61 / 80
Aug 2021

Records were invented in 1877 and even then sound recordings predate that. Even movies would have a record playing in place of it's music. Thanks to YouTube and internet archives, we had the ability to listen to original records of some of these songs. And it is debatable if their are cuter. You are My Sunshine is about a depressed person loser their lover and crying, yet is has been appropriated into a love song. Or really weird ones like Go Tell Aunt Rhody.

And then you have stuff that is a bit more recent like This Land Is Your Land which was a protest song.

I can explain......and avoid using too many fancy words to overcomplicate the explanation :sweat_smile:

Is kinda crazy, because economics looks like pure math, but is a mix of sociology, psychology and math to understand the behavior of people trading and getting stuff.

Why people care about money?:

The value of money is the ability to make trading stuff and services easier, so instead of wasting hours trading chickens for pigs and pigs for cellphones and cellphones for a computer, we use the money represents value itself that can be traded for stuff.

Money itself is only useful as long as people are willing to accept it. When nobody cares about your money:

You only have to offer a bunch of pieces of paper.....

Differents currencies like dollars, yens and euros, between others are valued based on the perception of the world of their use and the credibility of the country when it comes to business.....

What is inflation: inflation is when money loses it's value. The value of things vary naturally based on how useful it is in the short and long term, how easy or hard is to get something, and the needs of the people buying.

When something becomes easier to get, it becomes less valuable. Maybe one dollar used to get you an apple, but now that getting dollars is easier, you may want more in exchange of the same apple.

Hope this helps, and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

When I said "cute", I meant...well, what I said: in composition. When it comes to people's enjoyment of music, the subject matter or even the lyrics are secondary, even when it comes to modern songs. What matters most is the sound.

Maybe it's composed in a major key, so it just sounds 'happy'. Or maybe the rhythm is bouncy, or the syllables are arranged in a fun way. Or maybe (especially when it comes to folk songs) there are lots of open, sustained vowels that just make you sound good when you sing them. Those are the things that attract people to songs long before they realize what they're about.

And this is a little beside the point, but the point at which something is invented and the point at which it becomes ubiquitous are two different things. Computers were invented decades before they were even available for the average person to buy, let alone a staple in everyone's homes.

@DokiDokiTsuna @DiegoPalacios
I should've known someone would try to explain inflation in "simpler terms" without me asking for an explanation. That and the fact that even with said explanation, my monkey brain still wouldn't understand. Guys, I'm fine not knowing. I like being upset at stuff I don't understand, leave me be lol

But if you absolutely must and can not resist.. Y'all are gonna have to explain it like I'm literally 5 years old if you wanna make progress. Baby up the language significantly lmao

One thing I absolutely cannot fathom is how some people can stand or sit completely still for a long period of time. I absolutely cannot do that haha

I think it's actually good that it doesn't :slight_smile: it's useful when you're a student, but when it comes to normal life it means you just stand up from your place less and move less and your body is in one position a lot, which is not good for it ^^

This, especially during covid, makes me afraid of how I will be when I grow older. My back is already crying!

Youtube comments, sometimes. like, have you ever looked at a youtube comment and asked yourself "who talks like this? how is this a real person?"

but i guess the youtube comment section isn't the best place to look for real people lmao

oh interesting point, but i doubt you shamed girls that do things that you don't. :grin:
I was in that phase around 13 i believe, and now that i remember it i cringe

I hate bureaucratic procedure. I don't like it and I don't understand why they have to make it less like just a form to fill and more like some kind of dark civic ritual. I still have recurring nightmares from when I had to register as an independent worker in my country.

why people just don't follow the rules. Even if it would make the world safer!

Literally any sport. I've never had the rules to a single sport explained to me and understood what was being said to me. Kickball, which is supposed to be very simple, has been explained to me about a dozen times and I still don't get it.

to me it all sounds like this:

sorry....couldn't resist the previous explanation :sweat_smile:

here comes another shot......

Money is like fairy dust......it only works if people believes in it.

when people believes less of that money, is considered less valuable. So they want more money if the other person trades it for stuff.

Listen, I sorta get how it works. You kinda confused me with the fairy dust bit tbh but I think the only saving grace was me thinking it was a reference to Peter Pan. Coulda been a lost reference on someone else unfamiliar with it.. Anyways, in short: Less is more, and if everyone actually had more, nobody's gonna wanna buy stuff eventually. Correct me if that's wrong lol

What I'm not getting is why it's been decided that that's how it's supposed to work.. if it's literally as simple as my rewording of what you said and that's exactly why it is the way that it is..

I'm gonna be livid.

yup, you got it :grin:

Is not that it's decided to work that way, it's just a mass reaction from the people.....