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Mar 2020

Every comic and novel has some sort of personal history in it. The stories that our elders tell us, and everything we experience plays a role in our writing.

My comic IDOL: Recalled To The Light2 is largely inspired by my Asian background.
When I was little, I went to a preschool with teachers who were Japanese. They taught us about Japanese culture through kamashibai (picture cards) and read us manga in right-to-left format.
From then on, I adored Japanese culture and had a passion for manga.
I loved manga so much that I created my own. My first manga was about a fox who is transported 1,000 years into the future where he meets cyber-fox.
The first manga I read when I was a teenager was "Naruto".

Because of the manga influence at a young age, my comic is done in the right-to-left format to preserve what I've always loved and to keep it unique.

I also love the Asian markets and Chinatown. My favorite place is H-mart, where you can get Korean and Japanese snacks. Food inspired me to write this comic as well as the people who made it. Going to the markets was always a treat for me, because they were like little worlds.
I wanted to write a story that included everything I love about who I am as a person, and the people I've met through the markets.

So what are some personal events in the history of your being, that have inspired events in your story?

  • created

    Mar '20
  • last reply

    Apr '20
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I used to watch and read a lot of Marvel and DC content (and still do). Initially though, I really wanted my comics to be unconventional inspirations as to what my comics were going to be based off of. I was going to make my comics with solely human characters, but there was no excitement in that for me. So I took to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise. However, I also used to watch shows like Veggietales, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and saw the movie Sausage Party. The idea was that those brands used anthropomorphic food items in their stories. So I put all those inspirations together to create a series based on Fruits, (similar to characters being vegetables in veggietales) who were mutated ninja teenagers (TMNT) but wasn't JUST kid friendly (Sausage Party). So there was something in this world of mine for any age. Make no mistake, there are human characters, superheroes, etc. Now I've created my own universe of characters where homages to my favorite brands could coexist, however far-fetched it seems :laughing:.

I'm an expatriated finance director of a large company, and my comic "effy - the living efficiency" became a necessary release, a way to process the cynicism. Every episodes is inspired by some of the decisions, meetings, struggles, or contraddictions I'm facing everyday. I grew up on x-men but I felt only b&w could convey that harsh reality.

Playing the Sega Genesis.

To make a very long story short, I get my ideas from games such as Gunstar Heroes, which my older brother and I played the ever-loving crap out of. I love color, personality, character, and action, and I feel all this was formerly embodied by the video game company Treasure, but they're MIA nowadays, so I've moved on to Platinum Games. Tropes such as Crazy Awesome and Rule of Cool have always gotten my adrenaline surging.

I don't know if this sounds credible, but I kinda want to share my childhood with others who may not have had the same privileges as I did.

When it comes to media...I got into manga (like DBZ, Astroboy, Ramna 1/2, Naruto) when I was in middle school which inspired me to doodle when I was bored in class. Tho, when I went to a summer arts program in high school, my teacher was sort of anti-manga (due to being harassed by otakus), so I tried to come up with a style that was a bit less animu. I tried to make something that looked more American-style which and pulled inspiration from Fairly Odd Parents and The Beginner's Bible.

When it comes from real life...
When I was little, my family had to leave their suburban home due to it being infested with scorpions. We had to live in a tiny apartment. It sort of inspired me to have characters live in tiny lower class homes.

When it comes to random stuff...
There were like Navajo sand paintings in everyone's house when I was little and I was always fascinated by them. When my family moved away from the Southwest, it sort of became something I missed. I come to closely associate them with childhood and nostalgia.

I was an english major with a classics minor so I've been ass deep in ancient Greek stuff for a long long long time. I've read a lot of versions of the greek myth canon and I usually find that they're very similar across the board. That includes popular online media's sort of fanon look at all the gods and their assigned personalities and all that fun stuff. So part of what I wanted to do with it was to take their established stories and turn it into an ensemble comedy where the same traits and actions are there but they come about in different ways from what's usually done with them.

I also work in film IRL, and I grew up in the industry, so I think that's really influenced the way I approach narratives, dialogue, and world building. Like, I tend to picture my characters in terms of an ensemble TV show when it comes to how they relate to each other/the pacing/etc.

Also I'm Italian in my heritage and I think it's really on brand to take something Greek and make it my own lol

When I was a teenager, I was inspired in doing a comic thanks to manga contents such as bleach, Naruto, One piece and so on.

However, I don't feel like heavily invested on the contents I make before, so time went on and after college, I discovered this new manga called Kingdom and it heavily inspired to make my own but what should I make?

What is there I could differ my content from other's? I see many doing meme comics, real life experience contents, Hero comics that look like it is inspired by Shonen Jump, DC, Marvel, and Image comics and other's inspired through movies, successful contents from authors and video games. I am not sure what to do, so I look back to the manga; Kingdom and then suddenly it hit me.

I look at the history of the middle east, the rise of the Rashiduun Caliphate, the fall of the Umayyad and the rise of the Abbasids, the rising Emirate of Cordoba, the clash between the Mamlukes and the Ottomans and even Arabic Mythologies and 1001 nights.

I realize there is no contents that is influence by middle eastern mythologies, cultures and history, so I make a comic called "Mukhtar" (The future main character's name). That way, I could differ my comics from many other's.

So far, it is all good. Many of my readers said that the world building in my comic sounds too realistic with the exceptions of Fantasies.

You can take a look at it here if you're interested:

Before comics weren't exactly my favorite thing, because I don't like (and never liked) all this mainstream stuff like superheroes, mystery and all, just not my cup of tea, you know. But then I found one comic, XIII, and I liked it very much, at that time I realized that comics can be about everything.

And then is the second. I'm a movie fan for most of time and my favorite genre is action movies, classics from 80s and such. And also TV shows, but there is my taste a bit weird because I watch mostly Russian TV shows about cops and bandits (other 5% is foreign shows of same genre), which is considered a very "low" genre here (but I don't care, you elitists : P ). And I always wanted to make my own action movie or at least one of those cop shows.

So there is two ways merged into one. I realized that comics could be about everything and decided to made my own action comic is style of those movies and shows. That's the story.

Wow! I think your inspiration for your story is very deep @WhiskeyClone that's awesome!
The inspiration for my current webcomic though is quite silly.
The idea of writing a story about a group of people locked inside a nuclear shelter came after watching a youtube video of some guys trespassing into a radioactive area in Japan and filming an abandoned Sega Arcade.
Seeing those images, the fact of knowing there was something out there but which could not be seen nor felt and yet it was dangerous truly inspired me. Also to see the place completely abandoned made me wonder "what would happen if our lives, as we know them, were to change from one day to another?" "What if all of those places we visit everyday become inaccessible?" "Would humanity still thrive or fight to survive in a place such as a nuclear shelter, isolated from the "world" that thought belonged to it?"

My entire childhood and adolescence I was locked inside my house, only able to go out to buy at the shop next door or when my mom would take me to school. I always saw the "outside world" as something interesting, but quite dangerous as well. Dangerous as I was born in a small country in Central America which has a lot of delinquency and murder, so I was scared to go out, but at the same time, I couldn't help feeling curious about it. I think that also influenced my work a little.

I find it silly how something as trivial as a youtube video gave me this idea, but I kind of liked how it turned out to be in the end... now I find my own story quite creepy to be honest (considering the situation the world is facing right now), but I'm sticking to it for a little longer hahaha :smiley:
Just some example pages.