41 / 57
Aug 2021

Inspiration came from wanting to see Religion flourish in the world again, specifically Islam. My story is heavily focused on Islamic teachings and elements and explores a heartbreaking story of a Prince who struggles with saving his kingdom from the brink of a deadly civil war. His own identity as a practicing Muslim is put to the ultimate test as he faces harrowing and death defying tragedies, one after another.

The King of Roo


My main inspiration came from pure rage of seeing people of authority (cough, politicians, cough) not doing their friggin jobs and taking money baths when small people scrape the streets for basic needs. I'm so done with that sht.

Loneliness was the motivator for me, too. That's even the basis for how the story started and what it's about. Of course, the theme has changed since its inception to match my real life circumstances in a way. My story is almost like a fantasy of what I want but can't seem to have just yet.

To cut it nice and short(especially since I am half awake right now). I watched Ergo Proxy. That's literally it. Watched an anime from the early 2000s that inspired the creation of my man cast of characters and from there it just evolved into the story I am currently writing.

My story(web novel):

Inspired by works such as Ghost in the Shell, Ergo Proxy, Serial Experiments Lain, and Akira, Technocyte: Beyond Human follows Detectives Beatrice Alice Moreau and Jay Lee Jones, an amnesiac man named Sherlock Lawson, and a mysterious young girl named Mina in a cyberpunk/ dystopian like setting as they uncover the truth behind Sherlock's elusive past and his connection to the Technocytes, enhanced humans who are able to morph metal around their bodies and manipulate technology, and the organization responsible for creating them known as SANCTUARY.

My story was inspired from a lack of creativity; I had just had carpal and ulnar tunnel surgery on my dominant hand, so I wasn't able to draw at all for a week after the surgery. Leading up to it as well, I couldn't draw as much as I wanted because it was just too painful, and I needed to save what strength/ability to draw I had in my wrist to do my art college assignments. After a week from my surgery, I couldn't take it anymore and felt inspired since I was watching a bunch of OC animatics on YouTube. I started creating the characters one by one (all the main characters were designed at 4 am) and piecing them together to make a coherent story. After fleshing all of the characters out, I realized that I was using the story and the characters as coping mechanisms for everything I didn't like about myself and what I was dealing with. Starting Hiraeth was like opening a new chapter for me; my art style changed, my music taste changed, my relationships changed, and overall, I've changed, and it's all been so good for me.

My little fantasy story was inspired by another. The Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson. The story's structure and multi-character POV, for instance. As well as a few other stories, like Trudi Canavan's The Black Magician trilogy, Berserk and Claymore mangas and a few other small influences from certain video-games.

But what made me write my story was this need to escape somewhere. I was in a somewhat darker headspace back when I began writing. I did not think much of what I could turn it into, but I felt the need to put the place where I escaped in my mind into writing. As a sort of diary. Back then, IT was not really a story, but something purely for my own sake. Sure, I talked about the idea that I would probably try to find a publisher or something, but it was really half-hearted. I did not think much other than being able to leave a record of where I've been, so-to-say.

The story isn't that dark really, but there are several passages in several character's stories where they are unraveling similar thoughts and mental obstacles as I did. Unfortunately, this dark or sometimes realism bordering undertone may be detrimental to the story, I sometimes think. It's difficult to put the thoughts I had into coherent words, but I will leave this small "poem" here that I made as I began putting my fantasy into writing.

What if I were gifted my dreams?

The ideal built by my mind, desired by my heart.
A world both bitter and sweet,
where I could enjoy every bit of the happiness.
And even the sadness, unknowingly though.
Could I remember the reality?

Or would I remember a dream?

the thought that this story needed to live, it has grown a lot from the first inception but i just really felt i had to start

I was interested in the long-running nature of comic books and how they can tell stories stretching out for years at a time. I wanted to write an adventure series with similar length, telling multiple stories and getting deeper into the characters and the world that way. ( And, since I can't draw at all, it's prose, despite the comics inspiration.)

Hi everybody. I am an amateur writer. My passion is writing novels. And really, I really want to be able to bring readers the best works. Please support me. Thank you
Name novel: Prostitute Life
Category: Romance

I always liked the story of Samson and Delilah - watched the movie and read it in the bible. I wanted to make my version of the tale/story.

I had something similar in mind when making mine

I had a lot of feelings of loneliness and I was starting to question how I can trust people what makes a friend a real friend. I was inspired a lot by JoJo because it's my favorite manga, and I didn't realize "hey, I can do that too!" until I watched some videos by Lavendertowne and McKay and Grey, so I did it. I also just had these characters stuck in my head, so I wanted to do something with them. And since I've started working on it, I've had some tough relationships with people, and I still having some. All the horror elements in my story come from the things I've been scared of while getting to know people. Like what if they turn out to be horrible, what if no matter how hard I try to connect with them or help them it's not enough, what if they don't care about me, what if I make them hate me, etc.

It's just a subject that's been on my mind a lot and I have a lot of worries about it. I guess Cat Club helps me express those worries and explore them

For me, it has to do with America's foreign policy over the last couple of years. I don't mean to get all political but we have caused a lot of wars over the last twenty years. The most recent of that was Afghanistan which I felt we should have never gone in at all and now that we are pulling out, it's not looking to good. It's just walking into things or starting things that we have no long term plan to put into action. All that is there are little goals. The flag represents the struggle of reaching said little goals but the conflict in question still rages on.

I guess my webtoon was sorta made to satisfy a sense of self-fulfillment within me. I explained this in another thread, but I was inspired to create my webtoon after watching an anime called "A Place Further Than the Universe", a show about 4 girls trying to make the most out of their youth by traveling to Antarctica. Sounds silly, but it really had an impact on me. The show stressed the importance of fulfilling your youth and making it one that you could happily look back on. Well, as your stereotypical studyholic honors student, I was like "well shit. I haven't done anything other than studying and schoolwork". I think a bit after that I decided to create a webtoon series. I wanted a label to my life other than a student. It's a bit hard sometimes to keep up with my series, but I'm glad I did it at all.

I wrote because I wanted to feel a sense of pride creating a story that was something original, rather than a fanfic. Can't say I entirely accomplished that tbh...

Even if you haven't accomplished it yet, at least you're on the way.

9 months later

pretty simple, but my whole series was sparked from one moment with my friends, and i was like "huh, this would be a cool premise for a story" and it just evolved from there.

I was literally a 14-year-old kid who loved drawing and didn't like writing, but was always coming up with little stories about everything. Then this came along, and I saw it as something with potential to be more. I have a couple other comic ideas, but this is my baby. It's worked so hard to get here, and I've struggled a lot to finally get to create it now. Super happy I'm doing it, even through my current struggles! It's very rewarding to just do it.
And, my gosh. The Tapas forums are just full of the most supportive people on the internet--it's so encouraging here! You guys are great. :blusht:

I've always loved stories in all sorts of forms so it came natural to me to want to create my own. I've probably written tons combined during my decently long life, but I've never completed a longer story from start to finish... but I think I can answer this anyway. :yum:

One of my most common story types would be the one where I take real people from my life as main characters. I think it's due to that I've always felt a sense of adventure and writing helped me to at least be able to live it through imagination. Plus, I like to entertain people and there are many who like to see themselves in a story. (However, I rarely put myself in them because that feels cringeworthy lol.) One story belonging to this type/genre was co-written with a friend in middle school. We put our whole class in a dystopic senario and read a chapter to the class about once a week which actually was pretty cool! :sunglasses:

I love writing and reading fantasy and science fiction, but I also really enjoy writing slice of life stories and... mostly everything! :smile: The only genres I'm not particularly big on are romance and comedy, at least not in it's pure form. That's probably because I'm not that romantic nor funny. :cry: