1 / 7
May 8

For example, the person only subscribe to your work but never like, comment, or does anything outside of the realms other than just being subscribed to your comic. Opinions on these types of followers?

  • created

    May 7
  • last reply

    May 9
  • 6


  • 294


  • 1


  • 8


maybe they mean to get back to it later but are really busy?

Well, when you reach a certain amount of followers and/or subs you kind of just don't care anymore. Active or inactive, they're better than none. However, a balance is what you should be more concern about. People will revisit your work if they really like it, I'd say give it a couple years for your story to cook.

I used to do a lot of promotions back when I first started making comics, I will say they are still here till this day, the active and inactive ones. What matters is that you care about your work and it will show to the readers that you do. They are just like you and me, hard working people.

I don't put too much mind to it! Whether or not they were saving to read for later, I'm just glad they added more numbers to my subs count, haha!

I only scare if the sub is truly dead, which means they are dead in real life.
Think about it, there are dead people subscribed to your comic, and what if they remember you, your views will go up, but no one know where it came from.
Haunted subs, undead subs and vampire subs are also big problems stem from dead subs.

I don't think about it. Sometimes I read a chapter or a story and I just forget to leave a like. Sometimes things happen in life that I pause reading a comic for months then go back to it. I'm sure the same happens with others and they'll get back to it eventually. In any case, there will be other people who will find and read the comic more often.

I'm just happy to be here, honestly. Any engagement is greatly appreciated, so even a dead sub or two is more than I would have thought might read my little story. :joy: