11 / 48
Sep 2023

That's the thing, I don't know people's tolerance level. Cain isn't the bad guy and neither is the Serpent. God was the antagonist and the only reason why Eve turned into a mech was that she didn't like how God was treating her. The main character of the story was Seth. And I gave him sister which I called Indianapolis.

Yeah. I get you because people can be sensitive even when it comes to the most neutral topics. I admit I don't like the idea of The Lord being the bad guy, but it's your story and I simple leave stories that rub me the wrong way alone.

Honest? I think my current idea is weird, at least in concept. It features a religious chicken who's obsessed with his human caretakers and treats them like idols and/or divine messengers from the "Mother Hen".

Kinda funny you mentioned religion, cause I was always curious of what a religious demo would think of my comic. (Used to be Baptist, by the way, kinda agnostic now due to education and my intense curiosity for other religions and/or mythology, which is/will be featured in the story, or at least hinted.) But I try to depict things as tastefully as I can, though I know I can't keep everyone 'un-offended'. Guess if I have to go to hell over my comic, I'll go there with paper and pencils.

On another note? There was a novel idea of Cain being the Grim Reaper. Kinda fits his MO, lol!

I want to make a story that's essentially a bible for this fictional pantheon of gods and then create a comic where it's straight up Exodus that embraces the horror/optimism of the source material (but mostly the horrors). The protag is also inspired by one of my favorite saints while being a weird combination of Prince's crew. The "villain" (we're not exactly sure if they're REALLY the villain or a victim) is straight up John Lennon and it talks about how sinners can create the most beautiful music. Like how Prince makes music about the pleasures of sex and all that, but at the end of the day he evokes the message of God (he's the most graphic out of the two) while Lennon sings for man (despite being neglectful). Basically "I Would Die 4 U/Gold" vs. "Imagine" and like... making you question where these beautiful songs come from and separating art from artist.

Makes parallels to funk with the Bible and how that's the ultimate music genre. Dissection of other counter-culture genres and how unlike all of them (metal and punk), the founders of Funk aren't sellouts? Although Bootsy was tricked into NFT's recently lol... that dude is very naive... and old. I could talk about that too. It also discusses absolute truth, Catholicism from the point of view between traditional countries like Mexico/Ireland and secular countries, why people being dealt horrible hands in life believe in God in the first place (I want to explore how people look at it from an outsider's perspective vs the people who've actually experienced it), God essentially taking his own medicine during the crucifixion, and HEAVEN NOT BEING FASHION (which is a commentary on people trying to make Christianity more "trendy" not as a way to collect more people.. but just cope). This was a theme pushed by Prince. Finally intelligence vs. wisdom.

Comic involves boltzmann brains, cosmic shrimp that's straight up Moses, stealth chameleon aliens, teddy bear human murderers, a cockroach alien that's Rasputin, a fangirl club sisterhood that worships one particular human, and an alien converting. I do NOT want this to be preachy. I do NOT want this to be like "God's Not Dead". I straight up want this to have this vibe:

With the Holy stuff being more creepy/scary/violent than the demonic stuff, but at the same time... they're still the good guys? One of the heroes straight up goes full blown crusader and the ending turns into the most horrific thing ever (I've been tinkering with it for a year now) to the point where you forget THIS is the character you're rooting for. Are they still human or did they trade their humanity for the greater good? It makes it more haunting considering the fact that the villain is the protagonist of that "bible" I mentioned and that crap is going to be six books lng.

Basically one giant adaption to the whole "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves" quote.

Oh and I want to make a story about a samurai blood cell holding a sickle.

Like someone else said here, religion can be a very touchy topic so please, I'm going to have to ask people to be sensitive. I asked for your weird ideas not challenge religion ideas. There's nothing wrong with the latter, but I don't want to get in trouble so I will you all to please stop or I will be forced to close the thread.

Let's keep the them neutral.

I wouldn't be sharing it though if it wasn't the weirdest idea I have so far. Also I think themes are always going to be challenging people's thoughts on stuff regardless. Someone might bring up politics for example and the weird allegories for that regarding their stories (which happens a lot). As long as people aren't outright name calling others, we should be fine. I think the keyword here should be "civil".

Alright. I just thought fair warning was in order just in case.

Anime-esque mermaid cats with weather magic fight and kill demons. And it's all Christmas themed.

To be fair I was like, 9 years old lol.

I think I've seen that premise in a couple romcoms before... and in some of the pay-to-read webcomics on here. Not that exact plot, but "Divorcing/Divorced couple who hate eachother work together on a thing, ends up falling in love Forreals!" has been a thing.

It's hard to pick, most of the stories in my head are weird, at least weirder than my current project. There was one project I tried to start years ago that was going to be like a plot with porn, sci-fi fantasy about Your Average Guy Going To College, But He's Not Your Average Guy Because He's Awkward And Quarky! He gets abducted by these plant cyborgs from some planet in another dimension, turns out he's a shape-shifting bird dog thing, and his species used to help keep this one type of tree alive via... certain acts, which produced these plant people who then went out to either distribute seeds of other plants, or become trees themselves. The trees producing a spore-like pollen that fertilized the dirt in the area, as well as flowers and fruits (Separate from the plant people pods.) that fed a lot of animals.

Anyways! Some group of humans found their way there years ago, turned the whole planet into a desert wasteland by killing everything, not understanding how the ecosystem worked. They all died off leaving one scientist, and a single tree they isolated in a greenhouse type of dome. The assumption is he wanted to try fixing everything by bringing back the only dog-thing left, turns out he just wants to study the dog, A.K.A the MC. One of the plant cyborgs also develops a thing for the bird/dog-thing man because they basically have brains similar to humans, and are capable of experiencing emotions.

There's more to the story and lore, but that's the quick gist of it. Very weird premise, just talking about it I can tell how weird it sounds. I wouldn't mind trying to pick it up again someday just because I want to see how people respond to the story as it unfolds, and who would actually read this, it would be a great social experiment.

There's also the story I've brought up on the forum a couple times. The one horror/fantasy/road trip story about a god who ends up being turned into a mortal (Kind of.), is imprisoned for a long time in the world it was "mortalized" in, and made out to be a cursed monster along with demi-gods that were imprisoned. (There's like a whole thing about the different gods, how they're created, what the can and can't do, etc.) It gets freed, learns what's been happening to it is bad actually and not normal for this world, so the god gets so pissed off that it becomes a new type of god designed to cause plague/disease and consumes souls. Although it can, and will if it feels like it, consume everything. Ambition is sparked within it brought on by pure anger, it sets off the devour the god that created it, which has no name but is later called "The Roots" as it resembles tree roots.
Long story short the god learns to chill out on it's journey, ends up being devours by The Roots, and is spat back out later as a new god.

It's also a sort of mini "love story" because the god is accompanied by a half god that used to be it's friend, betrays it, then is willingly enslaved out of guilt to make up for what he did. Later on he is no longer a slave, but ends up staying as a demi or follower of this god, because he becomes totally enamored by it as it grows emotionally and becomes less of a creature of horror. The guy has weird taste.

Like the previous story this one also has a lot more too it... like, I can make a novel about all the details going into the lore, but that's the gist of it. I actually would really like to pick this one up, it's been developing in my head since I was in high school, and is kind of my "baby project". The only issue is it's super long, and has a shit-ton of lore details that I would want to make a whole separate book for, so the project is massive. It'll take a lot, I'll have to figure out if I want to dedicate basically the rest of my life to it give how long my current comic is taking.

Ummm I'm in the comedy genre atm so be prepared. To be honest there are a billion strange concepts but this is just out of those I remember...we have an action comedy tale about some space raider who have to save the universe. Seems like a generic 12 ear old story idea right? WRONG!! The villans I had was called Slyvester a 30 yo scientist who thought the world was flat and made inventions such as radioactive catboys... also he has a reptoid clone who tries to correct his nonsense to no avail... yeah

I had several different weird ideas but most were for game stories and gameplay...

Though I had a few ideas for comics, none of them got TOO bad or weird in my opinion.. I will mention a unintentionally controversial comic though, along with others that waere supposed to be weird..

UBERNATURA was intentionally supposed to be weird; as it combined references from American adult comedy movies, and parodied anime. Some of it works, while most was a little awkward to work with.. The few who looked at it immediately noticed any and all Dragonball Z references though.. So I guess some of it turned out right?!

The weirdest parts came in at what is deemed "OK" , so many anime and manga scenes were heavily altered to fit the action-comedy tone and ease up on anything outside of those genres...

I had did another comic about a man turning into a monster whenever he was angry and/or in danger...for some reason it was banned from that site, so I have to assume it was weird in some way(?) It was properly rated for the violent scenes, so I don't know, the situation around it was actually weirder than the comic itself though

Last but not least; I did a comic on Miiverse that also parodied manga to a drastic extent. And what was supposed to be a comedy, turned out to be very serious romance comic at the end. Always thought it was weird how drastically that changed.... I remember planning ahead to a extent, but the darker arcs and dramatic ending chapters were not planned to be that way.. It was never supposed to be dramatic at any given point

I get you on how ideas change.

Originally, Cupcake War Machine was going to be much more serious and be much more dark and dramatic, but I decided to soften it because I had just become a mother for the first time and the birth of my inspired me to make it a comic about the healing power and support of family unity and dealing with abandonment as well as self-worth trauma.

I would totally read this! Did you have a larger set story for it?

I did...but honestly The Boys and Invincible really set the bar for deconstructing superheroes. My plan was that the story would start in like the silver age of superheroes and revisit them after the kids became adults in the 90s.

These drawings are old as hell, so sorry if they're kinda janky.

FYI Rictus grows up to tour with Insane Clown Posse :joy:

I really love provoking content and I always find it sad when artists have to restrict themselves.

In Germany we call it Kunstfreiheit, freedom of art. It has borders too, when it gets to insulting,
collides with other fundamental rights, violates human dignity, threatening physical integrity, or infringing on personal rights.

But beside that I think people try to restrict art too much

Yeah, my whole point of the story was not to be pro or anti Christianity. It was sort of more a story about censorship (ironically).

Like it was more of a “what if all this crazy stuff happened yet none of it was written down because it would make God and Eve look bad.” But with a scifi twist. Everyone had new names, like Cain was called Canis (thus why he dressed like a dog).

And I guess I would want to make it so over the top that no one would take it seriously.

Oh interesting my current comic is meant to be weird to the point where the reader is like "what is this" the story is a meme in itself haha. However the end is also quite a drastic change from the beginning like in your last comic. However, I feel like changes in tone can work if appropriately used. Mind you I planned my comic to start as a really bizarre romcom where there is this weird mystery involved and once we get the answer things get serious... It's a good way to invoke emotion in the readers ig...