23 / 27
Sep 2020

That sounds a little similar to my character. What comic/novel are you creating? I might take a look :wink:

I based my whole story around people who I went to school with lol. Thinking back I am so glad most people in my school had such personality, or I would have died of boredom in a boarding school with next to no internet in the middle of butt F*** no where.

The main Character(Zach Carter) of "The Connections" was inspired by the ranger core from John Flanagan's Ranger's Apprentice and I added in a little of my own spice with the concept that one day we will run out of original Ideas, if and when someone does have an original Idea humanity will pay arm and limb for it.

:scream: :scream: :scream: I KNEW IT!!!

Lol, there was just a little tip off in your last episode that made me... make that connection :smirk:
It’s a great series, though :slight_smile: never could get into Brotherband :sweat:

My main character, Andrew, is basically the opposite of me; a rash optimist who speaks his mind.

Oh and What might that episode be? also I could only get into the first book of the Brotherband, it was a great idea to start with but after the second book it just got too side tracked in my opinion. Flanagan should of started on the royal ranger further into the story ark, probably after another few books of RA, I wish he would make a book one with another mention of the Wargals(one where Will or Horace recruits the Wargals as an army in the mountains of rain and night) and another book, one where the entire story ark of RA is reread but in the ranger horses point of view(the horses would like make snappy remarks and roast Will, Halt, and Gilan as they go through the story ark).

It was when Zach mentioned the cloaks he needed :sweat_smile: it reminded me of Flanagan’s cloak description just enough for me to wonder. I almost asked you about it in the comments, but it’s a surprisingly little-known series.

He clearly needed to write Brotherband and get it out of his head considering there’s, what, like 6 books in that series? I can’t really blame any author for writing what they need to write - he just happened to write the series that his readers liked better the first time round. And, who knows? Maybe there’s a whole group of readers than enjoy Brotherband that don’t appreciate Ranger’s Apprentice as much :sweat_smile:

It's not on tapas, but there was a brief moment where I took some inspiration from myself for the main character of a thing I wrote. Just one word actually.

The main character of my story is inspired by many magical-girl protagonists, and a common thread between them: the classic "I just want to be normal" trope, where they find themselves frustrated and disheartened by how fighting evil has affected their lives, but still continue to fight for those they love and all of humankind.

Or rather, Faye's an inversion of such—what if a magical girl who already saved the world just wants to be magical again?

Thou my characters aren't really based on single individuals in particular. I did had alot of influences.

Axelle, was more just influenced by wanting a very curious protagonist, which works well for a mystery comic. And thus she more of amalgamation of very bright and cheerful characters from cartoons. Like Goo from fosters home for imaginary friends, Fin from adventure time, ect.

Hila more particular was kinda based abit on my own childhood of girls who were very very very short but had the biggest amount of sass and outspokenness.

The rest were just odd quirks and stuff from kids from my own childhood and stuff

This is Linus, one of the darling otters at the Natural History Museum in Ohio. Well, we were watching him and a few other otters, Calvin and Hobbes, in their tank last year, and the three of them got out and chased each other in a circle, then dove back into the tank. We got to laughing at them and they looked over at us and all of them barked! So we thought, "Wow, do they want us to play too?" So we walked over to the tank and they followed us, and swam alongside us while we walked back and forth. We suddenly realized we had some otter kindred spirits here, and we left thinking about how otters might react if stuck on an island together. Sounds silly but that's how we started "Insignificant Otters". When we got home, we'd already discussed most of the storylines to pursue.

So, we thank Linus for the inspiration, definitely. :heart:

For my MC Elizabeth I at first didn't have any facial features (I drew her only with a plague doctor mask) and since these uniforms are almost always depicted with black or dark colors, I decided to make her hair black as well. It was later on that I decided to draw her without her mask that I started to think how did I want her to look like. I made her hair fall to the sides because I felt that it gave her an air of "not really caring for my appearance". Then I decided to give her freckles because I thought it was a cute little detail :joy: . I didn't really base her off of anyone, but the main references I used were the medieval period clothing lmao.

Here's the comic if you want to see more ^^

The initial push for my MC, Gordy, was that I didn't like the ending of Harry Potter and I wanted to make an anti-Harry who doesn't think he should die for the greater good. But, as far as visuals go, I get the inspo for his outfits from the Olsen Twins.

lets see if I can find good shots of the full outfit, but he combines that silk jumpsuit (in a light blue) with that other studded leather jacket. This was the old concept art before I aged him down.

Ended up removing the necklaces and simplifying the jumpsuit. So now it's more like this. (this is the only parts I actually tone the jacket so you now it's black)

Canonically, Gordy adores the Olsen Twins, and his ultimate wish is to become the third twin.

So my character Bear is based on a lady I saw in passing once. I vividly remember seeing her across a restaurant; bright blue shirt and purple leggings, hair up in big puffs and a sparkly hair clips. She was so bubbly and beautiful that she ended up being the sole inspiration for my character. I'd love to see her and thank her one day!

My comic is about a woman escaping the city to live on a farm (she's obsessed with farming sim video games) and having misadventures there, and so visually, I decided I wanted to reference Anne of Green Gables, since that's a classic story with a similar set up. That's why she's a red-head. When I went to draw her hair, I actually used photos of my sister on her wedding day for reference, since my big sis was the lucky one who got the red hair in our family.

The other day, my mom actually commented that my MC looked a lot like my sister, and I was so thrilled that it actually translated. HOORAY!!!!

One of my MCs, Suzuka, is actually named after a girl I used to nanny for in Japan! They both have similar personalities - carefree, silly and a bit feisty too.

Love when random encounters spark these sort of things!

I once based a character in one of my books on the roommate of one of my friends, who I met only briefly. I was going to my friend's place for a movie night, but my friend was running WAY LATE and didn't warn me. So I rang the doorbell, and his roommate jumped out of the shower, grabbed a towel to wrap round his unmentionables and ran down the stairs to let me in. I was so confused and ready to run away (it was my first time going to the house and I was sure I had the wrong address) but the naked man assured me I was in the right place.

So I walked into the house of naked towel man.

Naturally, I had to write about him one day.