18 / 48
Feb 2023

The Protagonist in my comic is Roland. Named after a historical general under Charlemagne, and after his death legends grew around Roland far greater than his historical actions. Picked it cause I thought it was a suitably heroic name.

The other main character in the story is Zyphella, which as far as I know never existed before as a name. I just wanted to try making a made up fantasy sounding name.

My protagonist's full name is Lester Haydar (which was the easiest to choose) I really liked the names of the other three characters who are relevant to the story, although I was a bit hesitant at first: Victor, his twin Bexamin Dautt (being the Galician version of Benjamin) and Marcel Witsel

All the characters' last names are in Spanish and not that common, except maybe Dautt.

I chose them in a curious way, by chance I saw the surnames from a book of sporting events from the 70s and the names from another from the 50s. I selected the ones I liked the most and here they are.

I don't know why, but it happened that way. I didn't even look them up on the internet. :sweat_smile::heart:

My current character names are Yoshiko, Kuro and Kai. I'll stick to those since other characters haven't been introduced yet. I started Nocturne 21 when I was a dumb angsty kid, almost 20 years ago and pulled random names off of anime credits. They've been changed or altered since, because a lot of them didn't make sense.

Kuro's name was originally a longer version of a name I made up that doesn't actually exist in Japan. When I got to the point in my story when I was actually putting thought into it and doing research, I shortened his name to Kuro. In reality the name "Kuro" isn't conventionally used by itself for a name, but it's popular enough in anime that it's not really an issue. There's not a ton of Kanji used for Kuro as a name, but I found one that means "expert" and I liked that for him.

Yoshiko was originally Yoshiro, but Yoshiro is typically a boy's name, which I didn't realize until like 11 years into my story. So that got changed. Yoshiko is currently spelled with the Kanji for "fragrant child" but I might change my mind on that because I'm indecisive, lol.

My MC is "Kai" which is not his real name. It's the name his new family gives him since he can't remember his real name. His name was very difficult to come with and I only came up with it a few months ago. Again, I've been working on this story for 19 years and It's really hard to just give him a new name when I've been calling him something else for two decades. I ended up liking Kai because it has different meanings in several different languages. What sealed it though was there's a character in The Snow Queen named Kai (might have a different pronounciation though) and the character is a young boy who loses who he is when infected by a demonic mirror shard. Since my character loses his identity and since there is a very heavy theme of glass in my story, it kind of seemed perfect. Also Kai's first action when he wakes up is to break a mirror which ended up being a happy coincidence.

All my character names have deep meaning behind them while others are used in a form of satire, like Sebastian for a butler.

I would share them but I haven't published my novel (still preparing all I need for promotion and quality of my work). Now some names have greek origin, others latin, egyptian, indian, etc. I like hiding things in plain sight. Even the middle names and last names have a meaning. I don't want to spoil it but when I build a fan base I will slowly reveal stuff and make events of trying to find easter eggs.

I also hide easter eggs in my covers so when a readers goes back and sees it they notice new details.

Would love to share their names but probably once I release my novel to not spoil anything. :wink:

I can probably share the first name for now. One is Violet and the other is Alexandria. They will both be the MC's of my work. And both have deep meanings behind their names. Violet is mainly because I love the name and if I ever have a daughter I would name her so. In a sense this character is my daughter. Now Alexandria her name has to do with the origin of the name and what it stands for. Telling you a lot of the character.

The MCs names are
Owen & Evan Moriarty (brothers)
The brothers ancestry includes English and Irish so started from there:
Their surname Moriarty has Irish origin, and means 'navigator' or 'sea worthy'. They come from a seaside, gloomy New-England inspired town and navigate the story so the meanings are a perfect fit. It also has that gothic appeal sort of like Mortician/Morticia etc.

Both Owen and Evan come from Irish/ Welsh/ Scottish origins and mean "young warrior".
Both are young boys who master newfound abilities and fight for survival.
Owen's nickname is Owz and Evan is usually called Ev

for Elf Noir I chose Tolkienesque elven-sounding names for the main elven characters. Arq is short for Arquë, a variation of the French word which has an accent rather than an umlaut. It has several meanings, including arched and bowlegged, but the meaning which I feel fits Arq best is 'Bent'.

In some cases I make my characters' names randomly based on "having a right sound," they are from various fictional cultures so that I have to make names from each culture have coherency and pattern in it. In the other hand, there are names derived from real life words or adapted from real life names.

Sometimes I do things like "Sakhar Mikhas" that sounds like a pun.

Usually my characters names come from people I actually know. For example my character Pujita from Cracking Eggs was named after my friend Pujita in high school. I wanted an Indian character as tribute to one of my good friends.

Eric Stanford was kind of taken from my friend Eric but also wasn’t really. I just happen to like the name Eric. It’s a nice simple name.

Usually with my characters I don’t go for anything too complicated because then I can’t remember them. I feel like simple names tend to resonate and be more memorable.

Names like Nova, Jon, Roy, Elsie, Charles, Knox, Jack, etc. they are simple names but I remember non complex names. Double points if the characters mean something to me or I remember them.

Phoenix Howler. I just like the name lol I'm never really sure how I come up with names, it just comes to me. It's really interesting to see others have unique stories for each of their names though.

My two main characters in Saltpetre and Sage.

Lukas- his name just popped into my head while I was writing and it just felt right.

Wilt- I spent a lot more time coming up with this one. I wanted something that gave me roguish, Artful Dodger vibes.

My two main characters in Coffee, Cats and An Act of Murder.

Mara and Drake- These two characters were named after my two cats at the time, and now serves as a nice memory of them. There are two other characters in this book also named after my pets, Crispin and Nikolai.

Ooh, I like this topic! I have like... six novels on Tapas at this point, but I'll just share the names of my two MCs from Lucky Charm! :blush:

My characters have two names since (1) they're Korean American and (2) family members usually call them by their Korean names ^^ Also, as a note, Korean names often have meanings derived from hanja (i.e. Chinese characters).

(MC #1) Yohan/ Caden -
1. "Yo" (曜) means "to shine"
2. "-han" (僩) means "courageous" or "dignified"
3. "Caden," in Arabic, means "friend" or "companion"
I just always imagined Yohan to be friendly with others (though he doesn't really show it xD)

(MC #2) Andrew/Tae-hwan-
1. "Tae" (泰 )means "great" or "exalted"
2. "-hwan" (驩) means "to be happy"
3. "Andrew" has many meanings, but I associate this name with "courageous" and "strong"
For Andrew, he reminds me of a golden retriever, just happy 24/7 :joy:

Zaruya and Naelina
the names have no meaning, it's something I created to make them seem otherworldly and each for a different species

My comic is called Nina.

My main protagonist's name is Nina, I picked this name because it's short, it's memorable and it's a normal name for a normal girl.

Twiga is another one of my main character's name, it just means giraffe in Swahili and the character literally is just a giraffe. Plus I think it sounds really cute.

The third main character's name is Shido, I picked this name because it has been with me ever since I was a cringy teen, with me we went through hardships, everything that happened in my life so far feels like it happened just for this story. He built this life for me so I wanted to build this world for him so when I die he wouldn't need me anymore.

Sorry, that got emotional for me. I know, cringe. Lmao
Anyway... And that's my trio!

Sal- short for Salice. Sal is salt in Spanish. It's also a nickname for Salvador, which means salvation, I think. This character starts out as wholly weak and almost like a damsel. I thought the name was a nice contrast to how she currently is and also with the name Sal usually considered masculine.

Lea is short for Azalea. - Lea means delicate and Azalea is a flower that symbolizes beauty. The character, although generally caring, comes off more as a bit impulsive, straightforward and pretty much self-sufficient.

Rocco Marasigan - Rocco was a name the character chose for himself since he wants to come across as strong and handsome. Marasigan as a surname can mean many things, to ligt a fire, liveliness or haste. But in his case, his surname is indicative of his family's association with fire.

Duren - I was googling words for stulid and his came up. It also means to co tinue or persist on something. His nickname, Ren, apparently means love or benevolence. The character is someone who can give himself to great lengths when he loves something. He is also a character who is working on his revenge.

Gil is named so because of my pure undying love for German male names (MC of our previous story was Eric). Between ourselves we joke that his full name is Gillian.

Summer was named by my writer, as I remember correctly I proposed to call her Linda, but he said something like "do you really think it's an appropriate name for a 10 y.o. MC in a summer camp"...and after that he called another character (a ginger half-Japanese goth girl) Peggy and I am still laughing at it.
We actually had problems with naming two other girls, so we randomly chosen two names that from the first glance didn't suit neither of them. In the end we decided that Zoe suits the tall pouty blonde much better and Peggy sounds better for a redhead.

Billy was given the almost the most average name possible for a teen who looks like a typical young jock. But we also wanted it to be a "younger" and more endearing sounding name, so he wouldn't be like Jack or Chase or something.

Eugene is named for the same friend I took character's likeness from. It was a very popular name in the time I grew up (it also happens to be my name), so I always thought it very average and believed it suited his calm character with a bit of cheekiness.

Jaeger was called that somewhere between us thinking that at least someone needs an unusual name and talking about Jaegermeister. Now that we have to choose their family names, we spent some time thinking if we should call him Jaeger Hunter or Jaeger Gatherer. Surprisingly or not, we stepped away from that xD

Ralph n' Lizzie, based off two of the playable characters from the classic Midway arcade game Rampage.

My MC is Sao: meaning "star" in Vietnamese, because he's visiting a strange world from a secluded mountain.
Mu'a: meaning "rain" in Vietamese, she's Sao's sister. She has a stormy character arc.
Ma'ay: meaning "cloud" in Vietnamese, she gave birth to Sao and Mu'a, like how the cloud "give birth" to rain and star.
Ira: comes from a hebrew name meaning "watchful" because his dad was a soldier. His goal is also to protect people.
Rang: meaning "teeth" in Vietnamese, because her power is related to nature and she can transform into a beast.
Naru: meaning "to become" in Japanese, because his arc is wanting to be seen as his true self.

Ken Kumo: his lastname means "spider" in Japanese, because I wanted him to be a bit of a trickster. Tho kumo also mean "cloud", which fits with him having air-magic.

Bertie: his name is Alberto and thought Bertie was a better nickname than Al. I also thought it would be funny if his name sounded like Birdy because he has some parallels to another character named Crow.

Zombra Blueberry: His name was originally Zombie but I thought "who would name their child that?". It also sounds like Sombra which means "shadow" in Spanish. His lastname came from Blueberry Hill.

Zeta: I'm a sucker for z names, and I guess they have the ultimate Z name, which is a letter in Greek. They are suppose to be a bit pretentious but also a little awkward.