13 / 31
May 2022

Dogs can be scary, especially when they try to bite into my arm, I was lucky that I was wearing
a leather jacket

A centipede, especially those larger than 20 cm (8")
The bite is venomous and painful, can cause a significant illness (not too much fatality from what I observe)
The movement is agile and unpredictable

Insects, but big
Don't worry about their exoskeletons not being able to logically hold a body of massive size, giant insects are scary fiction

I don’t like large dogs.

I used to have a bad phobia of them and would get sort of upset when dog people would just let their large dog jump at me. I think it’s part me finding them too big and part that growing up my neighbor had a husky who used to run at and try to bite the small dogs in the neighborhood. And she almost attacked a kid who was walking a dog.

My older brother also had this phobia. My mom says as a young child, he would freak out if he saw a large dog. My younger siblings also had a dog phobia but it was for all dogs, big or small. They used to live in a country where dogs were not nice and should be avoided, so seeing that Americans keep them as pets was a bit jarring to them.

Tailless whip scorpions are one of the only animals that creep me out. I know they aren't dangerous, I don't wanna kill them or anything, but they look so freaky

I also really don't like gallinippers (big mosquitos)

Monitor lizards are BEASTS and if you ever see one you should run away immediately although it probably wouldn't do much if it wanted to KILL you.
The Komodo Dragon, is the largest member of the family, they can grow up to around 10 feet long and despite their sheer size they have mastered all forms of travel. The one in this picture can probably swim at around 15km per hour but no one knows because no ones ever been able to record ones swim speed, probably because they're TERRIFIED of going near it.
But their run speed has been recorded and they're FAST with some of them clocking in at around 20km per hour. They live mostly in forests so you'll be forgiven for assuming you can get to safety by climbing a tree. KOMODO DRAGONS CLIMB TREES TOO.
There is no escape from these beasts, they literally eat their own feces just to spite YOU. Creating a very painful venom to make it even more evident that you just got OWNED by a KOMODO DRAGON.

For more animal facts feel free to hit me up.
-Mr Tumultuous/ The TAG/ Taggzer

I find jellyfish extremely scary. It is not even about the fact that they can sting, but just how it moves and has tentacles and such freaks me out.

Eels. Idk they just make me feel uncomfortable. Also, apperently we don't know where they come from... Like how they reproduce. creepy.

Ducks, they're r#pists and they're entire evolutionary line is based around it

Roaches are the scariest thing to have ever evolved. But also, I have a phobia of them from when one flew on me in the shower at 14. :weary: Florida, man. I love it but the one thing I dislike is our huge roaches.

That reminded me of when I found a huge one when my family came home after vacation. I was so fucking horrified as to how something so huge was just chilling in the shower.

Have you seen the underside of a starfish? It's weird and a little creepy