65 / 389
Oct 2017

I did this yesterday while watching game of thrones. Was pretty fun cause i haven't played with clay in like 10 years.

This is probably not exactly what you mean but tomorrow I have to do a project with my kids on their favourite sport snore so I changed it to "Design your own sport".

This is my example. I knocked it up in 5 minutes.

Anybody for a game?

8 days later

This is a character portrait for a fantasy comic i plan on working on but the story got so out of hand with different plots i threw in and world settings. The character development threw itself out the window for each character except this one. This is part of the reason why i kept asking for a writer but for now i plan on moving forward with my current comic and hopefully figure out this fantasy thing that i no longer recognize along the way.

Some interesting works on here :slight_smile: Well the latest thing I've done is a Day 12 Inktober drawing most definitely inspired by Ghost in the shell. I'm getting back to my comic slowly after a six month hiatus.

Just finished up drawing this made-up drag queen character today.

She's a big brawny babe, A regular ol’ Brienne the Tart. :wink:

I actually put this one on the back burner while I was working on new episodes of my comic.
It was sitting around unfinished for a month and a half.
Choosing between getting out a new episode/update or just drawing an unrelated piece of art can be a bit of a conundrum sometimes. :confounded:

Here's just a WIP of something I'm doing for a pal. My friend is in law school and likes things that remind her of home (Texas), her favorite animal is a fox, and she's a slytherin. So I made a Slytherin Cactus Witch casting a Fox Patronus for her to hang in her apartment. <3

A few things here and there, mostly on little 75x125mm note cards:

Original characters:


Marisa from Touhou:

A Vocaloid song:

I only work in traditional media, digital is too weird...