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Feb 2021

To be clear, this is what class would they play if they actually sat down to play D&D, not what class they would be if they were translated into a D&D-style setting (though there could be overlap depending on the character). Link your series too!

For my characters:
Enkal: Paladin - he’s a goody two-shoes who dreams about being a hero (even if he’s a total coward in real life)
Carolina: Barbarian - likes to fight, likes to smash stuff, isn’t one for strategy
Joseph: Bard (prefers to DM) - if he has to play, he wants something versatile with a lot to offer tactically
Andy: Sorcerer - cannot resist playing a spell caster. Good odds his character winds up a multi-class, min-maxed force to be reckoned with
Sybil-3: Rogue - her preferred play style is causing problems on purpose. She WILL try to steal something from another party member (probably Enkal’s character)

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Hehe, this is a fun question! My characters are in a DnD-based setting but the classes they'd play in a DnD game are completely different from their classes in the story.

Bree would want something straightforward and aggressive and would likely end up playing a Barbarian.
Raul would play a Bard, to have lots of social skills and magic to let him influence people.
Rowan would play a Cleric, focusing entirely on healing and buffing and trying to play as much of a pacifist as possible.

Hmm, for my series, Aerith would be a paladin, Luci would be a wizard, Hanako would be a sorcerer, Hyacinth would be a bard, Jin would be a cleric, Kuma would be a druid, Rose would be a ranger, Kitsune would be a fighter, and Mysterious Hooded Kid would be a rogue (but totally would want to DM).

(That's a lot of characters w h e w)

Funny enough, the main cast was based off D&D Characters to begin with, but the campaign lasted only four sessions before it died. Who they started as and who they are now are a vast improvement, though.


Ophelia: Circle of Spores Druid --the power of flowers and magic mushrooms, baby!
Mavus: Paladin -- we refer to him as the "will break you" but you know, politely.
Baccus: Way of Mercy Monk -- "will maim you" he only has to hit you once to do damage, and he doesn't dilly-dally. say goodbye to your joints and tendons.
Johannes: Assassin Rogue -- "will end you." Pokes you with the pointy end. No wasted movements.
Goldie: Heavy Fighter/Barbarian. It's just...her...with a baseball bat she's transmuted to gold. Be afraid.

I have thought on this extensively in the past, the answers are pretty fun and not what you might expect. Obviously my characters already live in a world where they have swords and magic, but in a high fantasy RPG where they get to be anything, they don't necessarily choose to just do more of the same...

Rekki plays an Evocation Wizard: Rekki loves being flashy and magical, but the magical abilities she got in real life were... um... being good at punching things. So when playing a game, she would go for the class that shoots lightning and flies. Evocation Wizards are incredibly effective powerhouses who can drop a fireball into combat without hurting their friends, and Rekki loves being in control. If you're wondering about how that idiot would manage a spellbook... well, she may be impulsive and lacking insight, but Rekki is remarkably organised and meticulous with data. Her dad is an accountant after all (no, really. That's canon).

Sarin plays an Oath of Devotion Paladin : Armed with a longsword, shield and Protection fighting style. She may be a glass cannon in real life, but in the game, you can bet that Sarin's character is jumping into the middle of the fight and protecting her friends from attacks in the name of justice!

(So yeah, Rekki and Sarin basically play as each other, Rekki plays a careful and meticulous squishy ranged caster and Sarin plays an impulsive melee warrior who throws herself in harm's way).

Subo plays a Thief Rogue : He doesn't take the game too seriously, so he likes to have fun playing a cheeky chaotic good aligned chap who gets into mischief. He plays the whole thing "wiv a cockney accent, innit!" His sneak attacks are uncharacteristically brutal; perhaps taking out some of the frustrations of a non-confrontational guy?

Jules is the Dungeon Master: Oh no....

I was planning a D&D episode for the comics at one point... R would be a bard, and L would be a cleric.

Ohhhhh, I thought about that lots of times, even wanted to draw my characters in a little D&D AU one day <3

Kim - she'd definitely be a fighter! Give her a sword and she can deal with problems (might get a multiclass level to Barbarian, whenever she sees Aotaka, her Nemesis XD; )
Aotaka - my antagonist. In my Comic he's a Fire Mage, and since the magic in Remember is internal, he'd probably be a sorcerer, maybe with some draconic origin? Heavily fire-based and with Dimension Door and Teleport (every Mage can do this)
Sabbath - she's a Half-Mage, so in theory she'd be a Sorceress, too, however, since she grew up as the child of healers, I'd probably give her Cleric or Druid. Preferrably Cleric tho, because I like Clerics =)
Scy - he's a non-human, insectoid character, his class would probably be Fighter, too. In contrast to Kim, he's a very old soldier and the last of his kind, so he tends to attack from the shadows. Then again he's spent the last 100 years surviving in the wilderness, so he'd probably be a multiclass Ranger, too?
Yumiko - definitely Rogue. If I ever met a sneaky and stealthy dude attacking from the shadows with some kind of creepy magic attached, it would be him. Maybe Assassin or Arcane Trickster?
Kujo - uhm... kind of a puzzle... I mean, he's just a harmless tailor? °/)° He can do some stuff though that's not magic in Remember, would be considered magic in D&D. So... Sorcerer, too, but with Wild Magic. His stuff can backfire af...

For my series, considering the main cast I presented atm, they would make the following party:

Nadhine, although she fits in the stereotypical role of a rogue, she would definitely play as a Paladin. She likes facing opponents right on and protecting those she likes. She would be one of those players that likes to make characters that mirror herself somehow. As for a race, she would play with something big and buff, like a Dragonborn.

Raheem would like to play as something quite ordinary, so that he could understand more the struggles of humankind. He would play as Bard or Ranger, anything that didn't evoke magic at all, so that he wouldn't be able to resort to the very thing he always had in his entire life.

Yami wouldn't play xD he would be the Dungeon Master OR the person that watches the playtime unfold as his girlfriend/ wife is the one that actually plays DnD.

Esther would play as either a Shaman or Druid; those classes are the opposite of what she is in life, as they are carefree, straight forward, no-nonsense and can bend elements and even animalistic instinct at their own will, which would give her more perspective on certain matters and freedom to be whoever she wants to be.

Wanna meet them? Please check out Menmar!

Sarah would play some sort of magical class, most likely a wizard. She'd pick something relatively safe and simple

Castiel would be a fighter or rogue. It'd be a hard decision because on one hand he wants to fight enemies with cool sword, but on the other hand being a sneaky rogue sounds fun.

Amanda would play a druid. They hang out with animals and turn into them too. That's all she needs.

Leon would be a bard. He doesn't care about the fighting but definitely doesn't mind bursting into song in the middle of a battle. Finally he can use all the song lyrics he hasn't found proper usage for yet.

Carrie: Either Barbarian or Fighter
Lin: Cleric
Tanrooki: Artificer

If my main character were to play D&D, I would say this:

Ava - Fighter: She would like the idea of having an offensive weapon and a shield. She's not particular about being a virtuous character like a Paladin, but she wouldn't be an evil one. More like she would be Neutral-Good, or is it Lawful Neutral?

I love this!

For my mains it'd be:
Allura - Paladin taking the Blackguard route because honestly she's sick of the BS that comes with being a hero and wants to pretend she evil
Axis - Rouge so he can hide from BS or cause it
Flora - A bard because she's going to make a character that does not share her abandonment issues, and this way she can swoon all the pretty ladies

Gotta say though, never played D&D myself but that's about to change. My friend invited me to his long term campaign and I can't wait for it to start :smiley:

I actually made some drawings of my main characters in a dnd au.
Flare: She would definitely be a tiefling monk. Her fighting style is based on punching and kicking everything in sight, and the fact that she has fire powers mixes really well with the Ascendant Dragon path (even though I think it's still on the works). Also she would subclass as a rogue.

Shade: Despite his low charisma he would try to be a (not very effective) warlock. Thankfuly he's good enough with a sword but you can't really count on his spellcasting ability. He would subclass as a barbaria probably.

So I have actually played some of my characters in dnd

Rokuzo: Sorcerer and monk- not only does his fight with magic, but he back it up with his fists.
Ahikok: Sorcerer and fighter- She is a bit of a tank-y spellcaster.
Enossa: Artificer - because that is what she does already

Don't play but I know a lot of people who do and I know a few podcasts so here goes:

Agony: Rogue- when asked why she responded with "screw you" Makes fun of literally every character that gets introduced

Thesis: Wizard- acts like he knows the game better than anyone else playing but really has no idea what the hell he's doing

Duenna: Druid- Only agreed to play once and then won't shut up about what a waste of time the game is and how is "causes violence"

Motif: Bard:-Is chaotic and obnoxious and spends the whole game doing stupid things he thinks are funny

Sequel: Item- He's literally just an Item that Motif insistently carries around and it rarely does anything useful.

Ruby: DM- no comment.

Anselme would play Paladin - He's pretty much facking his devotion so he cannot choose any class with bad reputation
Sonia: Wizard, sure she has knowledge and knows how to spell. Also she does not put herself in danger, distance is her go to
Katia: Barbarian, she's 2m tall, she does the job
Philharmonie: Rogue, he likes any stealth thing and using is brain makes him good or barbarian, because he wants to be like Katia.
Symphonie: She's the DM lol She would have played as Ranger if she was not so ruly, I guess
Melodie: Bard or monk depending on the game. She's mostly social and pretty flexible.
Valère: Sorcerer, not going to fight willingly even as a character, he prefers thinking and helping

Just found an old sketch playing with that idea for characters of Rocky the Rock

Rocky the rock would be a knight, paladin or something that is ridiculously good at tanking. Rocky is always protecting others and he nevers begins a match, but is always ready to finish it.
Other players would consider him the team leader without second thought.

Kimura would attempt to multiclass to get the best of everything, but after realizing that leads him with an innefective build, he would play a sorcerer focused on offensive spells. A sorcerer specifically because he is impatient and doesn't plan too much, so the wizard preparation methods would be annoying for him, and not a warlock because he doesnt like relying on an outside source for his power, even if it is just a patron. He would get killed a lot because he would go to an unneccesary close range or for not realizing he is in the area of effect of his own spells.

Jenny would definitively play support: Her kind heart and strong teamwork spirit would lead her to fill the empty role. She may be a cleric or a druid. Prone to having summoning spells prepared because animals/creatures are cute.

Would try to use diplomacy even in non-sentient creatures like golems and skeletons. May ocasionally forget some of her abilities.

Also, she will always have raise dead (or reincarnation if she is a druid) in case someone (mostly Kimura) dies.

Medusa would play either a rogue or a bard. She would be really invested in roleplaying and taking the spotlight.
May take the feat leadership if it is allowed to have some henchmen at her service.

Finding Work:

Cherry: Palladin - Cherry has a noble heart, and she'd make a character that can embody her noble ideals without having to face the systemic challenges she deals.

Takir: Bard - Takir wouldn't be a flirty bard. He'd get very invested in the music aspect and storytelling. He likes to entertain and make jokes.

Arya: Bard - Arya would be the typical seduce-everyone type of bard. She'd have fun with it.

Glunk: Sorcerer - Glunk wants to cast fireball

Brun: Palladin - Brun wants to have a story about her being a noble knight that rescues the princess. She also wants to crush the princess between her thighs.

Ghal: Bear - Ghal would be the type to play as an actual bear.

Elra: Elra's the DM

The Shopkeeper

Arin: Druid - Arin would be a druid and spend most of the game polymorphed as a squirrel or something so they don't have to participate

Vea: Healer - Vea is a cinnamon bun and wants to take care of people

Gemini: Healer - Gemini doesn't understand why people keep encouraging her to be something other than what she already is

Wren: Rogue - Wren would be a rogue, not because he wants to be, but because Gemini made him play and she thought he'd make a very dashing rogue.


Wendel: Necromancer - Wendel would play as a necromancer or dark sorceress, but he'd make a girl character because he thinks it'd be nice to try and it definitely isn't a sign of anything. :egg:

Garson: Assassin - Garson would try very hard to be the edgy assassin type but wouldn't be able to commit to the evil alignment he chose.

Cecillia: Cecillia would be DM after everyone got tired of Elra manipulating them.

Ashleigh: Wasn't invited

This was a fun topic :slight_smile: