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Oct 2024

Writing like any craft takes practice, what are some things you hope to get better at.

For me it’s the art of storytelling in general. Making relatable and engaging characters, building a world that’s uniquely my own,getting better at pacing etc. my main focus is to write and get better with each chapter and novel.

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    Oct '24
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    Nov '24
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Mmm, probably pacing. I have a lot of ideas, but I have to make sure to give them the proper build-up for them to have their full effect. My problem is that I always design the big reveals/big moments but have to figure out how to string them together. I could also work on writing my action sequences because it's not something I'm very experienced at. Oh, and just my attention span. it used to be longer when I was writing, but it's been pretty skittish all year.

Coming up with better endings, punchlines, solutions.
I write a longer story right now consisting of multiple funny episodes.
Coming up with more or less funny punchlines / jokes is the hard part

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Yeah I get that it’s like you want so badly to get to these cool epic scenes and or reveals but rushing into things will ruin the moment. Action scenes I haven’t gotten to yet but I can’t wait to get to them.
As a person with adhd the attention span is one of my weak points lol.

Making sure that the punchlines tie in together I can’t imagine how difficult that must be,humor is a tricky thing to write

Dialog and making a boring topic sound interesting

I’m guessing about a good twelve or more chapters away could be more could be less. The first major fight I can see it in my head and it looks really cool,the tricky part is getting it on to paper

If one can make a good story with a boring topic and dialogue then I salute that creator, it’s impressive

I hope to write longer stories with engaging plotlines. Until now, all episodes of Haru and Tsukasa were standalone. I an currently breaking this with my twelfth episode, which involves Sarah looking for a new drummer, starting by asking Haru.

Here's the episode in question:

Oh I'm wordy as heck. It's a controversial thing amongst those who read my stuff irl. Some people absolutely LOVE how visceral I get I to things, but others complain that I spent a whole paragraph talking about the road of all things, poetically or not. Some people applaud my diction, while others complain about it sounding pretentious. So I really need to sort out some kind of middle ground.
And, with how deep I dig myself into scenes comes the issue of "quick scenes". Scenes where things happen quickly, like action scenes, get so bogged down in just how much I have to say about it. But if I'm too brief it stands out as entirely too simplistic compared to the stuff around it.
And conversation,;; ooh man. I can't speak normally on the best of days. People are always questioning my lexicon when I feel like I'm speaking normally, so I have no doubt conversation within my written works are probably wonky or stilted. I just haven't the slightest idea how I would go about fixing that.

I think it more depends on the type of story you are trying to tell! Sometimes you got to pull out that purple prose.

I can see how that gets frustrating, some people may find your writing style pretentious and others lack luster and trying to find a middle ground isn’t easy.
I would just focus on improving a writing style that’s me.

11 days later

I can improve on learning to write for myself. I try to include super "trendy" things in my stories but I feel like they would be a lot better if maybe I just wrote for me.