3 / 19
Dec 2016

Hello guys! I know that there are a bunch of "What do you listen to while making stuff" topics here, but my question is more about VIDEOS. I wanted to start watching some art making videos, but not really just speedpaint with music in the background. I don't know where to begin or how what to search for! Do you have anything to sugest?
In addition, I was thinking about making videos, so this is kind of a "market research". I want to know what people like and what are they looking for. Do you only watch tutorials? Do you prefer music or talking on the background? Help me! I'm lost!

  • created

    Dec '16
  • last reply

    Dec '16
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I really like Aaron's art tips! Aaron Blaise makes some excellent art tutorials, being a former Disney animator. He also makes incredible animal paintings, both on canvas and digital. I highly recommend his channel! I don't think I'd be half the artist I am now without his videos!



Ok, so basically my life is 60% spent on Youtube (the other 80% being on my comic \D), and honestly a huge majority of them are videos done by artists. They aren't always videos specifically about artwork (in fact, the ones who I watch most have a much larger variety of videos! I especially appreciate the ones about the business side of art personally~)

The main people I watch are Draw With Jazza, Baylee Jae and Sycra Yasin.

I also follow the KNKL show (Kienan Lafferty), Ross Draws, DrawingWiffWaffles, SarehKee, Yuuike (who is also a creator on Tapas!), Rambutan Illustrations, Mary Doodles, Emily Artful and, just recently, LeslieLu Marie, Happy D. Artist and Lachri Fine Art.

I used to watch Mark Crilley, but since his latest stuff is super specific, I've been slack on attendence. \D His earlier videos, as well as his Q&As and 'topic' videos, are great though!

There are also plenty of other artists I've heard of through these artists, but I either haven't checked out, or their presentation isn't quite my cup of tea.

Will Terrell, Cubebrush, LevelUP, Proko, the Jetty Jet Show, Bobmeatbag, Jellie Bee, GAHH I can't even remember a tiny amount of them!

Also, for a tip on making your videos; remember to keep in mind that nobody will be quite like you as an artist! So don't fret, and just make what you feel like making! (Also just a tip if it wasn't obvious but people /lovvveee/ tutorials so you basically can't go wrong with them as long as you actually explain something /competently/~)

Good luck on your vid making!!! (And feel free to chat with me if you have any inquires~~)

I make those kinds of videos actually! My channel is here4. I usually watch Baylee Jae and Draw with Jazza because they're top performers in the art niche on Youtube so they're pretty good for 'market research' haha. I used to just make speed paints but voiceover videos brought me -way- more success.

Oh I love art videos, especially when Im drawing myself or just want to relax. You should check out Audra Auclair, Holly Exley, Fran Meneses, Kelogsloops, JacquelinDeleon, Hannah Paints, the list goes on. The first four specialize in water colour. Thogh Jacquelin does watercolour and gouach and other stuff. They usually talk about their work, the process they go through when working with clients and techniques. And just things people wonder about the lives of full-time illustrators.

Wow! I just checked your channel (didn't expect much to be honest) and was greatly surprised! You have gained 1 more subscriber tonight =D Thanks for the other sugestions too!

@supercar97 Thanks for the sugestions! I have to check them out!

I think the only art videos I've really watched in a long time were Ross and Barry's Pokemon Art Academy videos on Game Grumps. THEY WERE P FUN and they did inspire me during a period I wasn't drawing nearly as much, even if they were basically just goofing off. IT'S NOT MUCH but it's still somethin

If you want to see videos that are more than speedpaints, I would suggest watching Will Terrell's stuff. He normally gives advice or talks about art related stuff while drawing, which is nice. Personally I don't normally watch people draw, it tends to distract me since I only put on videos for background noise while drawing. But if I did, I would be more interested in a video of someone talking about art/comic/whatever related things (if their voice isn't grating) than music.

Here is a list of artists on youtube that I watch:

  • Love Teacup Kisses
  • JacquelinDeleon
  • H.C Brown
  • LavenderTowne
  • Joy San
  • Brandon Blackburn
  • Juicy Ink
  • BitterSweetNitemare
  • DrawingwiffWaffles

All amazing artists and great youtubers. I love watching their videos!! I also started watching this series called "Sketchbook Storytime" which has nothing to do with art besides her drawing. It's posted by a youtuber called Emily Artful. I find her stories quite interesting and entertaining to hear in the background while I'm drawing or doing other stuff.

Oh man, the Art Academy episodes were hilarious! Did you see they hosted a gallery night where they sold prints of the Pokemon that they drew during that series? (Proceeds to charity and all that too!)

Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself when you're in an art block is just mess around and get silly. Take the pressure off yourself and have fun again. smiley

@rueleer Sycra is my go-to guy for art tips and advice. smiley I second this recommendation.

I mainly watch speed paints for art related vids rather than tutorials.
Autlaw is by far my favorite and has inspired me to use more vivid colors in my own art. Plus I think this person has great taste in music.

I DID, I almost bought one of the prints they put up on ebay too, but I forgot to check back when the lots were closer to closing.

I like to watch this crafting channel which teaches how to make miniatures for dolls.

I do sort of enjoy film criticism, like on a visual and writing level, that is sort of artistic. However, I feel like it's very common for YT critics to just complain and rant and not really talk about the making of a film on a deeper level.

When I do watch any type of art tutorials on YouTube, it's mainly

1) coloring tutorials by K Michael Russell or Brian Miller.
2) How to tips/suggestions on stuff for Manga Studio/Clip Studio Paint
3) Random Photoshop tutorials on how to achieve certain effects