12 / 41
Jul 2015

I work on other things unrelated to drawing, like vocal practice/recordings and piano and guitar. And I play video games every once in a while. That's pretty much it, I don't have a lot going on u o u

videos games is what I usually do when I'm bored. That or sometimes draw something.

Drink myself into oblivion!
My body has been fighting against that lately so I mostly have been writing songs and playing pool with friends.

Well, naps are a favourite. I go find out where my fluffy cat is napping, and take a nap next to him.

If I decide to stay awake and be bored, I usually default to either watching movies/tv-series, playing videogames, reading books or taking walks. If I get criminally bored, and do not have access to any of the above mentioned, I might get crazy enough to try watching daytime tv in the quest of finding something worth watching. A quest that is mostly futile.

Why do you guys rhyme?
I sleep a lot when I'm bored.
Haikus are awesome.

Play pokemon and watch cartoons and sometimes i draw

What is this thing called "bored"?

I have at least 3 projects always available for doing not to mention taking care of the house, the dog, and the garden.

When my nephews complain to me that they're bored I laugh and depending how busy I am, it has a maniacal tone or not.

If there has ever been absence that shall suddenly be
I often find writing and artwork to entertain me
Until my head hurts with too many worlds that I make
But self abuse is the artist's undertake
I seldom find amusement in relaxation, video games and the outside place
So literature and line work, over and over I eternally trace.

I uh....draw. xD The second Im bored or waiting for a class to get out I take out my sketch book. I honestly can't think of any other ways to pass the time. Like seriously, I can't even think of how regular people do it.

That is actually the only reason I started drawing was to pass time in school. My teachers thought if I didn't doodle I'd just fall asleep (yeah true.) You're not alone!

I have two distinctive states of boredom. One where my brain just gives up from lack of stimulation and I fall asleep, and one where my brain is full of interesting ideas, but I have some terrible, mindless task I need to focus on instead, and I get very frustrated by it.

Play video games, try to sleep, be social (every now and then...), drawing or writing are probably what I do the most when I'm bored though.

Um, i dunno, I check social networks, like FB or tumblr. But 90% of the time, I draw. That's the only thing that never bores me.

I watch youtube until my eyes hurt, draw until my hand hurts, then I actually do my homework. Then repeat.

when I have nothing to do, i'm bored.
i'm bored when what i've been doing is boring.

um. hmmm. pfffssshhh. usually i go on tumblr or play video games or some bizz. but hey i just noticed that i havent been bored in a hecka long time. right on go me. ima just have myself a little self-party over here

I either draw (which ends up with me drawing because im bored of drawing) or take a 2 hour nap at the most random times. Summer is fun!