42 / 46
Oct 2020

This is a good question! My drive to create comes from my love of making stories. I've always been super into world-building (sci-fi worlds) and I just... wanted to be able to create cool things like the media I admired as a kid. (And still do!) It's also neat to be able to tell parts of my own life story but abstracted through science fiction characters/worlds. So, I've worked really hard to develop both my art and writing skills to tell all my different stories. My art has started to gain a wee bit of traction these past few years (I had several art pieces hit over 1K on Instagram recently) so that is a nice bonus. I personally don't create with the sole intention of making money. Do I monetize what I'm allowed too? Of course! Who wouldn't? But it's not the sole intention.

I have loads of ideas floating around my head, and I want to make them physical!

I'm someone who has a lot of opinions and ideas about things - if neither you nor I stop me from doing otherwise, I can corner someone and talk for hours on end about those thoughts. I'm self-aware enough to know that, no matter how good your idea is, it's never going to sound engaging when condensed into a disorganized hours long rant. So instead, I'll write those ideas down or draw them out, so if I ever need to reference those thoughts to people, I can say "please refer to my writings on the matter" and show them my work. Of course, people don't really approach me for my thoughts on these things, so I just spam the internet with links to my comics.

Seeing the reaction of people looking at, reading, & enjoying media I create. Even more so when they come back for MORE(i.e., the next issue/chapter) :heart_eyes:

Well, I decided to do this to prove that I could, y'know? So whenever I feel like my work isn't good enough or it's too hard or I'm not gaining any followers so why am I bothering I just tell myself that this is my chance to really dig in and do something that I care about that takes a lot of effort, and I need to be willing to suffer a little for it.

Of course, you should still take a break if you're really tired. I had to stop letting myself draw past midnight because I just wasn't getting enough sleep

People look at us and think, "They should be thinking about retirement, not making comics."

I guess we do it because we've both grown up in comics. I got my start writing stories for Weird Tales, and Paola wrote her masters thesis on comic censorship. It's not just a multi-billion industry we're all tapping into here. I'd LIKE to think a great majority of us want to create, because we've seen so many other people do it, they want to try it themselves. :smiley: They grew up with comics just like we did, and maybe want to bring back some of their past, memories or dare I say it, their youth. :smiley: That's why we ourselves do it, anyway.

When I get low on "drawing comics is so fun" motivation, I think how I experience such joy when my favorite shows get another season or the next episode of the manga/webcomic I'm reading comes out. With enough practice and hard work I'm hoping to return a bit of that. But usually I want to be at my desk drawing anyway :smiley:.

I've always been sort of an imaginative person.

I've had stories and characters trapped in my head, and making a comic was the only way to let them out.

I often have those curious and sometimes doubtful thoughts about why I create these sorts of things. The quickest response I have is how natural it is. I am not designed for many other things. Creating what I create happens just as my lungs keep moving without me telling them to. I have to do it.

One of the biggest motivators I have is taking something that was but an idea in my head, just a neuron politely flaring up when I feel like I should be on some other task, and then turning that formless idea into something I can see, feel, hear etc. Something I can sense tangibly. Holding a comic I wrote still feels great. Seeing others look at them makes me feel like a proud parent.

when people like the things I do

I honestly think this is the main reason people do things because otherwise you'd make something and then keep it to yourself

we are a social animal

For me, the answer to that question is because in those options you're a watcher/spectator, and unless it's your job to critic or react to movies/series or review/stream videogames, no one will care that you do those things, but creating something may have more value or at least feel like is not a wasted day, idk.

Creating makes me happy. I do it for myself. I'm selfish. Haha!
If people see it its a bonus. Anything else like wanting to make money from it or thinking it being a career is superfluous to me.
When I stop enjoying it I will stop making it.