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Jun 2021

Let's make each other feel better about being human disasters by sharing what we are currently avoiding, and what we use to ignore the to do lists...

Are you slaying at minecraft right now? Read 300k words of fanfiction in the last week? share it with the group :D.

this thematically fitting comic panel is from my comic, in case you want to something new to procrastinate with :eyes:

  • created

    Jun '21
  • last reply

    Jun '21
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I'm currently procrastinating on writing more internship applications :)))

time is running out quickly... but at least my illu assignment is looking gud, it's receiving all my attention right now and it's thriving.

not like I also have other classes to worry about. Or said applications. nope. not at all.

I've been procrastinating Chapter 9 of my comic for about a month now...

My comic on Webtoon. I haven't updated since March and I should work on inking or coloring but I can't get myself to do it for very long.

Writing. I'm like a third of the way done on my rewrites of a script.. But I just got back in the groove of making music and it's honestly been super fun! I haven't really been in the mood to write anything either! I have no intention of stopping the music stuff anytime soon but this damn story's been waiting on me for what's eventually gonna end up being 3 years and I wanna finish it so badly too but guitar go brrrrr :sob:

I need to finish this damn historical fiction chapter, and somehow the research for it is turning into procrastination... I keep researching like 3 things for every sentence I write, which is probably not necessary. I really just need to focus on the action and not obsess over ever detail being historically accurate, at least for now.

finishing up chapter 4 :sweat_02:

granted things happened irl yesterday that stil making me jittery but still

I jus got one more set of panels to do and four'll be done ;w;

As seems to be a common trend already, my comic itself :sweat_smile: :skull_crossbones: A blend of things has started dropping it lower and lower down my priority list.

From the episodes getting longer and taking more time to make,

To my not being totally satisfied with the story and its content (since it was a D&D campaign it was technically a collaborative storytelling experience, but on top of that I wasn't the DM either so I had very little control over the actual plot lol),

To the comic itself being not as well received as I had hoped on either Tapas or Webtoons.

All of these things combined have led me to taking like 1-2 months on an episode to checks calendar, going on 4 months for the current one :sweat_smile: I work on it 2-4 hours a week during my art streams but haven't found motivation to do any work outside of that for the last few months lol. As-is I've been at least loosely considering putting it on some sort of hiatus after I run out of episodes in a few months here and deciding whether I want to put my writing cap back on to work on a new original story, or try to power through somehow :upside_down:

BUT in the meantime I've been re-indulging in some other art and my gaming hobby which has been a lot of fun too :slight_smile: I just got done doing this large commission wave for the PAX Pokemon League, drawing all of their gym leaders (30 characters) for a recent event they held. I've been playing a variety of games on my Nintendo Switch, and a friend that I play D&D with got me re-addicted to Final Fantasy 14. So I've been doing a lot of that instead of comic-drawing of late :rofl:

ohh ... yea that sounds like it would be exhausting to keep working on it. was it your first story? maybe cutting your losses and moving on wouldn't be the worst desicion if the trend has been getting worse for a long time now?

I'm procrastinating on a commission... :dizzy_face: I don't know why I put so much stress on myself about making them, but it seems to be a thing and it really slows me down.

Working on a Webtoon vertical thumbnail/new cover for Tapas instead... which also needs to be done. So that's good?

Nahh this is like my 4th comic project since getting back into drawing/comics in 2018 (although 2nd long-term project, 2 of those took like less than a month each), but it is the first adaptation of someone else's story, so to speak :sweat_smile: It's certainly not been a negative experience but I've definitely found that I'm less motivated to power through than on stories/projects that are all my own. In this case I'm working with an ensemble cast of 5, but only know full details for 1 character, and most of the plot elements and all of the side characters were fully outside of my control and just... yeah xD

But yeahh, the first anniversary of working on the project is coming up at the end of this month, with the story only ~1/4 of the way complete and the pace slowing down more and more... so I'm definitely leaning towards cutting the losses, or at least putting it on an indefinite hiatus until I feel more motivated to work on it and putting the creative energies towards something I'm more excited about :sunglasses: :sweat_drops: Just now wrapping up episode 8 out of 30-something and it would just take forever to finish as-is lmao.

Oh god, student reports. I hate them. I hate writing them. Time-wasting, useless little three-sentence fragments which are too short to communicate anything of actual value, and I get told off if I make them too long.

I can write more useful, effective ones if I'm allowed to use, say, five sentences instead of three. But no, one of the schools I'm based in is super picky, and it's the one where I have the most students.

I'm also a week late with them because I get my weeks muddled up. :cry_02:

Job applications.
I should really be doing more but I'm so defeated by life right now that I just want to sleep.

i've been procrastinating on making a comic for over two years by now <3

currently procrastinating on a comic I was paid for by drawing a comic I'm doing for fun.

I totally don't have job applications that are still unfilled.

I also don't have 4 weeks late worth of art assignments due today.

Or a comic to work on.

Or unfinished artwork submissions for a gallery.


Character references. I need to get them done to be more consistent but I don't like drawing full bodies. Gonna scroll through Twitter instead...

my webtoon series :sob: i havent posted a real episode in like 2 months, even tho I have one that I've been working on for quite some time now. i just cant find any time to work on it

I didn´t know the word procrastinating before I joined the online comic community.
I´m a pro procrastinator for 6 years now, maybe I´m getting a lot of things done but it never
feels like that. I started playing red dead redemption online and I´m already addicted to it,
but I manage to only play it after 8pm which is good, it´s lunch time now and I´m thinking
about playing one little round of rdr online :stuck_out_tongue:
I was procrastinating on the cover artwork of my band´s album, but it turned out I just
didn´t have the needed inspiration/energy, so I gave that to someone else now and I
feel a relief. That´s also something a creative person has to learn, you can´t do everything
yourself. I´m a musician, songwriter, I play upright bass, electric & acoustic guitar, I sing
and I play blues harp, I´m a sound engineer with a studio, which means I record, mix
and master the bands I´m playing in, I illustrate, draw comics and that also means that
I have to do everything concerning logos, poster, flyers, artwork for the bands I´m playing
in (which are 3), it´s all a bit mad

I call that Productive Procrastination :D.

you may not do the Thing you're supposed to, but you're doing something