute art style and you are a good writer. But you have to take into account if you can afford to spend the extra time making the comic for the contest and if you can afford to lose, because winning is never guaranteed (even if the judges favor certain genres/subgenres because more than one person can write in the same genre/subgenre). So i would not take risks like, for example, quitting you day job

Maybe I should start pulling jokes everytime a new movie comes out of Hollywood saying "And the main character is a cis straight person!! Haha! Funny, right? Because Hollywood's target audience really seems to like those!!" and see if anybody laughs.

Then I should keep pulling them even after the few who found it funny stopped laughing.

It'll be great guys :kissing_heart:

In all seriousness, I don't get why this is even a joke or a remarkable thing to begin with. If you want straight stories and gay stories to have the same shot at succeeding online, then not making a big deal out of it and letting people like what they like would be a great start.
...because people not being allowed to like what they like and gay stories being pushed out of media is kind of the reason they dominate the indie market to begin with. Just saying...

lmao I love how you said " dishonor " because your profile picture matches with the voice that yelled it in my head XD

when u assume u make an ass out of u and me

BL being popular among the tapas audience does not mean
- that its popular among the webtoons audience
- that its popular among the webtoons staff
- that it will be in favour among the judges at all, let alone at an advantage

and the judging is based on technical skill anyway


found this on google, by the way, first result

so anyway,

yes. drop the attitude

I don't know webtoon (only the English one?) allowed BL (mindblown)? In my country thought, there was no lgbt comic, so I don't really know.