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Aug 2022

Really wanted to talk about it since it was just 11 minutes of the crew getting into an argument and then apologizing. Personally, I liked it since they managed to get my anxiety going, but what about you guys? How do you feel when cartoons do this?

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i was JUST talking about this lmao.
i loved it, it felt so real, like the creators literally got into that situation a few months ago and made a script based off of it. the dialogue was also super realistic, it felt like a more grounded episode than the others too. also, nice to see an adult cartoon where the group doesn't hate each other (after all, they make up at the end and just decide to reschedule for later)

I couldn't watch it because I couldn't find a site to watch it, but it sounds like a regular episode of Oneyplays. :thinking:

If they DID base the script on a situation they got themselves into then I would assume that the reason they made this episode was so it wouldn't be for nothing lmao. Like "Let's give ourselves a free paycheck by making another episode...".

I will say it's a little weird they did an episode like this since Zach has openly stated he hates Family Guy and how a lot of the modern episodes have little segments that're like this. I'm not complaining tho. If someone were to do it right, it would be someone with a lot of experience in the podcast/let's play community.

I agree that it felt a bit family guy-ish, but I thought it was funny because of how realistic the whole dialogue/situation was and how I was just waiting the whole time for them to get out there in Brazil, and how it never happened.
Technically they went to brazil too, so that's funny. They deserve the paycheck if they actually got into that situation, lol

Excited for season 2. Heard Pim turns green and they're going to make a huge deal out of that. Kinda like making fun of how shows tend to change the status quo but it's very small.

It really is weird how anxiety on the viewer has become such a driving force for cartoons these days.

But hey! It's funny!

I liked the other Smiling Friends episodes up to this point, but I didn't much care for this one. It felt like a joke stretch a bit to long and was more annoying than funny. Not always a fan of ad-lib comedy in scripted shows/movies. Maybe it's because I am not really as big as a OneyPlays fan (I stopped watching when Julian and Ding Dong left), so maybe I am not really feeling the stan hype that other people get.

I did like how the color of the sky was shifting colors, that was cool. And I did like some of the BG characters.

yeah thats valid, I can see how it dragged on, but at least it was a bonus episode, right? this is one of those episodes that I'd think you could be fine with skipping, because nothing of plot relevance happens.

From the hype on social media, I thought it was going to be a longer episode or a mini movie. I feel like there are a lot of jokes that could have been done about Brazil and Carnival. They could have had everyone in the airport in costume and decorations everywhere and maybe a Jose Carioca reference on the elevator. Or maybe I just grew up with watching the Simpson Brazilian episode, so I was thinking of that (even tho I heard Brazilians find it offensive). But I guess with modern day comdy it's like a Rick Roll, where I guess part of the joke was tricking you....uh.

I do think Smiling Friends has potential but I am also worried everything might end up falling apart in season 2.

aughhhh i agree, whenever there's a sequel there's always a chance for it to be way worse, but at least I'll always have season one.

For me I'm reverse? I started getting more into OneyPlays when Julian and DingDong left. So this sorta reminded me of the SleepyCabin days. I actually have faith in Season 2 since it seems like they were just getting ready (specifically with Alan and Glep). I wouldn't call it stan-hype since there have been people (including me) that just wanted to see a full episode where the characters interact for an entire episode. I think the Christmas episode, for me, was where I wanted to see more of it (specifically the bit where Charlie and Pim argue lol).

I'm glad they did this for at least one episode because I felt like we were going to get an episode dedicated to this? They've been doing that where they're like "Okay let's get this out of the way" like the evil mirror character plotline with Frowning Friends or them killing a major character off. It's as if they're trying to challenge themselves in a weird way? How unique they can get in the long run by doing all the "Jump the Shark" tropes first.

Anyway, I feel like the Smiling Friends will come back to Brazil and this is some weird setup. If not, then it'll be sweet to see Pim booking those hotels for now on when they visit other countries. I know that Zach and Michael are afraid of doing the same thing twice.

The reason why I mentioned stan hype is that there are people who are fans with OneyPlays and Zach and whoever who would be OK with anything that was put before them. That even if an episode is not good, these people would not care because it is made by someone they love. While I don't hate the show, I am a bit concerned the pedestal people have placed it on. Fandoms can ruin shows, and I really don't want that to happen. Ding Dong complained about OneyPlays fans harassing him, so I know that fandom is already a little wack.

I was finally able to watch the episode. I enjoyed it.

It's an Adult Swim show, HBO has no power over if it would be cancelled or not.

Isn't Adult Swim a subsidiary of Cartoon Network? I remember my friend mentioning his animator friends were freaking out over the merger.

HBO does not have exclusive streaming rights to the show unlike something like Game of Thrones. Smiling Friends still airs on the Cartoon Network channel and you can watch some of the episodes for free through the Adult Swim site.

If there was talk to remove Adult Swim, then there would be concerns.