20 / 41
Aug 2024

@TAMAnnoying I feel so guilty trying to write characters like that :cry: The mother of one of my boys is homophobic/transphobc/everything-phobic and I get so sad writing her :cry: I didnt list her cuz she doesnt appear thaaat much (because of lore stuff)

Renée wants to be everybody's friend, and as such can be too trusting of people.

Terry, as a result of his super-religious upbringing, doesn't do well with crowds.

Mike is the creative type who doesn't adjust well to non-creative environments.

Ludwig gets annoyed at other people's lack of knowledge, and can't help but think that people only like him for his brains.

Bonnie thinks boys are disgusting, perverted monsters, so she's unprepared when she finds one she actually li--err, can't hate.

Katrina doesn't take abandonment well, and doesn't trust most people as far as she can throw them.

The best thing is to remember that they're not real xD but I agree it can put you in a depressing state of mind.

The benefit for myself is that Dimitri goes on a character arc and gets better (tho the amount of "better" I think will be determined by the audience) having a character with really bad flaws can be a big leap for a lot of people, and writing them going through an arc can be even more of a struggle. I really only recommend it for people who have actually experienced the character arc themselves or second handedly through friends/loved ones so it doesn't just end up being like "and then he wasn't racist/sexsist/bigoted anymore"

That or just doing a bunch of research/reading :sweat_smile:

Unfortunately this is a lot like my male lead Kattar, almost down to the night terrors. he's still afraid of the dark at 29 years old because of the way he was raised, but he keeps these things to himself.

one of my ocs mothers is colorist, and it's so hard for me even trying to figure out how to write mean comments like the ones she makes to her own children!

i honestly feel like clumsiness is one of those flaws that is not a crime but takes a very patient person to deal with lol. One of my male leads is very awkward with conversations, and it takes a really patient person to be able to carry a conversation with him

@TAMAnnoying Yeah, I get that. Well, I see a lot, and I mean a lot of homophobia in my country, we have huge religious group that involves themself in politics, it's pretty hard here for lgbtqia+ people. I'm asexual, so I didnt suffer too much, just invalidation (and a lot of times from lgbtqia+ people lmao), so I look at all my country's situation to make this character. She kinda goes through an arc like that, but because she doenst appear too much, it's subtle. It happens in the background and we see it manifest on the way she starts to treat her son little by little (some therapy helped a lot hahaha). I can't say I went through this arc myself, as I never had those prejudices (idk how but I was like that since I was a kid fr), but I know how it is to change a mindset and I try to imagine it's like that.


I feel so sad writing him suffer in silence ;-; Mine also was raised badly and he's pretty traumatized, but will he show it? will he try to heal? hell no, he'll laught it off. And he smokes a lot lmao

RIGHT?? I struggle with that too. It's so hard to make a mother being so mean to their child. As I said before, it makes me sad writing her, because it goes in the extreme oposite way that I think. I wrote a scene in the scrip where she goes crazy on her son being with a boy and I have to read again and again to make sure I could show what I meant to show.

unfortunately it's too real and too relatable for so many people

Eli's, my main character, is too trusting. He has a hard time believing people are not who they say they are.

Lottie, my main character from Lottie Dressmaker, wear her emotions on her sleeve. It makes her really easy to read and guess what's she's thinking.

honestly that's not a problem unless the people around you are toxic. honesty is a good thing

Alec is emotionally distant from his son, especially since his wife died, he's been more focused on business than family.
Luke is unmotivated, mostly, to do anything productive/worthwhile, but that's gonna change soon.

Friar(chicken) is really prideful, despite being faithful, he has more faith in his ego than in goodness.
Bucky(chicken) is lazy, like the happy kind of lazy. All I could think of, cause he's too wholesome XD

Jaime, my newest char, has a bad temper - reason to be explored later - but she's about to get served a slice of humble pie real soon.

You're right. Sadly, she's a working, independent thinking woman in the 1890's employed and surrounded by the nobility. She has no choice but to be surrounded by a lot of toxic people.

Sooooo. 1890s Elsie and the gang are from the 1890s too!

Specifically 1896 to 1898 in the first season

And planning for season two it’s gonna start on New Year’s Day of 1899/1900

Soooo… crossover?

18 days later

One of my character's (not introduced yet) worst trait is OC that occurs at inopportune times. Being obsessive on some random thing that they need to get fixed or adjusted perfectly, even when they have more important things to do.

Jinho has a very short temper and a potty mouth. Andrew has a tendency to be too passive or a bit of a pushover if the only one who suffers from his passiveness is himself. He doesn't like upsetting people, so he'll often compromise when he shouldn't to avoid upsetting anyone. Fortunately, Jinho is there to keep him from doing that anymore.