32 / 32
May 2018

Chapter 41 of Legio Arcana has been my favorite to write. Although, drawing all the rain did get monotonous

Well, the Riff chapters are likely my funniest. I use them to break up the dramatic action between acts in The Queen in Yellow. I thought that my first riff chapter was the strongest, but upon re-evaluation, I think it was not. I wanted to showcase the personalities of my three critics, and I certainly accomplished that, but their banter outweighed the text that they were analyzing. The second riff chapter was intended to be more balanced, and I feel that it hit a good rhythm in that way.

My most complimented chapter is probably the locker room scene. I was shooting for a variety of types of humor to work into Alien Fiction. In this chapter, I let myself run wild with crazy dialog. I also got to write for the character Shiva who is always fun to write. I can never go too big with Shiva.

HAHA! it would be none other than the second chapter of my novel! Its about the MC's struggle as he was left no choice but to surpass his limits, ultimately trancending the capabilities of man, and tearing the laws of the universe itself. It truly is my proudest masterpiece as of this moment. :grin:

definitely chapter 5, 'a waterfall.' its where i really started thinking carefully and clearly about my goals, and exploring and experimenting more with my tools and with comics. my form had improved, and i was at a point where i was confident enough in my skill to play around. i have some really beautiful panels and some amazing layouts in that chapter that im really proud of still.

My favourite comic page of all time will forever be this one

You better have your sound on if you're not on mobile

My favorite chapter so far has to be chapter 3 of my Nightmare Comic (which I'm only partially done with) , because it shifts away from the MC, you get to see the world a bit more in the eyes of other characters, there's just this general shift in scenery, you learn more things about the characters, and you meet new characters! Also there's way more action!

for my second comic, my pokemon comic, my favorite chapter has to be chapter 2, because whenever I go back and read I laugh at everything. The art was so bad, but it still makes me smile.

I absolutely love chapter two of M is for Monster because of how it wasnt planned and it changed the entire course of my story completely XD Maria wasnt suppose to be there. She wasnt suppose to be dead. But in the end, it made the story better than the original outline.

Right now, I really like chapters #25 and #26 of Maxiboy, the battle between our main hero and the nefarious Don Peanut. I think it had a good balance. It has action, momentum, character moments for both, some weird flashbacks... Also my partner was really excited too, he did his best and I find it to be the prettiest chapters so far.

This and I finally got a chance to get a little weird and this always makes me so happy.

I gotta say I'm also really proud of strip #13, the ending of our second story arc and the first dive into Maxiboy's character. A little heavy handed, maybe, but it rang true to me, one of those ''got really sad writing this stuff'' stuff, so I'll cheat and leave a second moment here, sorry!

Not chapter 1, not chapter 2, oh wait there's nothing left.

I'm really proud of chapter 34 because of what I did with the description of water, illusion, and desire.I just think it was very artsy and hung together very well! It came out almost precisely how I wanted it to and that is a great thing!

I love when things like that happen! It really makes your story feel like this organic thing, that's growing, sometimes in directions even you couldn't for see.

New perspectives are definitely nice every now and then. Plus more action is always a plus! ^_^

As for the second comic, being able to smile and laugh is what it's all about right? Even the art serves as a positive, as it shows your growth since that time.

12 days later

True. I also think that reasoning/motivation also changes the quality of the comic, and it's always fun to look back and laugh, that's when I know I've done something right.