47 / 65
Oct 2020

Two lovers reincarnated that remember each other and their memories when they meet. Bonus points if they've remembered several past lives to imply that this love is strong and timeless.

Also the classic "Monster X Human" pair. That's the good stuff

Adding onto this:

When the powerful god-like entity not only falls in love with a human, but would harvest souls, devour entire worlds, and break the fabric of time in their honor. Honestly, you can swap out "human" with "being" if you're doing non-human characters. But either way, I'll eat that shit up.

Bonus BONUS points if it's cosmic horror romance >w>

Alternatively, I love it when all powerful god-like entities have to scramble because they fell in love with a sweet but dumb human who gets into danger 24/7.

Love that I'm not the only one who enjoys monster x human pairings! I was a little hesitant to start posting my second novel because I wasn't sure how the monster x human romance angle would go over on tapas, but then I read some of Secunda and was like 'All right, monsters are a-ok!'

  • Enemies to lovers and any of its subtypes(?) - Enemies to friends to lovers, friends to enemies to lovers. I'm gonna say it rn bc i know someone's going to say it - the last one is catradora.

  • Do you know that trope in stories with alternate universes/time travel and it's basically "a is always in love with b, regardless of the timeline" because that is either the fluffiest thing or an angst galore, there is no in between, and that's why I love it.

  • "haha what an idiot" "wait, that's my idiot"

  • sunny, optimistic, babey x emo with a backstory who only trusts and opens up to one (1) person

  • mutual pining because both parties are insecure and don't think they deserve the other, extra points if it's a slow burn.

  • the trope where a has a dumb nickname for b and they never call b by their real name, up until B GETS CAPTURED/INJURED AND A SCREAMS B'S REAL NAME IN AN ACT OF DESPERATION. i call this "first name basis". bonus points if the interactions after are: "did you just call me by (real name)" "no, i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about"

  • finally, my absolute favorite. friends to lovers, the only reason why i considered continuing to write a story i hated

I love hurt-comfort tropes... I guess they call it whump? It's a trope I didn't realized existed even though I always liked those scenes (ex. Harry Potter always in the hospital wing, etc.)
I tend to like it when the girl is weak and the guy takes care of her. I'm sure there's some psychological reason as to why I like those tropes but I don't think I want to know. :sweat_smile:

But I HATE love triangle tropes that always exist in Korean dramas and comics, where there's always the main love interest and the "better guy" who she always leads on but never picks.

I've never been a fan of Korean dramas but I know the thing with love triangles you're talking about. It also boggles my mind with those types of triangles is that the "drama" between the main couple is often something really minor or could be minor if they would talk it out like grownups.

I don't know if this one is a trope but I like wholesome, mature, and late bloomer stuff, more so if the characters are in their 30s or older.
I feel like most romance stories are concentrated on teens and early 20s which I could say, I've had my share. :slight_smile:

I share the feeling. While I haven't been very lucky in terms of love, I've witnessed tons of angsty teen/early 20s relationship drama.

People who start as low-key enemies/rivals and snark at each other so hard it's blatantly obvious they feel really passionate about each other and enjoy each other's company and just want to be snarky together forever. :heart_03:

Awkward lawful good who is so nice, self-sacrificing and honourable they'd die before doing something selfish or ethically wrong, saved/protected from being taken advantage of by scary-seeming person (possibly reformed villain) who is actually just awkward and has no idea how to interact with people normally. :heart_01:

Friendship/Bromance that just sort of... evolves into a romance because they're just so comfortable around each other and it's like... oh huh, I guess we'll move in together, huh? :sweat_02:


Speaking of Lawful Good, I love the White Knight romances and the archetype. I know that the last decade or so, the emo badish boys were all the rage, and I like bad boys well enough if they are golden-hearted, but I will take a white knight who is written with passion any day. I'll die on the hill that good, honorable and earnest is not boring.

Same with my characters, to be honest xD It's almost physically impossible for me NOT to have them kind of act like a couple while not being a couple xD I just gravitate to that default, I suppose.

Monster/alien x human is my main preference. Pretty much package anything like this and I'll like it. As long as it is or develops into a healthy relationship.

Mutual pining is fun. Especially with misunderstandings like one tries to fess up and the other is just totally doesn't get the implications. lol

Enemies/rivals to lovers, for the spicy potential. And the quiet mutual pining that comes out as arguments. (Can be an unhealthy representation, but - if done right - can be amusing and not unhealthy.)

Friends to lovers.

Oh! And pretending to be dating only to fall in love. Especially if they're struggling to be nice/lovey-dovey in front of others.

Hi! Are you my long-lost best friend? Because wow do we think alike! :joy:

I agree, there's something about it that just makes my heart melt and tickles my funny bone too xD as two individuals that decide to fake date or fake marry for whatever reason and they end up really working well as a couple and then they fall in love.

Yes!!! I feel this. Even if your story isn't a romance, I don't think it's bad to show characters showing affection in physical ways that both are comfortable with.

Revisiting this thread because HOW did I forget goth/prep or sun/moon