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May 2020

Your character(s) have been invited to a Rock or Metal concert:

So, what kind of concert goer are they?

Have they ever been exposed to this kind of music?

_What do they do while there? _

How do they act?

For reference, here's a couple comedic videos as some context if you've never been to a metal show.

Now I'll do my two characters from the above picture.

The Enthusiastic Show Bro
At the show, Rip is the kind of guy who's up against the stage and doing as much as possible. He sees a pit, mosh or circle, doesn't matter, he's in it.

He goes for the mic if the singer holds it out, even if he doesn't know the words.

He smiles at everyone, and is so enthusiastic about each band playing, he does all the cues, even if he's never heard of them.

When in the pit, he hits the hardest, but he also picks anybody up that falls, or he knocks down

After a band's set, he's up there congratulating them and then moves on to his fellow concert goers, and is as friendly as possible, giving out high fives and sweaty hugs.
Rip's the guy that is kind of annoying, but by the end of the show, he's got about 10 new friends, because he's having so much fun it's infectious.

Crowdkilling Pit Ninja

Freya's the one that gets kicked out by security first. She's relentless and aggressive for almost no reason.
She hardcore dances with reckless abandon and kicks as many people as she can.
She stagedives feet first into the biggest person she can find.
She's there to start a fight, not really for the music. Look out, because the pit hasn't started, but that won't stop her.

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3 months later


She has never heard any type of music that isn’t classical. So she would probably be the most awkward person there thinking “where the hell am I?”

@Harelow17 oh...I feel like she'd be the person at the 1:05 mark on the first video, the "Don't Hurt Me" xD

Oof same for Simon, he'd be standing there awkwardly with a cup of beer in his hands asking himself why he went here.
The answer would be his idiot boyfriend Joey, who dragged him along to show him some 'good music' and who is participating in everything, because the boy can't say no and has too much energy. He would also probably end up at the first aid tent more than once, because he was a bit too enthusiastic about the pits. I don't think he would start any fights, but he just has the unfortune of ending up in them anyway.

Definitely a pop concert...Taylor Swift, lady gaga but if there is a ABBA tribute concert why not?

Bahaha this is a good thread.

I'm running with my novel characters because there's a punk/metal band in that story and I'm imagining this as one of their shows.

Kat: Hiding in the back or on the balcony, just kind of nodding along politely because concerts aren't really her thing and oh god that guy over there has more tattoos than skin.

Kody: Crowdsurfing. Doesn't know any of the songs, just there to have a good time.

Raina: Is dating the lead singer, has a new found affinity for jumping around with sweaty strangers in the pit because he took her to a pop punk show on their first date and now she's addicted to the concert high.

Marten: Hiding in the back with Kat. Casually stepping away from the drunk guy puking in the garbage can next to him.

Mitch: Is in the band. Scowling at everyone from the stage. Does not hesitate to shove a to-be stage diver back into the crowd. Security is unsure if he makes their jobs easier or harder.

Krysten: Came in with everyone else but somehow got to the barricade. No one knows how, or why, but she seems like she's having fun.

Sam: Surfing. Diving. Climbing lighting truss. Generally wreaking havoc and having the time of his life. Security keeps trying to get him but he's too fast and they keep losing him in the crowd.