55 / 378
Feb 2021

Started watching season 3 of Westworld...went through 2 episodes already.

1 month later

Currently watching Ballers on my HBO/Hulu subscription...about to drop HBO by next month so I'm trying to watch all that I can while I have it. Only have been watching movies in the case that I didnt feel like watching the show(watched Priest on Netflix and Jaws on DVD); I was watching Radiant on Crunchyroll but taking a break on that to watch the rest of this HBO stuff.

8 months later

This thread needs to resurface!

I'm watching some videos where gamers trying to discover new levels on the currently leaked unreleased N64 game 'Dinosaur Planet'.

Fasinating game.

Ah, that's really neat. I've always loved learning about scrapped games. I was just thinking about the game Kaio: King of Pirates tonight and how bummed I am that it got canned. I was really excited for it back in the day...

It was supposed to come out in 2012 for the 3DS and was done by Inafune's company Comcept. Unfortunately due to Comcept being Comcept (And the massively troubled production that was Mighty No. 9), the game was canned in 2014.

Shame, I really like the Penguin protagonist, the Dragon Commander, and the Cowboy Eagle Pirate's design.

Are :b:eats by Dre even still a thing? I remember when they were in every music video and were the "It" thing to have....

I have no clue on that one lol I just click on this by accident and I can't get over of their humor they have in those commercials
most likely yeah its probably a dead one lol

I should probably look into it, because I haven't heard that name in years after they had been literally everywhere for a bit...

lol is it strange that I have never heard of the name but I've seen the speaker its self ....

Yeah. There was also like headphones and a bunch of other stuff, too. Couldn't walk through any electronics store or aisle without seeing a big display of them.