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Jul 2022

I'm kinda curious since a lot of people have different things they concider scary! A couple of my friends are so damn scared of horror movies with jumpscares while I don't really tbh. I watch most horror movies to be disturbed and intrigued, because I usually am not scared of them!

However, I will note that that one car scene in Hereditary (if you know you know, I won't spoil) it stuck with me so much, because it was so genuinely horrifying. It was the reaction of the older brother upon seeing what happened that genuinely upset me since you as the audience are in his shoes and we know exactly what he's thinking.

But then again, I was more disturbed than anything else. I really need to care about the characters in order to feel that way, so a lot of slasher films just don't interest me.

Usually, I, personally am scared of any horror games where something is chasing you. I cannot bring myself to play any of them because of how anxious it makes me having to make active choices to get away from a threat. I absolutely adore watching people play horror games and be scared as all hell. Brings me back to the days of watching markiplier play fnaf

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personally its the threat, be it creature or killer that danger posed by them is what scary, and they got to seem strong

Watch Dr. Pimple Popper and you'll see my fears. That and itty bitty holes all over someone's body... you ever seen a frog with holes in its back while other frogs hop it's just... disturbing.

I personally don't find gore or dismemberment disturbing, but I have a specific fear when a woman who's all dainty, sweet, and soft-spoken gets dismembered or shredded or set on fire. I remember Akira freaking me out when Kaneda's girlfriend gets crushed like a zit and her eyes pop out. She didn't deserve that. She was literally the sweetest character in the entire movie.

I have a personal belief that those types of girls should never.... EVER die. They deserve all the hugs and chocolates and giant stuffed teddy bears in the world (yes I have a type, how'd you guess?), but when you do it out of nowhere it sorta reminds you that death don't discriminate. But I guess that's what happens when sweet girls like that hang around with criminals.

It scares me even more when it happens to ladies with glasses. Like in GTA V. There's a scene where you chase this chick down to the airport. You weren't going to kill her. You just wanted something from her. Even the character you play as was like "Just... chill", but she gets so scared she tries to run inside the jet while the turbines are still running and she gets shredded. Just blood starts spraying everywhere. All she wanted was to make her boss happy, who doesn't even love her, but she's obsessed with him. But again, it reinforces that no one's safe when working with these types of people.

Speaking of which, I remember Deadpool 2 freaking me out with the scene where the X-Force was getting killed one-by-one. Probably the most elaborate way to scare me. They've set the X-Force up like the Avengers through advertisement and was super meta about it. And then Shatterstar being incinerated by Helicopter blades and then Hazmat falling into a woodchipper.

Also woodchippers scare me. Getting your head run over by a car scares me. Yeh....

I will say, I will include stuff that scares me in my stories because why not?

Violation of bodily Autonomy. Slowly changing into something you can't recognize, involuntary surgeries, losing control over your body while remaining conscious. That shit terrifies me.

I recently realized that the stories that disturb me the most are weird doppelgänger stories or stories of creatures mimicking humans to lure them in. Like the Mandela catalog that blew up recently, the not-them from the magnus archives, SCP-939, and of course,THE THING! It’s not a chase, it’s a mind game. Especially if the original person is still alive and they have to decide which is the real one and the story ends but it’s not super clear if they made the right choice?? Agh, gets me every time even if it is kind of cheesy

Straight up fight-or-flight type scary? Jumpscares and chasing.

Disturbing? Undertale's True Lab and genocide route ending screwed me up :'D

(I guess in general I like horror elements in media that's not primarily horror; if it's dark all the way through I tend to have 'braced myself' when the really horrifying stuff come)

I don't find demons or ghosts scary at all.

The thing that bugs me more is realistic body horror or graphic physical abuse. Dismemberment and true crime stuff tends to disturb me more. I tend to try to avoid that stuff because it will effect my emotional state, I get intrusive thoughts, and I end up getting really depressed.

Woof, let's see:
-body horror, the whole "losing control of your soul's house" thing makes me squirm
-cannibalism is a big one for me, not sure why, the movie "Parents" is great, by the way.
-People's minds being altered or overwritten so they kill/hurt the people they love (that one came about around the time I became a big sister)
-knives or other sharp objects piercing or slicing the body, that one came about after an incident involving a butter knife that left a scar

Ooo! Ooooo! That gave me week-long nightmares when I was much younger! So did the 1980's version of 'The Blob', 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers' (original and 70's), and 'The Island of Terror'.

I guess for me, what horrifies me are formless or blob-like monstrosities that can, make you suffer or hijack full control of your body, and possibly still being fully aware of what's happening to you and feeling everything, all while there's nothing you can do about it.


Mm, I feel that a little bit...

It's not that I'm 'unshakeable' or anything-- there are plenty of things that make me uncomfortable, like gore and other types of visual horror in particular. But I don't think being nauseous is quite the same thing as being scared. ^^;

If we define 'scare' as 'makes your heart race in a negative way, elevates your concern for the characters involved' I think the only thing that comes close to getting that reaction out of me is claustrophobic situations.

Like, if MC is hiding from the monster in a closet, it's whatever; I don't care, I might even still be laughing at that point (yes, I'm that kind of horror movie watcher).
But if MC is hiding from the monster in, like, a coffin, and you've got the camera jammed in there with them, NOW you have my undivided attention. 8[ I do not deal well with that kind of thing...that one scene from Kill Bill messed me up for years, and that wasn't even a horror movie...

There hasn't been a horror movie that scared me per se... as many, they feel so goofy. However, as a kid, the T-1000 from Terminator 2 was scary, as hell.

He's, basically, indestructible.. he can shape-shift and turn into other people and imitate their voices and he's a killer machine. The way he murders people is quite brutal and unforgiving. He's after a kid and would do anything to get him. Imagine yourself chased by something like him.

Forget the Exorcist girl, the T-1000 would slice her up and comes after you.

Jump-scares aren't really considered scary, it's just a Surprise "Gotcha Bitch!" moment. I am fond of steady types of horror where you can see the scary scene visibly and it is getting closer, and closer to the characters without jump-scares. That is the kind of horror I miss.

What I am scared of some scary women whose face is cover with her black her and it is crawling towards you like the grudge, or Mama. That gives me chills all over me.

The scariest things for me are bizzare / without explanation + a big part of it stays mysterious,
everything else maybe frighens me for a second

Horror things don't scare me as much as they should. Even my nightmares seem like pleasant dreams to me. Maybe it's because I know what's going to happen, for example, a group of friends hanging out in the woods with a serial killer on the loose or a supposed legend of a monster. Yeah, I know what's going to happen to that one guy that decides to wander alone in the dark. I enjoy horror because I like exploring the unknown, and I think monsters are cool and interesting, but scary? Not really.

I don't really get too scared of fictional works as much, but yeah I agree with you. I do get scared of chase scenes in horror games and if I take my headphones off I can play it without being scared, but that also kind of beats the purpose of the experience. I think what's the most chilling experience I have with video games that left me not wanting to play another horror game again is Dark Deception, especially in chapter 2 where I hear the monster breathing down my neck. Talking about it just makes me wanna run to bed and stay cover under the blanket for a while.

Something realistic that could happen to anyone at any moment scares me the most, like "Final destination", especially if it's graphic

I think movies like "Aniara" are what's truly frightening. That's no monster. The horror isn't "other people are monsters" (although the people are horrid to each other in the movie). The horror is the infinite vastness of space and how small we truly are compared to it. (If you know, you know!)

Something that inspires dread and turn your own mind against you. Just plopped into a situation where it seems like something is going to happen, and you're waiting for that something to happen even though it never did–the paranoia slowly driving you to insanity. That terrifies me.

And I did watch Hereditary once. It shook me to my core. Never again will I watch that movie. :see_no_evil: :blank:

I hate stagnation. I hate unending bureaucracy. I hate "functional" dystopias.