20 / 31
Feb 2021

Bestia: Fighter, Barbarian, or druid. She likes fighting, and she would be interested in playing a nature-related class
Sharack: Death Knight - brooding and tragic, or paladin, in memory of her more heroic past self
Koth: Bard, would be the source of last minute solutions
Lana: would be the GM, and would likely play a support character
Styrak: Likely a caster class

V: Monk or bard, they will likely build something fun and a bit more socially oriented

13 days later

I'm still early on at the moment, but I'll include a few important characters that'll appear soon. All of them are fighters/magic-users anyway so this kind of feels like cheating...

Kovreil: Barbarian, almost exclusively for the ability to rage -- he has a reputation for being an incredibly aggressive fighter so this is a straight shoot

Modrian: Monk or Rogue, he's the one I'm most divided about because his actual fighting/magic style is sneaky and tactical like a rogue, but he's also an important peacekeeper so I feel like a monk would suit his personality more

Sengad: Paladin, he's an absolute tank but also the human equivalent of a bear hug and very principles-driven

Corin: Wizard, generally something scholarly that would let him help others

Erik: Fighter bc he's good with a sword and leading people.
Luis: A paladin because later in the story he fights for his gods and will.
Sara: Rogue, because she's sneaky and has many stealth/scouting missions.
Tonya: Life Cleric because she heals everyone and keeps them alive/safe

That's as much I could think of so far...

A great topic :smiley:

My main character would play a Rogue. Just because it is the way she lives her life - loving to steal stuff, just for fun and of course for the money.

Funny enough my character actually came from times where some friends and I came together and tried (the emphasis on trying ^^) to play some RPGs. She was planned as a throwaway Rogue character, but I liked her so much that over time (and after we disbanded our group) she became

Oh my gosh, I love this concept. Also its funny cause I do play a couple of my characters in actual DnD campaigns!

Perry: This is the character I main in one of my campaigns, he's a rogue/ranger in that. But I feel like he'd lean more towards playing a bard, just because bards have a reputation of being seductive and he'd LIVE for that
Ryn: Wizards are the nerds of DnD mages, and Ryn would DEFINITELY identify with that. But in the end, Ryn would probably be the DM for the group
Amethyst: Her pacifist personality would stay strong even in a "fictional" scenario, so she'd probably choose a cleric. A very lawfully good one at that
Qing: Oh man, this one's a little hard...She'd definitely be confused by the point of DnD. But probably after a lot of insistence, she'd go with a fighter since it's a pretty standard class
James: Being the one person in the group who can't actually use magic, he'd probably be a warlock because hey who doesn't like to get into deep trouble with the gods in exchange for being able to conjure fire with your fingers?
Harrison: Oh this is so easy, he'd choose artificer in a heartbeat, no argument there!
Pablo: Like Qing, he'd be very confused on why DnD is a thing. He'd probably pick druid because the concept of turning into an animal sounds kinda neat

It's funny you say that the reality of the comic highkey uses D&D as a foundation, I also sometimes roll dice as apart of the writing process (and to get numbers in there)


Lanny (Chosen one): Vengeance Paladin (5th level), Lucky Feat, to reflect inevitability and his chosen one esk prophecy. Would constantly have foresight on him :U

Mira: Eldritch Knight (5th level), with some kind of fire-themed booming blade that triggers on forced movement as well (she can never trigger forced movement herself), and a general explosion attack that deals far less damage but the effect is immediate.

Sally (The Dark Lord): Great Old One Warlock (because it's the closest match thematically), Also with some kind of foresight spell.

Koah (TDL's right-hand man): Paladin, but I won't reveal much more until later pages xD. he is not an oathbreaker, even though he DID break a previous one for the sake of literally the dark lord. Completely different oath.

Koah Spoilers

he is canonically a redemption paladin, Since the point of his character is that he sees good in everyone, even Sally who is the great evil in the world. One is a pacifist, the other is death.
His greatsword vessel has the ability to break weapons and armor, without doing a single point of damage to his enemies. And Koah has a lot of negation/counterspells to deal with spellcasters, as opposed to fizzling the spells, he weakens the spell so hard that it turns into flowers/feathers instead of something actually harmful.

Shadowy rogue character: Is a rogue (some kind of saboteur rogue archetype, about bomb planting.) has an ability that can create an explosion that forcefully moves the target, great synergy with Mira's other explosion move.

The Hemomancers: Oddly, some might be wizards, but the practice could also fit into being monks. This was realized later on in the writing process of Doomed One(s) since their practice is all about precise control over their own body (and others if you're well trained enough). Their fighting style is very acrobatic and weakspot focused which is big monk themed. The hemomancer who lacks eyes on their bird mask would be some kind of mercy monk/wizard of some sort.



Oooo this looks like fun! I'll have to dust off my dice for this one.

Mr. Graves- Undead Berserker(Path of the Ancestral Guardian). He's Frankenstein's monster, a spirit medium, and knows how to take a hit: this was a no-brainer.
Mr. Lovecraft- Budding Warlock (Pact: Great Old One). He's the father of cosmic horror, of course he's in deep with an eldritch entity.
Mr. Gears- Mechanical Paladin( Oath of Devotion). Mr. Gears is a 17th century Christian automaton who manages the horror's of his job by knowing he's helping others. He's more complex than the vanilla Paladin typing.

Ms. Lechuza- Witch Druid (Circle of the Moon). This one was a bit harder, Lechuza is an owl witch who hunts serial killers so I felt that the Wild shape would be the best fit for her shape shifting abilities but could also be part of Circle of the Shepard (she can talk to all owls.
Ms. Graves- Vampiric Rouge (Assassin). Ms. Graves is the vampyr (not vampire) you send in when you need someone dead. She's sharp, fast, and impossible to see coming while she crawls on the ceiling.
Ms. 88- Unstable Sorcerer( Wild Magic). 88 is a fairly new Miss so her abilities are anything but predictable. At any given moment she could loose control and give everyone in the building a dose of radiation poisoning. She's the chaos every good party needs.
Ms/Mr. Torment- Drowned Rouge (Soul Knife). No explanation, this Mr./Ms. story isn't all the way out yet (spoilers yet no spoilers!)

Love this topic! Here goes.

Sam: Paladin (devoted to her friends, cares a lot about right and wrong, makes promises that have big consequences)
Kate: Rogue (loves going on adventures, charming, flexible, a little chaotic)
Jamar: Wizard (canonically plays a wizard in an rpg, most comfortable studying and reading)

OMG WAIT! So excited for this. I actually previously drew my characters as DD stuff! Included them here!

The original story is a modern slice-of-life romcom between two Haudenosaunee women (I myself am a Two Spirit Haudenosaunee)

Danny: Barbarian, 100%, wanting to flex those muscles though

Bee: My lil adorable nerdy book worm would totally be a healer class, and yes I gave her my personal variation of an owlbear as a little companion. I call it a hootbear, cuz he stay tiny and adorable and lovable and omg I love him. If you take issue you can fight me XD

Ed: This stoic, snarky little smarty would totally be a sorcerer

River: Oh, he'd be a chill, minstrel bard. He used to be in a garage band and liked musical theatre and stuff. Plus Ed, is my little pansexual that loves people good at music, and it's what made him fall for River

The designs for the DD stuff is mostly based off traditional Haudenosaunee attire with some pan-Indigeneity. Except River. He's not Indigenous. But nevertheless I love him!

Here's the original story:

I also enjoyed the character designs so much that I made a spin-off that I work on every now and again both as extra practice since I still have a lot to learn with digital art, and just because it's fun and fantasy stuff was always my favorite genre. Plus I got a thing for cute witch girls tbh...

Gunhild: Mage. She loves anything magical.
Loki: Rogue
Thor: Beserker
Sif: Paladin
Baldr: Ranger

The story for my webcomic actually was inspired by a game of "monster of the week" I played with my friends. So not quite d&d, but still very much in the spirit of ttrpgs! But when I get to consider a more traditional fantasy element....

Michaelangelo - would actually be a great-old-one warlock if this was an au, but would want to play a bladesinger mage.

Neil - is absolutely a fighter, specc'd for protection.

Benji - tries desperately to stay out of the dnd party but is guilted into it by Neil. He'd probably just go ranger and play the classic aloof archer role.

Ollie - is absolutely a classic artificer, but uses traditional spells just as much as magical objects. That being said... they'd be running the d&d campaign.