20 / 39
May 2016

@misterloki hhhh neat! Thanks for sharing your example! Super pro O:< !!! Figuring out a logo over my main text will be a different story but hopefully I'll find a font to inspire me for that! I see the blmabot being suggested a few times so I'll be sure to check that out too :3 ty!

@purrlpankras ahhh pretty art! I've seen corbel around before and I think I have that on my com! I should look into having differnt types of fonts for differnt situations too :3 ty for sharing

@taissztrum I like the look of that one alot! Its similar to what I have now! I'll take a look further with it, ty muchly!

@aFistFull Ohhh I like them! Clean and def my kinda appeal in fonts. thanks for sharing~

@hushicho Ahhh, I may not have look hard enough but I cant seem to figure out what incidental fonts are? If you dont mind me asking what that is @v@ I like that font that you use tho, I'll take a look more into it cuz ur totes right!

@Shanny8 Oh thanks or the headsup! I like having more places to look into and sales are a def help to know of. I appreciate the examples too! I never even thought about combining fonts to make a logo, neat O:< !!!

Thank you! Yes, since you paid for the computer and its OS you are entitled to the fonts as you would had you bought them separately. Of course you can go into each font's individual user license agreement to check in your computer's library, but it should be fine. You can read a little more about it here.

ahhhh thank you!!! I didnt know anything about all this! Super cool! I'll jump right into that link >:3 ~

Thank you! I didn't use a vector program of any sort. Just good old Clipstudio paint ex and its calligraphy brush! ^^ if anything though, I would have hired someone to design the logo for me. I think Blambot has a service for that but that's only if you're willing to invest on one ^^b~

I remember a thread around once that discussed fonts, but I don't know where it is anymore.

Anyways, here's my fonts:

Komika Text can be found royalty free on dafont.com, and a few of the other ones are on that site as well (Outlier, LT Oksana). The rest are either part of a collection of fonts I bought or found in other places on the internet.

I always choose free for commercial use fonts, for avoiding future problems.

In Kings of Fire6 I use "komika text" for common dialogues, "morris roman" for the titles and "parchment" for when some characters sing, this last one is a liottle bit hard to read but It's what I wanted, for giving more sensation of singing...

Actually with the Blambot fonts- the free fonts are for commercial use as well- provided you arent some super large company like Marvel or DC. Why do you think Marvel/DC farm out their most of their lettering gigs to freelancers again instead of still going through companies like Comicraft? Even when they use Nate Piekos(the owner of Blambot), his prices are a little more affordable than Comicraft. I like that Blambot has this policy, coz it allows the little guy trying to come up a chance to do work with some quality [free] fonts.

I just made a font with my own handwriting, since i didn't want to worry about making sure I chose a font that was okay for commercial use/didn't want to pay for one (although everyone's answers here have shown me that there are a lot more options of free/inexpensive fonts than I thought, which is awesome! I'll definitely look into some of those) I think using my own writing looks pretty cohesive paired with my art. So if you're at all interested in making your own font, I used this free website: http://www.myscriptfont.com/5 I found it really easy to use and pretty happy with the results!
Here's my comic logo, which I made using a combination of my handwriting font and some vector lettering I did myself:

I guess creating your own fonts/lettering isn't for everyone but I personally have a lot of fun with that sort of thing!

That's so nice that designer let you use his font for free! All of these fonts are really cool, and Honey Script sounds familiar, I think I may have used that one before.

@raelcsART I definitely suggest checking out blambot for comic dialogue fonts and those other sites I suggested for good fonts that can help you out with your logo design for your comic!

It wasn't that hard really O:
I fond a site, PaintFont.com I think it's called and it's really easy to make fonts there so I made a few simple fonts
and I think my own fonts fit in better with my comics and the style they're drawn in :'D

Wow so many, I only use times new roman, old English text, chiller, or just make up my own fonts

For my animesque webcomic3, I use Action Man for the dialogue text, which I got for free on Dafont IIRC. Sometimes I use Komika Axis, and the built-in Tw Cen MT font for logos. If I want to be a bit more classical I opt for Garamond.

I use the awesome Samaritan International (also known as AstroCity), from ComiCraft for text dialogues. It's expensive as hell ($150.00), but like @Shanny8 said, there's these really good sales at the beggining of each year. They have a huge collection of professional dialogue fonts and they all look great, but I personally liked this one more.

I have some other fonts that I bought or downloaded for free, usually from ComiCraft and Blambot. I bought on ComiCraft sales the fonts Rassum Frassum and Onomatopedia, for example. I bought Silver Age from Blambot but I didn't like the kerning that much. All the other fonts I usually get for free from Blambot to use as SFX or at the title.

My biggest issue with fonts is how Clip Studio Paint is incapable of dealing with OpenType ligatures. Fonts have a very shoddy kerning on CSP and if you need to access the special Onomatopedia characters you're out of luck. Worse, it doesn't export text layers as text layers when you convert the work in PSD, which would allow me to fix everything reasonably fast on Adobe Photoshop.