64 / 100
May 2021

Crunchy with a mashed potato texture inside. I don't remember exactly what they taste like, but I remember that the smell was not good :eyebrows:

Herring with peaches. Took one bite and washed my teeth afterwards.

God, coming to this thread was a mistake XD
The grossest thing I've accidentally eaten is a mere molded bread.

How is it possible to drink coffee without sweeting it up even a little? I love coffee, but for me it's just too rough and bitter to drink raw. I wanted to learn how to drink it without sugar as per my efforts to lower my sugar consumption, but I was unsuccessful.

I can't really give advice, as I only like coffee when bitter.
Do you have a problem with bitterness in general or just coffee?

I drink coffee without sweetener or creamer. I like the bitterness. I think it's just a flavor thing that some people may not be able to get over.

I like it the other way too, but if I'm very tired I'm more likely to drink coffee black as it wakes me up faster. Also if I'm wanting to wait longer for lunch I'll drink black coffee to lessen the feeling of hunger.

The most disgusting thing I ever had to eat would be....a cream puff.

I remember in elementary school we were outside at recess and one of the girls had a plastic baggy full of cream puffs (I thought this pastry was tasty looking).

So when she offered one to me I took it without hesitation. I bit into what I thought was something yummy and I was so very wrong. It was foul and utterly disgusting- the filling was sour but no I could not spit it out, I was taught manners and I swallowed.

I carefully edged closer to the trashcan and deposed of this monstrosity. Never again have I touched one and when I see one I get flashbacks of that sunny day at recess but I can say I never ate other more hellish dishes because they will NOT get close to my mouth.

Aww! That actually sucks because cream puffs are so good!at least to me they are, not sure about others

I do not know if it is a cultural thing or me just being shy but because of work and friends I have been forced to eat many disgusting things because I do not want to make anyone upset. My list is endless but I have not had anything close to century eggs or insects or guts. I have drawn the line there.

My most recent incident was one of my coworkers has an Irish spouse so they brought in an Irish dish of what the spouse made. I did not get the option to say no or I will have it later, just a bowl with the concoction in front of me on my desk. To say the least I was not happy but my my coworker next to me who also had the same dish placed in front of her was not happy either, she sported the same face I was feeling.

I looked up to my coworker who gave me the dish and smiled waiting for the explanation of what I had in front of me that I was expected to eat with a spoon. They smiled back and informed me this is their spouse's famous, "Irish toffee pudding!"

What is a Irish toffee pudding you might ask. Well, if you look online what I had did not look like the google images. This is what I had.

I continued smiling as my coworker watched me and I picked up my spoon and took a bite. I attempted to not let my tongue touch it but like always it was a failure. I chewed and gulped quickly and I said "oh God this is delicious she has my compliments."

This pleased my coworker greatly and I finished the dish using my soda to wash the taste away. I hated the consistency, the taste, and its appearance. It wasn't unbearable grant you but it was still horrible. I finished my bowl and hoped he never brought this dish in again or any.

I've also accidentally eaten earwax and it was quite unpleasant.

I once made chocolate spaghetti with some friends. It was regular spaghetti topped with chocolate sauce, whipped cream, sprinkles, and stuff. Umm... would not recommend. I have not been adventurous in the kitchen since. :joy:

I don't know what I ate but she said it was a cream puff and it looked like one. Now looking at the ingredients it looks like vanilla is typically the filling but what I ate definitely had some nasty sour filling.

I thought we were good friends but maybe she tricked me into traumatizing my taste buds forever, I can never try one again. :joy:

I hate mint or peppermint... It's most disgusting thing for me, that other think it's good...

Yep it is supposed to be a sweet and very mild filling.
It would not be absolutely impossible that it would have some sourness if they were cheese-based, but it's not at all common for puffs (never saw it actually), so I think it is unlikely, but not impossible. Strong-ish cheese in dessert is an acquired taste I guess, and can taste 'off' at first.

There's no way that wasn't expired or gone bad. I have never heard of a sour cream puff, maybe she filled it with sour cream lol

vanilla extract
My brother tricked me when I was young :laughing:

Goat cheese... I love cheese but there's something about the taste of goat cheese that makes me nauseous instantly. And I have emetophobia.
Also the weird squishy jelly like insides of a tomato. The texture makes me gag, I actually can't swallow it.
I also hate anything fish or seafood related because fish used to make me throw up but I'm vegetarian anyway so that never comes up. Even if I wasn't though, I don't think I'd ever eat any raw fish or meat because of my phobia.
Besides that I don't really have any strong food aversions... I once put way too much salt on an eggplant (the recipe told me to extract the moisture with salt I think and I forgot to rinse them... :skull:)
Never ate any creepy crawly things luckily and I'm not going to say anything else about that so as not to jinx it.