3 / 32
Feb 2021

Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well today!

I'm sure we've all had projects we've wanted to take on, but find we are unable to do so due to time constraints, busy lives, or already existing projects!

So my question is, what are these projects? Why are you unable to take them on? Do you plan to make it in the future? You can be as detailed or vague as you want! I'm just curious!

For me, I have LOADS of ideas lol but one thing I've been kicking around in my mind is an Indivisible RPG fan comic. However, I wouldn't be able to take it on, because man, do I suck at updating my current webcomic on time already :sweat_smile:

  • created

    Feb '21
  • last reply

    Feb '21
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I've always wanted to animate something- anything really. I has an idea for an horror series, but I don't have the time to sit down and learn animation, sadly.

I'd love to do some sort of animation project, either related to my comic or for one of the other stories floating around in my head. It's super time-consuming to animate though and I kind of don't have the patience for it lol, especially with everything else I need to get done. It's cool to think about though!

Another thing that I've done in the past but don't have the free time to put into while working on my comic is game design and programming! For a while I was really into making games in RPG Maker, and some sort of tie-in game with my comic would be pretty neat.

A videogame for my comic.

Something 2-D-ish.

I'm not a game developer not I know as much of programming, animation and videogames mechanics as I'd like to, and I still don't have money or time to get in a course for that, but I hope in a span of 5-10 years, I can get something, first on my own, then with help of other people.

Well, I wanted to make an animatic series... but I have not the time nor the equipment. So what I ended up with is a series of photos of real life drawings edited together in iMovie to the songs.

At the top of my list is building another arcade machine. I built one in the past, but sold it when I moved into a smaller apartment. Of course I really should always do more portfolio work for gamedev since it's what pays the bills. I've got a megascanner that I built a couple years ago that I really should fix up, since I left it outside and a raccoon sat on the camera mount and broke it. Could probably spend some time on that and get money selling photo scans of materials, but I'd have to rebuild a bunch of it to get the quality up, which would take a couple months. I've got a building generator app that I spent three months writing a year ago, that was finally getting to the point where it could reliably generate useable assets, but quit working on it cause I was sick of it. Could do more greeble sets to sell on artstation, cause weirdly they actually make a fair amount of money for like 4 days of work. Really should finish all that, but I care more about my comic!
Honestly if I could find the time to just have a day off, that'd be swell.

I would actually practice playing guitar and bass so that I could create my own soundtrack for my comic. That's the big one I've always wanted, but have to split my time between art and music. Art always wins out.

I've always wanted to make a lifesize, movie accurate,Ripley in a powerloader cosplay (from Aliens.)


I'd like to finish the RPG I was working on. My comic is based on it (or at least its sidequests), but when I started the comic, I put the game aside. Now that I have more programming experience, I think I could make something good if I had the time.

I'd love to make animatics or animated shorts/trailers for my comics, but learning to properly animate and use animation software is time consuming and difficult. Plus, there's the issue of finding music, sfx, and voice work.

I also want to make more comics outside of the one I'm doing now. A magical girl, a fantasy, and a prequel spinoff to the story I'm doing now.

I'd want to learn how to crochet so that I could make amigurumi and see if that could be a side hustle for me, or at least so that I could make my own plushes of my OCs.

I just don't have the time to try and learn a new skill rn. :sob:

Animation is something that I've always been very interested in, but have yet to find time to try out.

Ditto on wanting to learn to play guitar better. I own one and have played a bit here and there but if you asked me right now to grab it and play a song, I wouldn't be able to remember any lol.

trying my hand at making some youtube content has been on my mind the last few months, but I have yet to find time to sit down and try recording anything lol.

For the animation bit, I might try my hand at that this year, actually. I started a Twitch channel last year and wouldn't mind making some like... 3 second animations or something for my alert notifications instead of using the generic stock ones like currently xD

Youtube is something that I want to try and find time for this year too- even if I can only make a couple of videos, I think I can piece something together over time~

Sadly I don't foresee having time for music any time soon though... ;u;

If my comic could be an animated series instead, that would be the best. I tried animating a movie (I started when I was 14 and didn't know any better) and in five years of working on it, I only got one 10 minute part finished.

I'd also love to learn how to sew and dabble around with fashion design. I just feel like there's a steep learning curve at the beginning that takes too much time to overcome.

I would love to make an epic 500 page comic. But currently, I'm too slow, I'd burnout after a couple years.

Or, I'd like to make a scrolling comic, but again, it takes too long just to make one episode.

I would love to get back into sculpting, crafting and sewing. I was an ok sculptor and seamstress in my teen years, but depression + college happened, then I got a ton of health issues that limited my working time in a day to only a couple hours (my hands would swell and hurt if I did more than that). My hands are recovering now, but because it's a nerve issue my proprioception and small movements just aren't there. I'm reasonably confident I can work at least some of it back, but... I need to recover more and reduce the nerve inflammation further.

I would also honestly love to draw another comic. I'm fine with my current pace on Engram. I like being able to just work on it for 2 hours a day and leave it alone if I don't feel like it. But that does mean that if I HAD the health for it, I could easily do a number of other story-telling projects - for variety. But, again, I don't really have the health to draw for 7 hours a day. I HAVE made some small movements to start working on my book again - just aiming for a few hundred words or a scene a day for now.

As of this moment I have 8 ideas for novels... and the list always grows, no matter how much I write. 🤣

Fashion design. I can sew very basic clothes but I would love to make more complex pieces.

I wanted to make a channel showing how do we make our toys, custom painting, wigs, reviews but that's literally a part time job. :sweat_smile:

I do need to find the time to practice anatomic drawing. 🥺

I'd like to get back to making visual novels... maybe once I finish one of my series...