18 / 23
Mar 2021

As a fan of fantasy, I want to see worldbuildings, NOT those grandiose & cumbersome lores, but those accessible little cultures and trinkets and stuff: Does this place have unique weather? What favorite food do people eat in this city? What do they do at night? :kissing_closed_eyes:

Also I know lean tight storytelling is ideal, but please also leave some fat so we can savor it. (the juicy details).

@allenT its going to be a mix of fantasy, comedy, and LGBQT, weirdest mix but ya know whatev. I have been working on a few different world builds and im on the brink of coming up with the right one.

I like seeing art that prioritizes clarity of reading, I like fonts that are big and legible enough to read on a phone without having to zoom in and out, and I like panel layouts that aren't confusing.

I like seeing skillfully drawn environments in a setting that supports the story.

I love a strong cast of diverse characters who each have their own motivations and personalities and aren't just stereotypes or cliches. I love seeing characters of all colors and backgrounds and sexualities, but that don't feel like the creator deliberately tried to throw one of every letter of the LGBT alphabet soup into their story to try and cater to every minority audience.

I love a good romance that develops over the course of a story that doesn't pop up out of nowhere or feel forced, and doesn't fall into some of the negative BL tropes.

I really love strong costume design for characters! A great, believable, original costume is chef's kiss to me.

And I like seeing all of that come together with a plot that is driven by strong character motivations, not by a series of random events that coincidentally happen to the characters.

That's just me though!

@ninjashira Im going to try my best with the art, and it will most likely get WAY better as the comic goes on. I haven't decided on the world build yet, so environment will come later. I only have 3 characters planned out, which will be in episode one. I've spent some time planning there motivations and personalities, and have yet to come up with half of it, as the first episode is a simple kick-starter as they say. There will be much representation, but not of all cultures and such, and will be very spread out and as natural feeling as i can make it. As for romance I want some kind of relationship in the story, but have yet to plan it. Although as the main character will be gay, I will most likely have a relationship between them and someone else.

Fantasy, LGBTQ+ and Comedy sounds right up my alley, honestly!

My main advice for Tapas to build a readership would be:

  • Work in colour, it attracts more people.
  • Try to get to the main premise or have the plot underway within the first few updates
  • Tapas readers care more about really interesting characters than a really clever plot.
  • Update regularly for visibility.

@darthmongoose nice to know, and I always work in color. I already have the plot in mind, and am going to implement that first episode. I still have to plan some of the characters personalities and such, and I have a pretty simple plot. Since its so simple I easily can make it much more detailed which is what i intend to do once i have the characters personalities and motives set out 100%. Characters work with the plot, the more interesting characters the better the plot will fit in if you choose the right characters for the right parts, so I think that part will be good. Im also going to try to update 1-2 times a week, but if im not able to i will give notice to the subscribers which await my update, and double up on the update the next week most likely.

Story wise, I like to see when the main character's ideologies/beliefs are adequately challenged and this challenge bears consequence

The consequence does not have to be 'good' or even significantly different; it could result in the mc making poor decisions, or it could have them reinforce their earlier beliefs but that deliberation and formation of said beliefs is what endears me to a character. Why/How they came to think what they think

Majority of my favourite comic characters if you take them from their first chapter and compare it to them at the end of the story they are different people and the development wasn't an overnight, single arc change. Which I feel is more 'real'

Listen, I generally have low standards, but I do have one thing that still manages to get under my skin for action anime and comics.. Can we please start treating injuries as if they're actually injuries??? I can't tell you how many times I've seen characters break their bones and get smacked around through buildings and stuff only to get back up anyways like it's just the tiniest inconvenience lmao

  • Story and cool characters
  • Non-fantasy setting... I do prefer more modern/city like settings
  • Police/Detective/Kickassiness
  • Action
  • Explosions!!!
  • Fun!!!

@simonitropunk I have a story, and decently unique characters in mind. The setting that im planning will be in 4021 so it will be a little bit futuristic, but mostly just the characters being futuristic not the setting/world build. No detectives are planned in this comic. I haven't planned any kinda action like scenes yet, but i would like to have at least one. Um no explosions either-but lots of fun. I want this comic to be a decently upbeat and fun one.

Yes, good. The Longer the snoot, the better he comic because there's more to love. :joy:

TBH, I like to see the creativity and ideas of someone.

Asking others what they like to see will mostly end in tears, because you might only create for others and at an early point you might have no more fun with it, have no clue how to continue and it becomes work, so you give up.
Yes, you might get a bigger audience if you try to please a big audience but it wont be fun and might bring you down.

So, if you have ideas for a project do that, if you have no ideas, please don´t do it until you have.

@NiWo21k as i said, im keeping my ideas and just adding on to/seeing what i can improve about such. I worry about myself, then what yall want (not tryna be rude ha)

Hey, I don´t think you sound rude :wink:

As long as the biggest part of it is you, everything is fine :slight_smile:

It was just a little warning from my side to not concentrate too much on what others might want to see - I actually had once a YouTube channel where I started with what I wanted, but over time tried to please more people instead of keeping to what made fun and at some point, it all fell apart. So it's part of my own experience.

But just a little tip on the side, if you want to know what people might want to see, why not start and read a little what people think and maybe expect, that is something you can play with, surprise your readers, and let them discuss and experience your story in a different way :slight_smile:

I recommend you to make a story that you would enjoy. Otherwise, it will be harder to put the heart and effort to make the story the best it can be and to make a story that others would enjoy too.

Now, on what i like:

Will not mention story genres because any one of these can be successful if the comic is good.

What i want to see in a comic is a solid pacing. Not too rushed and not too slow. I don't care how big or small the update is as long as it has an impact in me, any emotion as long as it isn't boredom.

While i enjoy solid and clever plots, my priority will be the characters. If they are intersting, people will get hooked and emotionally invested. Also, characters are the ones that make the plot happen.

I have a preference for color, but there are some stories that work better in black and white, or introduce color gradually depending on the mental state of the character or certain plot points.

An obvious point, but no less important is readability. If the text is too small or blends with the background, people will not be able to enjoy your story.

Wish you the best on your new comic!.

Nice action, good comedy, nice romance, most importantly it should be interesting and immersive when its read