I got tired of my old username (which was before I joined Tapas, but I used a variant of it on most of my socials), which was based on a throwaway line from Scott Pilgrim (the comic, not the movie). Last August, I got serious about trying to come up with something new, mashing together words/concepts that I liked, and I basically was like "I like sour candy. I like swords. Bada bing, bada boom." It sounds less stupid than the old one, and that's what matters.
I picked "Llyrel" as my nickname when I decided to separate my gaming activity from my art stuff. I originally put came up with the name for RPG purposes, but the character I created never got much use, sooo... I decided to recycle the name for myself XD
I liked it because it was 100% "original" (as in, invented by me with no references to songs or whatever as I usually tend to do) + it was shorter and easier to pronounce compared to what I had before. Well... somewhat easier to pronounce XD it didn't occur to me until recently that most people are probably going to read it as "LIE-rel" when in my head it actually sounds like "Lee-rEl" with a stress on the E, but whatever
My full name is 'Brandon Tenn Luke.' I flipped my T and L initials to spell BLT, just because as someone who's a notoriously big eater among his family, I found it kind of amusing. And then just added an X at the end because it sounded cool. Coincidentally, X is also the roman numeral for 10. And that's the history behind my nickname.
My friends and I were going to make a CGI short series called "Power Plant".
It was about a dystopian corporation called "Power Plant" mutating plants and turning them into slaves. The plant in profile has a name (Roses :v). That was his blender model.
We changed the logo to match up with That Stick Figure Isekai's aesthetic:
I'm thinking about changing my profile to "That Mexican Stick Figure" since I'm falling in love with how Burd drew me in our Q&A:
Also to tie the branding together since everything is stick figures (I plan on making That Mexican Stick Figure my YouTube avatar as well :v) (a bit of an inside joke too since my friends expected me to have a thick accent but when they heard me for the first time they were blown away by how white I sounded).
Also going that direction since my parents are really in touch with their culture.
My current username doesn't have a long history, so Imma recount the legends of my entire username history instead
So during early days, I went by ctang15, because it was my student ID or school email or something. Simple enough.
But of course that was boring, so I wanted to change it. Being a frequent reader of TvTropes at the time, I stumbled upon the trope A.I. Is A Crapshoot, and my first thought was "heh heh, 'crap'" (I was very mature) and my second thought was "what the heck does 'crapshoot' mean anyways"? So I looked it up:
Being a quiet autistic kid who didn't get into much trouble, people would say I was organized and obedient and liked routine, and I HAAAAAATED this reputation. I was too shy to rebel against it openly, but in my head (and on the internet), I was like 'no, I'm CHAOTIC and RANDUM' and so I started going by crapsh0ot (with a zero because 'crapshoot' was taken :P)
Then later, I got into math and wanted to start a math channel, which I named TheLemmaLlama (a 'lemma' is basically an oddly specific theorem that has no interest or use beyond proving a more interesting theorem, and it sounds kind of like 'llama') I'm no longer interesting in being a math youtuber, but I still think the handle is neat, so I've decided to keep it
It started back when I was studying at Univeristy. One day counted how many cups of coffee I was drinking daily and was horrified (it was around 10 cups). So I completely cut off coffee and caffeine for three months, and that's when I started this username.
Nowadays I do drink coffee again, but I have a strict 2 per day limit (but I always want more)
I don't actually know to explain this since my current username wasn't really decided until 2019, but I was still definitely called Shido back in 2014. I used my real name before so I combined Shido with my real last name, Thao. I was ShidoThao for 5 years and afterwards I finally decided on a different username, ShidoDraws since a lot of people pronounces my last name wrong so I tried to make it easier for people to remember since I wanted to create a brand-like name. Though people tend to call me Shiro, yet another issue I have come across doesn't help that there's another artist name Shiro who makes NSFW stuff so whenever people look up my work they might see some interesting content that isn't mine.
Anyway, the Draws part is actually inspired by Jazza's old username Draw with Jazza and of course RossDraws as well. They both inspired me a lot and some day I wanna inspire others too just like them, maybe not though. I'll probably just stick to being a nobody that draws epic cute anime girls.
Shido was a name I thought was cool sounding, like a hero name. Plus it seemed like a rare name that people don't use as much so I picked it just to sound cool.
I got mine when I was in my early 20s i think, its a mix of the childrens story rumpelstilzkin and the mooogle stiltzkin, i liked both so the name stuck with me and i been wanting to change it forever caus it sounds like a stupid name and noone can ever spell it so im not easy to find but i guess im to attached to it
I been wanting to go back to my old username Alven (meaning the elf in swedish) but I guess i just been stuck with rumpenstiltzkin for so long it feels weird to change.
Oh, this is a pretty funny one. Basically, back when I was in middle school, I really badly wanted to become a youtuber like Pewdiepie, but I had to come up with a cool name, a name which stood out. I wasn't able to find any and, at a certain point, I also remember opting for "TheCobra260" or something like that. That stuff was far too edgy and didn't reflect how I actually am so, for a period of time I just kept thinking.
Then, one day, I came up all of a sudden with the name "Doublekey". I don't know why precisely and how, but my brain just told me "Hey, what about Doublekey? It sounds cool, doesn't it?". I thought it was quite a creative name so, in the end, I decided to keep it. Later on, I also gave this name to a main character of mine (he was the protagonist of my Pokemon fan series. It's a long story, maybe one day I'll tell it). So, yeah, unfortunately there's not much of an origin story, I just kinda came up with it along the way and thought it sounded cool and mysterious at the same time. A youtuber named Doublekey who made animations and played games, to me, seemed quite a cool idea.
Oof, my username? Well, a few years ago, I wanted to go on YouTube as a vocal artist. My first thought was the phrase "She has those golden tones." My favorite gemstone is the opal, so I thought changing gold with opal would be even prettier. Yes, that was 100% my thought process, I was a very vain child. Anyway, I moved away from the YouTube phase before I could talk my parents into letting me create a channel, but the username Opal Tones stuck in my mind. It's been my username for every website I've signed up for ever since then. I'm still into music as a whole. Is there any dude with some pipes wanting to get out there? Just thought of that.