25 / 27
Sep 2024

I don't really agree with that. There's more to life than just paying rent and buying food.

Learning something new, even if just for fun, takes time and yes, discipline. Often requiring a strict regimen to accomplish it.

Frankly, from my own experience, I've found that the external motivator of rent and food, means I don't need to be all that disciplined for a paying job. It's the things I do for fun, where I actually draw enjoyment and fulfillment from, that's where I will give it my all.

In mine: Jobs are hard to come by, and jobs you can live off of are even rarer, and you have no choice but to treat them like life or death no matter how shit they are. That also means learning and strictly adhering to a lot of rather idiotic systems. Discipline is a must because you will be punished otherwise.

Art is something done for pleasure and self improvement. Creators treating it like Job #2 is great for the companies that gain the lion's share of all rewards from your labour. They can't operate their data-mining and ad-delivery machines without that willingness. But that just means it's a mug's game. Just because there are millions of willing mugs out there doesn't make it less of one.

The time and freedom to create should always be treated as the luxury it is. To be savored and reveled in at your leisure. If treating it like Job 2 brings pleasure, fine. I see applying the methods of the vile to a thing that is good as a foolish thing (like an atheist going to church), but I recognize that I'm in the minority on that.

So everyone here has quite a different view of what discipline makes them = v =
This is a reminder that NOT EVERYONE has the same lives. if you disagree, then do what you're comfortable with. After all, not everyone here is a student, a full time worker, a part time worker, a person with several jobs, or an already retired person. So, do what's best for your life, and your personality.
Cheers! :wink:

I thought I have discipline and it turns out to be a cake. They make cakes of everything these days, and it looks deceivingly realistic.
Now I have a cake and zero discipline, so I eat all the cake in one sitting.

Hoh :v
That was an interesting take of life. = v =
But you know what? Reading your statement makes me remember that I also have problem with eating a lot. fair rnough, eating gives us energy. But eating too much? Extra kilos in the body babehh!!
Let's do our best to be the best version of ourselves! >w<)9

Maybe focus less on discipline and more on motivation. And sure it can be edible, you can set up goals like “If I complete X amount of pages, I will treat myself with ice cream.”

For doomscrolling, your motivation could be not feeling horrible every time you open up social media. Maybe finding healthier ways to consume content. I like to draw while binging a show or some long form video essay.

I'm sharing this, but not as a suggestion. :sob: I handle my discipline with self-guilt. It's like I'm guilt-tripping myself for not achieving certain daily work goals. I'm not a full-time artist; I still have a job. So I'm doing my best to post my work on time and in decent quality. To do that, well... create a goal to finish, even if it's just a tiny amount of the overall progress!

Motivation, huh?
Sounds plausible, considering I lack motivation to do most things :laughing:
And thank you for the tip about doomscrolling >w<)/
If we want to have something useful on our FYP, we should look for it first, right? >w<)b

This one's a hazardous way of trying to stay motivated, because I've experienced it before.
Well, it will become hazardous if you suddenly stopped with what you have done everyday. You know, like that one law in physics? "An object with stay in motion, unless there's an external force inflicted on it."
But you do you, girl. GET THAT UPDATE GOING! XD

I'm definitely learning not to rely on guilt-tripping to stay motivated. But the voices!! The procrastination devil is so strong!! :hype_01: :hype_01:

I'm not sure I am capable of discipline given my ADHD. Like whether I do things right or wrong seems to have little to do with my methods and everything to do with how I feel that day.

But I have a daily to do list that I check every day in a tab on my computer.

It's helped me drink enough water and keep up with my workout.

That´s a good first step, I´m doing exactly the same. I didn´t drink any water and I didn´t workout.
I sometimes have to make new to do lists and I always update and change them.
It´s also good for cleaning the apartment / house. I have a 3 minutes for every room thing with
a timer. 15 minutes and I´m finished

the treat/reward system has definitely been my go to when i know i've got the spoons to do work. so it's usually something like no gaming till i've finished at least a couple pages or if i get the sketch or the lineart done then i can scroll online for few minutes or something

otherwise it's probably like spite as my driving thing which i cant say if it's good or bad but if i can shut up the nagging in my head with a solid bit of work then it's good enough :rofl:

Oh yeah, doing work in anger sometimes motivate you to do more XD
I can kinda relate to that = v =)b

Welp. Discipline has many forms. It depends on the individual and what they plan on getting done to achieve a goal (ie routines, studies, progress for a milestone, etc.)

If you're someone with ADHD, societal expectations of what is good practice for being "disciplined" is not going to work for you. People with ADHD sometimes need specific tools in order to achieve short term and long term goals.

I work full time on my comic. Every day, I work on the page work for 5-6 hours. This could be rough drafts, tight roughs, line art, flats, or coloring. I try to focus on one of those phases. (My main script is finished, so I don't work on that much anymore.)
Some days, I have a hard time focusing, so I jump between phases depending on what has been done so far for page work. And sometimes I work on extra stuff for my Patreon instead. A break can do wonders to help you refocus onto your main projects.
I usually run off of self-determination, but that doesn't work for everybody (and it sometimes doesn't work for me lol.)

So here's my general advice for getting things done:
- Visualize or write down your overall goal for the thing
- Plan out smaller milestones that will help you achieve that goal
- Determine how long it may take, then add "cushion time" on top of that
- Don't try to go 100% for consecutives weeks; plan time away from the project
- Reward yourself for the small milestones or just a good day's work! I use little wooden Moomin stamps in my day planner at the end of each work day. That allows me to see what I got done for the day, and adds a little joy to it. :}

I hope any of our advice here in the comments helps you out!