18 / 21
Mar 2021

Hi there! My workspace is mainly all functional stuff. :joy: But I do have some fun stuff...
- framed family photos that I love
- some motivational fortune cookie fortunes
- some decorative tape to hang my favorite drawings on the wall
- an ornate metal box from my grandmother
- some cool vintage wood drawers I built

The thing I really wish I could change is that my desk is only like 16 inches deep, and has no good outlets nearby. Lol

All the best to you as well!

My art workspace being my flat bedroom (which, granted, looks like a child's room, but I never grew up and will be single forever). I painted the walls and themed the whole place to dinosaurs. Still working on it, though! It's my gradual inspiration project. The next thing I'll be adding is artificial foliage and net fairy lights, and maybe painting a Jurassic Park quote on another wall. I only moved in a month and a bit ago, so it's a process.

I'm also going to be putting some "net" style fairy lights over the ceiling. If you're looking for cool lights, Wish has a lot for cheap (can't vouch quality though), and LightintheBox.com is excellent for variety (and better quality).

Good luck on your revamp, and I hope you love your new space!

  • I have some sort of mercury vapor giant glass bubble thing that does nothing.
  • A pair of bootleg diesel-punk goggles.
  • A glow in the dark steampunk cow's skull which I made from an aquarium prop.
  • A plasma ball covered by a surplus gas mask, enough to see the plasma through the eye sockets.
  • Two old radio cases that I never got to work on because of money. One should be the PC case and the other a charging hub.
  • Birdhouse logo cut out from my first legit skateboard which is very dear to me.
  • Random assortment of gloves, helmets, knee pads, million mugs, plates an empty bottle of beer a bike pump and a random clean fork next to a wrench and a box cutter.

All the kitties! My heart! :heart: (I have a b/w bby myself named Lia.)

This photo was taken in my old house but once all my stuff is set up in my apartment, it will look the same! (The painting is by high school me. Was based on a dream I had. It's been like ten years but I still like it! And if you look closely, you can see the horns from my leading lady Stellar. I love cosplaying her.)

After living with someone who covered every surface in miniatures (which were cool) and never dusted (which was not cool) I'm not so into figurines, but I do collect houseplants, and have a tea station on my desk.

I'm too lazy to resize pics for the forums, but there are some here, from when I got my tea warmer: https://twitter.com/LCrowComics/status/13657522894162821134

I love your tea setup!!!! Need this in my life.

I seriously love that little candle warmer.... But just a warning, teaware can turn into a serious addiction!!

Im so sorry for you :frowning:
But i can tell that he loved you THAT much, this look don't lie.
I'm sure he will send you someone that will need just as much love ^^

Some random item: I have a cheap 2.5 feet inflatable kids punching bag placed on one corner of my room, like this:

I use it to setup my camera focus when making videos of me playing recorder while sitting on my bed. It just works.

A world map as a reminder of my objective.
And a clock as a reminder of the time who goes too fast of our days.
With that add some drawings of your own.
Plus a piano, which you do not have too much time to play at.

And it gives you, my office !

I should get around to sharing pics of my space, but I'll paint ya a word visual instead xD

To start, I have two desks my dad made for me that I put together so it's an "L". One the 'main' desk, I've got my computer tower and two monitors, keyboard and mouse, naturally. I also have a lamp in the corner, so it's actually in the middle of the two desks. A box of tissues near that, because allergies 24/7/365, some lotion, my tablet, and my drawing tablet leaning up against the wall.

On the second desk, I have an electric piano keyboard. My laptop currently sits on top of that (it's got a laptop stand so that it holds my laptop above the keyboard for when I do music work). I've also got a little stand for my headphones, and there's some space to put my laptop down on the desk and work on it that way. Because when it comes to editing, I get real serious about it and usually need the three separate screens xD

Underneath the piano desk is a dog bed. Very important. And a small trash bin next to me. Also a small blanket I sit on because leather chairs aren't comfy if I'm wearing shorts. And a Sweater draped over that for when I get chilly.

Behind me is a window which I love to have open during nice weather. Also a wall that I have some gaming posters on and fairy lights, because every work space needs lights.

On the wall to my right is an electric fireplace with cabinets where I have my gaming collectibles and a TV.

On the wall in front of me is a calendar and a cork board. This is where I put my inspirational things, notes and such to whatever I'm working on, and most importantly, a big sign I made that says:

DO NOT USE: Thinks, Knows, Understands, Realizes, Believes, Wants, Remembers, Imagines, Desires, Loves and Hates.

in reference to this post that I refer to all the time:

And that's the gist of it! It's cozy to me and has everything I need to do a solid day's work. Or to give the appearance of that on some days... lol!