30 / 49
Apr 2024

The genre I was so specialized in is Fantasy, sure there might be a few drama, romance but fantasy with action is what I'm good at.

I pay attention to world-building, established ground rules, lore, and make sure I didn't do anything that is considered a retcon.

But right now, I am preparing a science fiction comic and trying to be good at it. I might publish it on Tapas next early next year.

What I struggle with is horror, though I never tried it but I'm not sure how to make it scary for the readers. Some day, I'll try it on a sci-fi comic.

I think people confuse setting with genre. In Star Wars it's a setting. It just happens to take place in a futuristic looking setting (I know it's in the past). But the sci fi part is just background noise. It's not a needed part of the story really. As you said it can be easily a story about knights and wizards. Star Trek is more a genre as it's part of the story. You could make the Enterprise a naval ship, but it would lose something in the storytelling. The science fiction huge part of the stories.

I would also say there is a spectrum of science fiction. That is why people came up with sci-fi and science fiction. People argue stuff like star trek is sci-fi while 2001: a Space Odyssey is science fiction. More grounded in reality, where Trek literally just combines science sounding words to explain things.

I love Scifi as a genre but I feel like a lot of people don't really understand what it is. It's not just science mumbo jumbo.

Scifi is about creating an alternate world, be it on another planet, alternative earth, or the future, and use that to tell an allegory. Because of the setting, you can push elements to an extreme.

A lot of scifi is very political and talk about government, ethics, human rights, identity, etc.

Scifi can be very heavy in it's world building like Star Wars or it can be more subtle like Get Out.

I've heard the term for series that focus more on the worldbuilding that isn't necessarily grounded in real science is "Science Fantasy" rather than "Science Fiction," take that as you will lol.

I think explaining every theory means breaking it down to it's core lol. But everyone has a different idea on what makes a genre a genre. Me and my fellow writers I know create a lot of science fiction, and it's 80% a breeding ground for our theories on pseudo science and creating new worlds. Teleportation, creating new worlds from pieces of other words, impossible surgeries, fake gravity etc. We love using science fiction as a way to imagine how the world or new worlds could exist differently, and stemming from these world ideas, we create plots, drama etc.


I was largely joking with HOW over simplified I made the tip. I actually write a lot of sci-fi and sci-fantasy (was planning as release one of my sci-fi books as one of my next Tapas projects actually) so I'm not making fun of it, that's just how my personal writing process actually works for it. Regardless of how you create the setting, I think most science fiction isn't based in "science" that checks out. Hence why I was explaining creating the concepts that way.

Let's all please not make this into an angry genre fight. These stories are fiction, and open to interpretation to what it means to everyone reading AND writing it

No one was doing that?

People were just sharing their thoughts on what makes scifi, scifi. It just happened to stem from your oversimplification, joke or not. Open discussion =/= fighting.

And just to add, you have this thread to be about genre, genre writing and giving advice to others. To then give some reductionist take on one, even as a joke, kinda flies against that idea. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that there's some pushback against it.

I would venture to say that most tips by nature have to be simplifications because there are infinite details to any craft.

Giving a reductionist "step 1 step 2 step 3" vantage to a genre may be an over-simplification, but it also doesn't make the tip invalid. Writing a genre works differently for everyone who writes it, and the tip I gave is a simplified way of how I create my science fiction stories. I could post an essay, but that wasn't really the point.

Nor did I say any specific person is or was fighting, I am also just reminding people that everyone has a different interpretation of what counts as "sci-fi or science fiction." It is too easy to begin writing off stories or creating rules as to how you should or shouldn't write a genre. There are people who will consider "Star Wars" sci-fi and others who won't. Some may dispute whether or not "Doctor Who" is science fiction, or whether a story like "Frankenstein" is horror or science fiction. When I write science fiction, it is largely about pseudo science more than it is philosophical, but I still wouldn't consider it science-fantasy. The point of writing is creative expression, and can be interpreted differently by each individual doing it.

My specialties are dialogue and slice of life. I'm told my weakness is grounding the characters in a scene with some background details. My movie-like story building is great for dialogue, but I forget to describe, say, that A is fidgeting with a coffee cup while he talks.

I struggled with that at the beginning of my novel too lol.

My best tip for that is that you can use everything to come full circle back to your dialog. Sometimes it's easy to worry about the action descriptions breaking up the dialog, so I've taught myself to use setting as a simile or analogy I tie back into dialog so it never seems to stray away too far.

Example: MC is talking to her crush during a picnic at the park. She starts to unpack the basket but he tells her he'll do it, so she just looks down at the dizzy, swirling pattern of the picnic blanket, that seems to mirror the confounded way she's feeling, trying to find the right words to say.

And then you go back to dialog again.

This is just what works for me, but I hope it helps lol.

23 days later

@Leyelle I like writing mysteries! Although I don’t think they’re the typical murder mystery, there is something the protagonists are trying to discover, but usually it’s a hidden secret or history. But I use the same formula of having them find clues and try to connect dots to figure it out, and I love having everything fall together. I look at my stories like big puzzles and it’s very rewarding when I do find that perfect ending :sparkles:

If only I could actually stick to a story lol although with Butter Bee I think I’ve finally been able to stick to that as a long term project.

I sort of have a hard time fitting into the genres here but I think most of my stories can broadly be put under the category of Surrealism and Speculative Fiction, but I tend to mix alot of elements of other ones with it depending on the story. (I have way too many half finished stories)

Honestly, I have a lot that don't even manage to get halfway finished lol. Their more like a whole bunch of notes and one paragraph of one chapter XD.

I do the mystery elements in my plots a lot too, but I don't know how to write a full on, Sherlock Holmes type mystery. I also like Sci-fi a lot tho too, though I also write a ton of other genres. Do you have any stories outside of sci-fi and surrealism?

Ooh I have many stories that I just outlines too I get you lol. I wish I could have more focus though, if I stayed with one story I’d probably have a whole story and half maybe even two written by now! Because I’ve written about 80,000 words since last fall but they’re split between 3 different stories :sob: I’m trying hard to stick to one but it’s making me go slower the longer I go with it so I think the hardest thing for me to write is ACTUALLY writing it’s so sad :sob: My attention and focus is very fickle.

And yeah! I think a lot of writers mix different genres together :slight_smile: And I really only write what I love, which is surrealist and science fiction, although I think the stories have very different appearances despite this. I sort of have a different genre I’ve worked with before? But I think it can still be counted as speculative and surreal. But it’s basically a romantic comedy lmao yeah that’s right I wrote a romance story :sob: I need to rewrite it though because the old script is very old! It was actually really fun to write though I hadn’t realized romance was fun because it’s not a huge focus in my other stories as much or at all sometimes.

But here are the main characters for that story idea lol. Their names are Kay and Theo. These are all more recent artworks.

There’s two other janky characters in the last one that are other characters in the same story btw forgot to mention :sweat_smile:

Lol, are those lizards or salamanders?

"Damsel in the Red Dress" was my first romance novel, but I found that it was actually really fun to write, and I write a lot of couples even in my other stories that aren't romance haha. I love writing romances, but sometimes my stories aren't mixed genres, (pure romance, mostly just comedy, sci-fi) and so on.

Is Kay short for something?

One thing that helps me with this, though it might not work for everyone, is to intentionally work on a like two or three stories primarily, so that I don't burn my brain out just focusing on one thing, but I can cycle between those things to help me actually finish them all, albeit slowly.

They are indeed salamanders! They’re a big part of the plot, or that little one is there :sob: I think my stories also lean towards absurdism, I’m just sort of wacky through my story telling.

Yeah I would have never guessed in a million years that I would ever write a romance novel but it happened anyways :sob: Sometime my novels have no pairings at all though, no couples to be found. But my webcomic does have quite a few couples in it. I don’t read alot of romance though, I definitely consume more sci-fi media and stories! Sci-fi is on my favorite genres I’d be interested to hear what your idea for your sci fi story is :slight_smile:

And Kay is not short for anything. I’m a dummie and forgot to write which character was who but the short guy is Kay, his mom named him after Sir Kay because she’s obsessed with Arthurian romance :joy: The tall character is non-binary but they’re name was Theodora but they just shorten it to Theo now

And that’s good advice, I don’t know why I never thought of intentionally cycling through a set of stories. Because eventually one would get done through that method! So thank you xD I’m gonna try to use that

XD, I hope it works for you.

Actually same. I've read a few romance comics, but I'm not sure i've ever read a single romance novel.

oh goodness. I have a ton. But one I'm hoping to do on Tapas sooner or later is about a woman who was in a car accident and loses a huge portion of her skull, which is repaired by some scientists with something called "Geoth" the living metal. It's supposed to repair at the same speed as human bones, so there's no risk of her ever needing another surgery, but...issues arise.

Ahh, I forgot to mention when I started this thread that I'm pretty proficient in comedy writing too for anyone who wants tips on that lol, both for writing comedic series and just comedic banter in scenes in other genres

From "Damsel in the Red Dress."

“Oh.” His lips part - eyes getting a little rounder than usual. “Oh, y-yeah. I think so. I’m supposed to be released Wednesday, and Utkarsh is gonna drive me home. It’ll be so nice to be in my own clothes again.” He adds with a cross between a laugh and a sigh.

“You must have been dying stuck in that white dress for all this time,” I can’t help teasing, “It’s not even stylish.”

He smiles roguishly, and I realize too late that I’ve walked right into the rebuttal-

“Yeah, it looks kinda like something you would have bought.”

and from my audio drama Lion Proof

Aaron: (as if to himself in a low mutter) And the tension was so thick you could attempt to sever it with various cutting implements but they all would get wedged in the middle-

Eliza: We need to talk.

Aaron: Oh no.

Eliza: This is the year I’m going to start my hair care company.

Aaron: (relieved) Oh…(worried again) Oh no. My brother warned me about this. No good ever comes from your wife listening to podcasts and watching Oprah...but I just laughed back then.

Eliza: I really want to do this Aaron.

Aaron: No, you think you want this but what you really want is a fad diet and a trendy new fitness discipline. How about kettlebell yoga? That’s in the budget.

Eliza: The more you tell me I shouldn’t the more I want to do it.

Aaron: Fine…then you SHOULD do it.

Eliza: Thank you.

Aaron: No! You don’t get to play both sides. Pick a lane and stay in it.

Eliza: Okay, the haircare lane.

@beebutterbee interestingly enough, we were talking about sci-fi yesterday, and yesterday I got accepted into, not sci-fi, but a speculative fiction magazine, so I now have a spec piece forthcoming, crazy timing.

I appreciate a good sense of humor too, as someone who writes a lot of comedic elements into all of my stories. Butter Bee is def a comedy but most of my stories are a little more serious but also not really because I'm always putting something weird into the plot :innocent:

Ooh congrats!! I love spec fiction. One of my friends has been in magazines too but he writes really dark surreal horror. I should probably submit to magazines too but I'm always so nervous lol... but its a great way to start a writing career and get your work out there.

@beebutterbee Really? I didn't know that. I thought it was more of a surrealist fantasy drama. "Damsel in the Red Dress" is definitely not comedy, but there is banter in a lot of scenes because the bestie leads don't pull their punches when teasing each other lol.

After I made the post above I remembered my absolute favorite banter in Damsel in the Red Dress is actually in "A Spoonful of Sugar." It's very flirtatious tho lol. But I also write purely comedy series.

"Lion Proof" is one, but definitely not even my funniest imao (there were SO many limitations with the company I made that audio drama for, smh.)

I agree. Even when the mags are small it's good marketing. I was published for the first time in a magazine when I was 15, and I have a poem forthcoming in LIGHT magazine, as well as the spec piece forthcoming. None of it has made me a household name, but at least it makes me a resume lol.